24 A Long Goodbye Updated

I step through the portal, opened for me by a Nova Specter at General Nyx's command, and take in the sight of my home sweet Tau-er home. I inhale deeply. 'Hahhhhhhh, so this is what air smells like aboard The Tau-er. It's not quite fresh, as I recall it, but at this point any air would probably do.' I look around and see that the pseudo-datascape has already been activated and Ordis, Helminth, and now Nyx are there in their physical manifestations.

""Welcome back, Operator!"" "Welcome back, Master" They greet me, in unison.

"Thank you, thank you, it's good to be back! I'm not going to lie, I had a lot of fun while I was out there on my own but I really missed you guys and can't wait to start the next part of this journey."

"Operator, we missed you as well and look forward to working with you again."

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"Master, it is a blessing to have you back. I look forward to our next mission."

"The Tau-er just wasn't the same without you, Operator. I'm just itching to work alongside you again."

"I'm glad to hear it, because, as you might have expected, just because we completed one of our most critical objectives doesn't mean that we are anywhere close to being finished. We still have a lot of work to do and much of it needs to start right now. Helminth where do we stand on Operation Controlled Opposition?"

"Master, I'm proud to announce that I have completed the Ducalidium research that you began and have learned much about how Sentient's operate. The substance that functions the best for controlling non-Sentient lifeforms is a modified Ducalidium alloy made of Gold, Orichalcum, Rubedo, and Morphics. Instead of being forged with just encoded psionic energy it is forged with True Data and Endo. The more specific the True Data is, to not only the target but also the desired purpose of the target, the more effective it is.

"The Sentient's cores seem to be made of a little referenced material called Vicarllium (Vih-carl-lee-um) that implements a similar method of controlling dark energy to Ayatan Sculptures and Stars. This alloy, made of Platinum, Morphics, and Gallium, when modified with a bit of Orichalcum and forged using the True Data method gives near complete control over any Sentient Specimen. I hypothesize that a Sentient at Hunhow's level could most probably break free of this control, after enough time.

"This is where my Catalytic Augmentations come into play. When the active substance is applied, usually through injection, it targets the nervous system and wraps itself around the nerves, spinal cord, brain, or whatever equivalent tissue might be present. Much like Primed gear, the applied substance creates a Microarray in and around these tissues, in an effort to establish control. If, however the application of the substance is insufficient a modified Sentient Core, made with modified Vicarllium, can be used as replacements for its current cores and then the control is complete and irrevocable.

"With all of that said, I should clarify that much of my success is solely reliant upon the notes and hypotheses that you entrusted me with."

"Wow, Helminth! That's a truly impressive follow through on my Ducalidium research. Thank you, for your hard work. So you're telling me that, if we replace the Lotus's cores with these modified cores and apply an injection of Vicarllium, she will be under our absolute control?"

"That is correct, Master. I could begin the procedure now if you wish."

"No, no, no, we'll wait until our meeting has concluded, before any body starts working. But that's good to hear. Now about these modified alloys...I think Truecalidium and Truellium for Ducalidium and Vicarllium respectively should work. Also, the cores will obviously be Truellium Cores. Now, Ordis how fares the Traveler? And the training datascape, how far are we on that?"

"I'm happy to report, Operator, that the Traveler aside from being completely finished is currently operating completely undetected and functioning quite well as a refuge for Tenno in the field. The Tenno who use it report high satisfaction levels and many have come under our banner as a result of its existence. The training datascape has also been completed and implemented, within the Federal Building and the Traveler. The response to the Hunting Grounds, as you've dubbed it, is much the same as the Traveler itself. Nothing but positive feedback."

"Excellent, excellent! That makes me hopeful that the Tenno may be ready for our next progression. And finally, Nyx, what does it look like on the recruitment side? Troop numbers? Squad compositions? Ratio of Tenno to Specters? Any new weapons?"

"I'm proud to report, Operator as Ordis has already mentioned, that our numbers are growing rapidly. We currently have over three hundred and forty seven total Tenno with more arriving by the day. We have 2500 hundred Specters giving us a ratio of about 7:1 Specter to Tenno.

"I've assembled a list of all available frames and categorized them as either Stealth, Tanks, Healers, Damage Dealers, Crowd Controllers, Combat Aides, or Hybrids, with Hybrids having their different aspects listed. I then constructed another list that lays out the best composition of roles for any given mission. I encourage the Tenno to work with as many different team compositions as possible to familiarize themselves with each frames capability. I then issued a memo outlining our Chain of Command and detailing how our leaders are chosen. I informed them that if they are called upon to defend our home or organization they will be issued tasks based on their rank, assigned to a squad, and expected to perform their duties accordingly.

