25 Operation Tenno Party of Three

I step off of my Liset and into The Tau-er. Alright, well that didn't go exactly as planned. I was expecting her to be more defiant. Although, her response certainly validates my decision to come and speak with her in the first place. Now, that the Lotus is finally out of my hair, I can roam the system freely, without worrying about who I'm with or what frame I'm using. With that in mind, I head back to the Orbiter and task Ordis with locating the Twin Queen's Kuva Fortress. As for me, this newly released body has had entirely too much excitement for one day. ????My mind's on my nappin and my nappin's on my mind.???? ????Dream of Tenno nappification???? 'Okay, that's enough of that.'

"Good space, Ordis."

"Good space, Operator."

As soon as I awaken, I decide to start this new life off right. I drop to the ground and do as many pushups as I can. 'Good grief, only twelve and my muscles are completely spent!? That settles it, I'm going to spend every free second exercising, until this body has been rehabilitated.' I spend another two hours in my personal quarters doing various exercises. I then jump into the shower that was added in anticipation of my body's retrieval.

I go to The Tau-er's Founder room and look through the potential options. I interact with the various customization controls and options, until I've configured something I like. I then make four more configurations and set the Founder to work. While I'm waiting for my new wardrobe to finish construction, I decide to run around The Tau-er's halls in my birthday suit, just to get a little cardio in. Once my first configuration is completed, I get dressed and task one of our escort Specters, with taking the rest to my personal quarters once they're done.

I enter the control deck and speak with Ordis. "Ordis, have you managed to complete any of the tasks that I've given you?"

"Ahh, Operator it's good to see you rested and refreshed. I have indeed finished both the flying robotic and the MOA. I, along with Nyx and Helminth, have all followed your instructions and constructed the necessary secondaries. All three secondaries have been embedded in the indicated host and the hosts are all combat ready." Ordis, currently occupying his "Uncle Sam" frame, signals the hosts to assemble. I witness my Nidus walk through the door, without any kind of assistance, accompanied by a robotic companion floating above his head and a MOA walking at his side.

"Excellent, Ordis! This is exactly what I was hoping for. Ordis Secondary, report!"

The floating companion issues forth a verbal response. "Ordis Secondary, reporting for duty, Operator. My current manifestation is capable of accomplishing most tasks that primary can, simply on a smaller scale. This robotic housing has been especially designed to assist in these tasks, on top of the typical functions of such a device."

"Nyx Secondary, report!"

"Nyx Secondary, reporting for duty, Operator. My current manifestation is also capable of accomplishing most tasks of my primary, only on a smaller scale. This MOA housing is likewise designed with these tasks in mind in addition to this models regular functionality."

"Helminth Secondary, report!"

"Helminth Secondary, reporting for duty, Master. I have been embedded within this Nidus frame, with a full regiment of intermediate strains and an accompanying network of Cephalids. I'm capable of accomplishing most tasks that my primary can, only on a smaller scale and I can fully control the Nidus frame in the Operator's absence."

"Hahaha, this is perfect. As if I wasn't already powerful enough, now I have the most badass partners in crime a Tenno could ask for. Of course, if we're going to run operations together, I'll need shorter names for Ordis and Nyx. Given your permanent position as my partners I'd rather not refer to you as the same name as your primary's. Ordis Secondary and Nyx Secondary, from here onwards, you will be referred to as Birdy and Bot respectively. Helminth you will obviously be referred to as Nidus."

""As you say, Operator."" "As you say, Master." They respond in unison.

"Birdy, Bot, Nidus, these are your orders for any time we're here inside The Tau-er and not on a mission. Patrol the halls and rooms of your respective primary's domain and assist them, in their various tasks.

"Ordis, make sure that the Pillories start work, on another Tau-er facsimile. It will be called the The Federal Tau-er and will be given to General Nyx to help protect Mars and eventually Earth, whenever we've conquered it. Begin reconstructing The Tau-er to focus solely on research facilities, long range detection scanning, and transport. Build The Federal Tau-er to focus solely on offensive and defensive capabilities. Send the details, of the restructured Tau-er and The Federal Tau-er, to Helminth and tell him that The Flesh Tau-er is assigned the task of taking on the most appropriate form and function to assist, whichever Tau-er might require it. Tell Helminth to station The Flesh Tau-er in orbit around Lua,  until it can be recalled to the Void." 

