43 Log 043: The Destroyer's Heralds

"Master," Lod said as they walked. A long convoy stretched behind the leading party that consisted of the usual suspects, which now included the Herald and Kaiza. "We approach city. Master sure stupid humans don't kill Lod? Lod work too hard to be kill now. Lod escape wives. Lod no want to die to human now."

"Lod too ugly. Human no kill Lod. Human laugh at Lod," Det said. "Det worry for Det. Det too handsome. Human girls swarm Det. Det not sure if Det heart can take it. Det heart already taken." The goblin looked back to Arcadia and winked to her.

Arcadia ignored the goblin, not even acknowledging his existence.

Insomnia was only a day's travel away from the Arrod Dungeon, and yet the rumors of the convoy and its leader had already reached the settlements they traveled through. The rumor that said the King was returning to the capital and in his entourage were monsters, a Herald and a Dungeon Core. Of course, no one believed the rumors until they saw the convoy for themselves.

"Human swarm Det only to kill Det. Det too stupid to let live," Lod replied with mild anger in his tone.

"Lod no see how humans look at Det? They think Det mighty hero, protector of Master. They say: Look at strong and handsome goblin. He protect. He attack. He lover and fighter," Det replied with a lofty demeanor. "At least Det no drag friends into det pact."

"Death pact, idiot," Lod corrected Det. "Det lover and fighter, perhaps. But Det also dead if he no help Lod find more meat for Lod kids. Lod wives chop Det up for fish bait. They make drum out of Det skull. Det skull empty anyway; less work."

"Lod wives make drum from Det skull, perhaps. But Lod forget what Wad's wives do to Wad when Wad fail to pay tax. Det die the easy way," Det said.

The color drained from Lod's face as he remembered what happened to Wad. "Lod go find boar or two. Lod screwed if he no find food. Lod in big time trouble."

"Det go help. Det skull not ready to play music," Det said, following the other goblin. "Maybe Lod get lucky and when Lod return, he find Lod wives die in accident."

"Don't talk like that about Lod wives," Lod growled angrily.

"Tch," Det scowled. "Lod need to make up mind if Lod lucky or unlucky."

"Hadron! You come too!" Lod said impatiently as he went off the path and headed into the woods.

Hadron followed the two without saying a single word.

In the distance, as the first lights of the sun rose over the mountains, the silver spires of former Argentum shone in the light. The convoy had travelled throughout the night, thankfully attracting little attention.

The road between the Arrod Dungeon and Insomnia was littered with rest stops and towns founded and developed for adventurers. Arrod Dungeon was a newbie-friendly area and saw significant business. It was also close to the neighboring, higher level Severn Dungeon.

Due to the circumstances, very few people actually got to see the convoy in daylight, but even so, the few that did made sure to convey the strange sight via telepathy, so it was not odd to see people going out of their way just to meet the convoy and pass by it "by accident".

No one really knew why they had a Dungeon Core in the convoy, or where it came from for that matter, but it garnered little attention compared to Somnus and the two humans that had an aura that was not… entirely human.

Why was the King of Arsalan in the company of monsters and, supposedly, a Herald? This was too absurd to be believable. It had to be pure fantasy. Yet, those who saw the convoy could not shake the feeling that, even so, it was still underestimating the sight.

Who was the King anyway? They never heard of or have seen this person before. They knew Heptia designated an Heir before she disappeared, but why this unknown person?

Therefore, it was not surprising to see that the entire city was already waiting to receive Somnus and his strange entourage.

The army of Arsalan stood outside the gates, divided into formations, each one standing off the road and turned towards it, halberds raised high to welcome their, hopefully, benevolent monarch.

Rose petals lay on the road all the way from the forest, a kilometer away from the actual city gates, to the palace that was in the center of the city.

The entire time the two goblins were arguing, everyone's attention was set on the sight they could see in the distance.

Both Arcadia and Emily were shocked that Somnus would receive this kind of reception—as if he was a King returning from a glorious conquest. Did they not know that Somnus not only killed their King, the King's Heir, but also their Patron God? Why were they so ready to receive the King based on some rumor? It didn't make any sense!

Yet there they all were. Waiting for Somnus to take up the vacant silver throne.

"My lord," Shinon said. "I have taken the liberty to inform your subjects of your return. I hope this pleases you."

Somnus glanced to Shinon indifferently and then blinked lazily in acknowledgement.

"Wait, you are the Herald trapped by Arsalan?!" Arcadia exclaimed in half wonder, half shock.

Shinon smiled to Arcadia. "Is that a problem?"

"You are a Herald of the Destroyer?" Arcadia queried once more.

Shinon nodded.

The color drained from Arcadia's face. Her hands trembled as she held her staff, which she nowadays used as a fancy cane for walking.

Emily also seemed alarmed.

"Why do you seem so surprised. You knew I was the Herald of Ash. Whose Herald did you think I was?" Shinon asked, his tone smooth and mannerism charming. He was a true Knight; a gentleman, poet and a warrior. Refined and tactful.

Arcadia's teeth chattered. "H-Heptia's…"

Shinon laughed out loud. "Heptia's Herald? You really don't understand anything do you?"

Arcadia shivered. "Explain…!"

Even Somnus became interested in this conversation.

"Are you not yourself," Shinon said, as he gestured to Somnus, "the Destroyer's Herald?"

Arcadia suddenly stopped. Her staff fell on the ground.

Emily looked confused. "Arcadia… what is he talking about?"

"No… that cannot be…" Arcadia whispered.

"But it is so, girl," Shinon said, crossing his arms.

"Hah," Kaiza emitted, crossing her arms at her chest.

"What did you not know?" Emily asked of Arcadia again.

"You are lying!" Arcadia shouted.

"Am I?" Shinon shrugged. "Continue to believe in your flawed understanding of the world if you wish, then."

Shinon and Kaiza continued walking, easily catching up to Somnus. Emily and Arcadia remained standing as the rest of the convoy avoided them. Arcadia fell to her knees, and began crying.

Shinon looked to Somnus, curiously. He had a question on his mind, but when he saw Somnus's indifferent expression all doubt was banished.

"My King, I just wish to once more say that I will follow you to the ends of the world. My eternal and unwavering loyalty—I give it to you."

Somnus glanced to Shinon from the corner of his eyes and then nodded.