"I requested that Ordis complement the Hunting Grounds, with a series of tests designed to separate the wolves from the sheep, the demure from the daring. These tests will allow us to determine who is ready for promotion.

"As for weapons, yes. I've been very busy but I managed to create a handful of weapons that I'm sure you'll approve of."

"Absolutely wonderful, Nyx! This is all such wonderful news. Our plans are coming along quite smoothly. Now,  before I head off to get my first look at my Traveler, I have two more matters to address.

"Ordis, when I gave you your Mesa Warframe I did so because it was the only frame that I thought suited you. Now,  however, I can give you the frame that I originally intended for you. The one that wouldn't even exist if not for your efforts." I bring forward a Limbo Warframe and place it in front of Ordis' pedestal. "You can continue to use the Mesa frame, if you wish, but know that this one is yours and you can transfer to it at anytime."

"This...Operator...I...thank you, Operator. Nothing could please me more, than to accept this gift."

"Helminth, this is sadly a moment that is long overdue but finally after far too long I present you with your very own Nidus frame." I position his Nidus in front of him. "You can utilize your intermediates to alter him in any way you wish."

"Master, I'm truly grateful for your generosity. Thank you, for this gift."

"Last but not least, we need to go over, how to proceed from here. Ordis, I want you to consume Ordis Secondary and then refashion him and two others, as a duplicate of your current self, but using only the amount of True Data he currently possesses. I assume you've constructed a data vault similar to the Orokin Archives somewhere within the ship?"

"Absolutely, Operator. The Tau-er's Archives are impressive to say the least, both in terms of capacity and security. Any information gleaned from research or from the Federalists is immediately categorized and sent there."

"Excellent! That's what I wanted to hear. I want you to review all the current varieties of Robotic Companions and fashion one, in the form of a flying robotic, with the absolute best specifications possible. I intend to embed the newly fashioned Ordis Secondary into that flying robotic and take him with me wherever I go. The other two Ordis copies will go one to the Traveler's Hunting Grounds and the other to the Federal Building's Hunting Grounds, where they will answer to the name 'Ordel.'

"I want you to fashion another robotic, with top of the line specifications, in the form of a MOA. You and Helminth both I want to construct the most powerful Cephalons you can manage, without interfering with your competency. I then want Nyx to consume those two Cephalons and construct a Nyx Secondary, to be embedded within the MOA.

"Helminth, I need you to construct a Secondary of yourself as well, with a sufficient supply of intermediates, so that your Secondary can control my Nidus, whenever I'm in Operator Mode. Also, feel free to whip up exceptional Kavat and Kubrow specimens, for me. I don't know if I'll actually use them but it can't hurt to have them there, just in case.

"Helminth, before any of that, I'll need you to put some appropriate restraints on the Lotus, something that prohibits the use of any abilities, and let me speak to her before you operate on her. She seemed very genuine in her concern for the Tenno, so I believe she at least deserves to know what's happening and why. I'll speak with her, after I've toured the rest of the Traveler.

"Once the Lotus is under our control, I'll have Nyx begin revealing the Reservoir to the Tenno. Nyx, the Lotus, and I will put on a public display that will be broadcasted over Darvo's Data Service and announce our decision to cooperate.

"Search, the Lotus's memories and return her to her usual spot within the Reservoir, Helminth. Ordis, construct various devices that can be integrated into the existing infrastructure on Lua to help repel any Sentients or other intruders.

"Also, Nyx, construct five hundred Tier 4 Specters, of your choosing and deploy them strategically throughout the Reservoir. Once you've done that, I want you to utilize the information we learned about the tower's operation and the mechanisms within the Reservoir and work on getting the Reservoir back into the Void and hidden once again."

"So to close, if you find yourself in a position where you've finished all of your assigned tasks and I'm not currently available to give you new orders, resume working on your auxiliary tasks. Ordis, your auxiliary tasks are researching new technologies and reaching for greater heights in efficiency and power, for established technologies. Helminth, your auxiliary tasks are finding new ways to utilize the various forms of Infestation, researching ever more impressive biological companions, and discovering the uses for parts of newly discovered species. Nyx, your auxiliary tasks are to reexamine current enemy positions and determine if they are vulnerable, maintain morale amongst the Federalists, and craft new weapons. For now, that is all. Are there any questions?"