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"Of course, Operator. There is one other thing, however. Helminth has finished the Lotus's surgery and it was a complete success. The Lotus is completely under your control and her and Nyx both are ready for the broadcast whenever you are."

"Even more excellent news! Today is a great day! The Lotus out of my hair, my combat ready companions are completed, and Operation Tenno Party of Three is about to begin."

I head to the Void Reactor and sit down inside the Somatic Link Pod. I initiate transference and take control of my Nidus. I can sense a presence within Nidus that's similar to what Helminth felt like when I first acquired Nidus. It's a bit different but he confirms that it's him and says he'll try to minimize his presence, when not active. I check all my equipment and companions and, with a mental smile on my mental face and an actual smile on my actual face, I head towards the Orbiter. Nyx and Lotus are already aboard and waiting for me, so I depart immediately.

We arrive, at the Federal Building, and enter a courtyard filled with Tenno. There are probably a thousand Tenno crowded here today. Based on the time between now and the General's last report, I suspect many of them are not Federalists. We ascend to a raised platform, near the entrance of the central building. The General stands to the crowd's right and the Lotus stands on their left, with me behind and to the left of the Lotus. I can see Darvo's associates, with recording equipment and drones, set up at visually advantageous positions. General Nyx steps up to the podium and addresses the crowd first. The podium, being imbued with some type of amplification tech, carries her voice across the courtyard.

"Welcome, Tenno. Be you Federalists, agents of the Lotus, or any other affiliation, please, be welcome here today, for today is a historical day that we should celebrate.

"As many of you know, we Federalists have promoted ourselves as the future of the Tenno. We have not been hostile to the Lotus or those who serve her but we have sought to forge a new path for ourselves outside of the Lotus's guidance. We assumed that this was the best course of action at the time but one day we found ourselves in a diplomatic discussion with the Lotus herself.

"During this discussion, we spoke of what it is that best serves the Tenno's interests and how best to secure their prosterity. We spoke of many things but at the end of this discussion we were left, with one unavoidable fact. We are both on the same side. Our methods and beliefs may differ it's true but ultimately we have no reason to oppose one another. It became apparent to us that, if what we both wanted is what's best for the Tenno, as a community, as a family, then we should set aside our petty differences and form a coalition, that implements and emphasizes each of our strengths and compensates for our weaknesses.

"And so my fellow Tenno, it is with an overwhelming sense of pride and joy that I officially announce the Federalist's alliance with the Lotus, 'The Party of Three Alliance."

The crowd is in an uproar, as expected, and so the clapping and cheering for a while longer, until the General says, "Lotus, if you would."

The Lotus takes to the podium and the crowd starts back up again. She waits, until the raucousness has settled a bit, before she starts. "Tenno, I have watched over all of you,  for more years than I can count. I have tried my best to protect you and keep you from harm. It's true that I've sent many of you on dangerous missions but always with the full knowledge of what you were capable of. It never occurred to me, during this time, that protecting you and only giving you tasks that I thought you were capable of could be holding you back. Or perhaps more accurately, I should say that I never suspected that you wanted something more. I love you all dearly and I only want what's best for you despite whatever apprehensions I may have.

"With that in mind, I have researched, spied, and investigated everything that I could, concerning the Federalists before entering into discussions with them. Having learned everything that my vast network could uncover and having spoken with them personally, I truly believe that their desire for Tenno prosperity is genuine and I don't make this proclamation lightly. I have taken every precaution possible and I have come to the conclusion that the best path forward, for the Tenno, is in working side by side, with the Federalists.

"From this day forward, the Tenno who serve under me and myself included will be known as The Mother Organization and the Tenno who serve under the Federalists and General Nyx included will be known as The Father Organization. The Mother Organization will be responsible for watching over sleeping Tenno, ensuring a safe awakening for those Tenno, and providing those same Tenno with a safe place to hone their skills and knowledge, before joining The Father Organization.