""None, Operator"" "No, Master" They respond in unison.

"Wonderful! In that case, I'm going to the Traveler and have a look around. I'll speak with you all later."

I head over to my Orokin Style Orbiter and Liset and set a course for the Traveler's current location. My Nidus has been repaired, at this point, and I reequip it for my stroll through the Traveler.

Upon arrival, I'm entranced by the size and shape. It's monumental and seeing it as a head sized hologram beforehand doesn't do anything to diminish its splendor. I disembark and spend a few moments just enjoying the sight of ships flying in and out. I then take a trip through the Central Engine Room,  before heading up to the ShipYard floor. I then check out the living quarters and control deck on the highest floor.

Upon arrival at the factory, on the first lower floor, I check all the equipment to make sure everything is in working order and then head down to the holding cells. Taking my time, I modify my trip through the various vaults and holding cells, to make sure that the Lotus is the last stop.

Here at the Lotus's cell, I can see that she has been equipped with some heavy duty looking binds. I contact Helminth and instruct him to grant me access to the cell. The cell door opens, as the rift holding the Lotus in stasis dissipates. I enter Operator mode and leave my frame, beside the door. I walk in, and hear the door closing behind me. The Lotus is now slumped on the ground and she is gradually reorienting herself. I walk in front of her, with my hands clasped behind my back. She looks up slowly and tries to place my face.

"Hello, again, Lotus. How are you?"

"...I...who are you? Do I know you?"

"You should. You left the safety of your little hideaway, in order to save me from an uncertain fate, not even six hours ago."

"...Tenno...it can't be…"

"Oh, it very well can be Lotus and it is. Listen I know that a lot of what I'm going to tell you is going to seem quite unbelievable and perhaps impossible. You should know, however, that it is all true and the only reason I'm telling you is because I think that you deserve to know. I don't hold any personal grudge against you but what must be done will leave you in a vegetative like state and I believe you deserve an explanation as to why this will be happening, even if you can't stop it.

"You see, Lotus, I was born into this world as a Tenno. Which is to say, I'm not originally from this world. I died in my original world and my soul was transported into this one by some unknown force. My soul was placed inside this body during the time of my awakening.

"In my old world, the Universe you live in was not real but part of a game called Warframe. It was enjoyed by millions of people all over the planet Earth. In that game you and all the events that have unfolded since my awakening were already played out. As soon as I was aware of what had happened to me, I began using the knowledge I had, from my time playing Warframe in my world, to predict and manipulate events here in this Universe. Every time I neglected to intervene in a scenario or visited a location where an important artifact was supposed to be located, I grew more certain that this Universe's timeline was nearly identical, to the game that I had played.

"So I used the knowledge that I had and manipulated all of the events that have occurred, up until this point, to ensure that you came out of your hole and ended up here. As stated previously, I have nothing against you personally but I know that in the future you will betray the Tenno under Hunhow's influence.

"After being reincarnated here in this world, I've taken my role as a Tenno very seriously. I have absolute dedication to making the Tenno the most prosperous faction in this system and many others.

"I, as you might have guessed, am the leader of the Federalists. Originally, during the mission to retrieve my true body, we should've been assaulted by many of Hunhow's Sentients. My organization, however, has been hard at work capturing all of the Sentients in the system. Even the Sentient that sent you running the first time we encountered them was being controlled, by my Cephalon controlled Nyx. They were also responsible for stalling the Stalker, within the flower like device.

"Once again, I don't expect you to believe everything that I'm telling you or indeed anything. I simply got the distinct impression that your feelings for the Tenno, who are now my people, were genuine and I thought you deserved to know, before we inject you with our specially designed mind control substance, that the Tenno are in good hands and you will continue to play a role in their future. Just not as yourself, but instead as our puppet. Well, that about sums up my end. Was there anything that you'd like to add, before I send in my surgeon?"

"...Thank you, Tenno, for sharing this with me. I don't know whether or not what you say is true but a lot of it makes sense of things that didn't before. I choose to believe in you, Tenno. Please, keep the others safe…" The Lotus's face is covered in tears. "You claim to have come from another world. Would you perhaps share your true name with me?"

I have to stop myself from choking up. "My name is Leon."

"Leon...I see, then I bid you farewell and safe travels Leon."

I quickly turned around to hide my tears and begin walking away as I whisper over my shoulder. "Goodbye, Lotus."

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