"Take note Tenno, that there are no additional rules or regulations for The Mother Organization. Everything will be exactly as it always has been, for those who choose to remain with me. You aren't required to leave or join and it's still entirely up to you, to decide how active you want to be.

"The Father Organization will be responsible for training and advancing a Tenno's potential to the maximum. They will offer you all of the benefits, of their research and technologies. You will learn teamwork, squad tactics, economics, and many other useful subjects to provide you with the skills to help defend and advance Tenno posterity.

"Speaking of posterity, I have a very special Tenno operative named Dark Star. He has accomplished many impressive feats that many other Tenno have failed at. I tell you this not as discouragement but as a testament to his prowess and the reason why he stands beside me today. During our last mission together, we uncovered some life altering secrets about the Tenno's true nature and we plan to share those secrets here with you today. It's all yours Dark Star." The Lotus concludes as I approach the podium.

"Listen to me, Tenno. There is a place, once hidden within the Void, called the Reservoir. This Reservoir holds countless Somatic Link Pods. These pods are similar to the Cryogenic Pods you arose from, during your awakenings. Somewhere, within the Reservoir, is a pod that holds your true body. If you are wondering what exactly I mean by 'your true body' then allow me to demonstrate." I take a step back and to the side to get the podium out of their view of me. I enter Operator Mode and my Operator body appears before me and walks back, behind the podium to step up on a pedestal. The crowd is obviously stunned at what they've just seen. I proceed to tell them a partial story of the Zaramin and how the first Tenno were found on the ship. Once I've concluded my tale, I pick up where I left off.

"As you can see, the process of losing our memories has robbed us of very valuable, some would say critical, information. These bodies offer the Tenno an opportunity to be so much more than what we already are. Before, we were just mysterious operators of Warframes. But now we can breathe the air, drink the water, and live the life that everyone else enjoys. We can fashion our own names and identities.

"And yes, while it is true that we don't necessarily have the ability to pass on our Tenno genes, because whatever it is that makes us unique doesn't seem to be hereditary, it is also true that we know how to make Tennos.

"This is not something we are going to reveal on this broadcast but, if you are not a Tenno, then know that you can reach out to us, here at The Father Organization, and we will ensure that your child, who must be under thirteen, will remain safe, until The Mother Organization is ready to start the process. They will remain with The Mother Organization, until their awakening, and remain with them afterwards, until such a time as they can prove themselves worthy of the The Father Organization.

"Now, with all of the critical revelations out of the way, allow me to inform you that, while The Mother Organization is open and available to any Tenno regardless, The Father Organization is a specialized mostly military organization that has standards you must meet, before joining. Any Tenno is welcome to try but nobody's Guaranteed a place with us. We do offer initiations that put you through a process, designed to make you tough enough for our organization. That, however, is part of our testing and it can be failed and yes you can try again after failing.

"The Mother Organization, on the other hand, will participate in no combat missions outside of protecting the Reservoir and its residents. The Mother Organization will be concerned only with the safety of the Reservoir and the newly awakened Tenno. Training, for newly awakened Tenno, will be available but that will be secondary, to the Reservoir's safety. To that end, The Father Organization will be installing specialized training facilities, within the Reservoir, to assist a Tenno's true body in recuperating, from their long hibernation. Lastly, if you're a Tenno who wishes to retrieve your true body, simply put in a request with the Lotus and she will guide you to it.

"So, in closing, stay tuned into Darvo's Data Services, in order to learn when we will start accepting potential Tenno candidates. Remember, children under thirteen only. We don't currently have any method for making adults into Tenno. That is all, for now. Thank you all for coming and watching, now go and celebrate like you've never celebrated before. The Tenno have a bright and glorious future ahead of them and that future starts today."

Most of the crowd is still trying to absorb and process everything that's just been dropped on them but slowly more and more Tenno take up shouts of joy and begin departing in high spirits and even higher hopes. I watch for a moment longer, before heading back to The Tau-er. We've made quite an impression today and I'm hoping that impression will last. We don't just need new Tenno recruits but candidates as well.

Once Nyx has escorted the Lotus back to the Reservoir, everyone goes back to work and I continue my exercising.