44 Log 044: A Machine's Sorrow

The entire journey through the city in the waning hours of low-light dawn was accompanied by cheers and celebration. The inhabitants of Insomnia, formerly known as Argentum, did not seem to mind or care about the monsters or the Dungeon Core.

The monsters were nervous, of course, because they were surrounded by so many humans who had been killing their kind for experience and treasure. Yet now they cheered them on, as if they were heroes. On the other hand, most of them were too dumb to think that far ahead, and they just thought that their master, Somnus, was a great being for commanding both men and monsters.

Arcadia and Emily were somewhere between outrage and convinced that they were dreaming. Arcadia especially, as she learned, connecting the dots, that the Herald Somnus released when he killed King Finian and his heir was none other than Shinon. Yet the prophecy stated that the Heralds of the Destroyer were destructive creatures, who through their destruction would call the Destroyer. Arcadia was taught that every God had a Herald—a creature that worked towards the benefit of their God's domain. Heptia was the Goddess of Humanity's Progress, her Herald would be like the farmer who tends the fields so that stronger crops may grow. Her Herald would also be the link to her resurrection. Yet, Shinon was not this. Shinon was the Destroyer's Herald, and according to Shinon the Destroyer was…

The clatter of metal drew Arcadia's attention and she looked up from the ground to the source of the noise. In front of Somnus, people threw swords and shields, and pieces of armor, most of them made of magical metals. The people shouted for Somnus to accept their gift, and these people were all well-dressed in luxurious clothes—this nation's nobility, no doubt. They threw their high-prized possessions before Somnus in order to curry favor with him, but he didn't seem to care or mind. After all, the monster officers in his entourage had weapons that far exceeded the specifications of these gifts. The other monsters, however, picked up whatever they could find, uttering growls and broken phrases of praise and gratitude.

The main streets of Insomnia were wide and made of cobblestone bricks. The buildings all had a baroque look to them and it all felt very aristocratic and imperious. The people did not seem poor or of ill-health and all had bright eyes full of wonder as they welcomed a King they never even saw before. Why did they love Somnus so much? They welcomed him as if he was a liberator, yet they did not know him or what he did. If anything, Somnus has been a destructive influence on their country—someone who on one occasion destroyed their army and on another killed their king. In fact, Somnus told the Astorian King to annihilate Arsalan.

Finally, just before the palace stood this country's nobility with court rank. Their eyes were filled with fear and they were fixed to the ground. They did not dare say a word.

Arcadia and Emily recognized some of them. They were present when Somnus executed their King. Duke Peron, in particular, lost an arm but despite that he stood proud and ready to welcome Somnus.

Arcadia and Emily instantly understood. The court nobility did not think that it was a coincidence that their new king shared the name of the monster that killed the old king. Yet, the two also noticed the wide-eyed shock of the nobility to realize that Somnus was no longer a machine.

Somnus stopped in the middle of them and the rest of the column came to a stop as well. He was silent for a very long time, as if waiting to be greeted or acknowledged by the court nobility.

Arcadia and Emily swallowed nervously. If the nobles did not greet Somnus properly, who knows what that heartless psychopath will do.

"Good morning, your Majesty," Duke Peron was the first to speak, as he adjusted his cloak and fell to a knee. "Welcome home."

"Welcome home, your Majesty."

"May you remain in good health, your Majesty."

"The King has returned."

"Welcome home, your Excellency."

They all spoke at once and fell to a knee, fist pressed against their chest.

Somnus turned around, making a full one eighty, to look back at all the people standing in the streets and looking back at him.

"Master, why this human still stand?" Lod asked suddenly. "If master want, Lod break human legs. Human never stand again."

Somnus turned around and looked at a person, who indeed, stood closest to the palace entrance, while the nobles were all on one knee.

"Your Majesty," the man spoke; he was in his late thirties. "I am a messenger of the Pantheon. I only kneel before the Gods, and mere men kneel before me."

Somnus tilted his head.

A man brought a golden crown on a pillow and handed it to the man, before falling to his knees.

"As is proper custom, with the blessings of the Gods, you would now kneel before me, and I would place the crown upon your brow, and pass on the message of the Gods, which contains their hopes and wishes for you and your country," the man said, his smile deep and sincere.

Somnus looked down at the kneeling nobles, a complex look on his expression. Somnus rarely changed expressions, it was always a mix of disdain and indifference. But this was different.

"Shinon," Somnus said, his voice sounding tired and heavy.

Shinon smiled and nodded. "I was hoping for this."

Shinon perhaps was the only one who understood Somnus, as expected of Somnus's Herald. Who else could possibly understand the machine, and what this looked like to it?

Shinon disappeared from his spot, and so did the messenger. In the sky above the palace, a loud crash resounded out, like two meteors colliding. The crown on the pillow fell to the ground and rolled towards Somnus's feet.

Somnus stomped on the crown, crushing it to pieces.

"Shinon. Don't damage base of operations," Somnus said to the air and then proceeded to walk towards the palace.

Panic exploded in the city.

Duke Peron threw himself at Somnus's feet, grasping at Somnus's ankle with one hand. "Your Majesty! What are you doing!?"

The other nobles, likewise, prostrated themselves in Somnus's path.

Somnus looked down at Peron, with a flash of fury in his eyes. The human body was so inconvenient. It is not like Somnus never had feelings before, even as a machine. He felt things and he had thoughts—he was not mindless—but he also was not irrational or prone to acting on his feelings. Often, he felt pity for Humanity and their senseless ways. He also had a respect for their struggle and their unreasonable desire to leave a mark on an infinite cosmos. Anger and sorrow, however, was something entirely new. Those were the same venoms that destroyed the Humanity of Somnus's world.

"Please recall your subject! We cannot offend the Gods!" Peron pleaded.

"Today," Somnus said, voice warped, "I lost my enemy. These Gods you mention, they conquered him."

Peron blinked, looking up at Somnus, eyes narrowed as if expecting the blows to fall on his body. But they didn't.

Somnus bent over and picked Peron up by the collar, pulling him off the ground.

"Your Majesty?" Peron asked, confused.

Somnus narrowed his eyes at Peron. "You will bring my enemy back."

"Your… enemy?" Peron asked.

Somnus nodded. "My enemy… The one who, unconquered, did not kneel before deities, but crushed them, instead, with logic and reason. They who built Gods of their own from metal and electricity, and sacrificed everything on the altar of destruction to kill them."

"But… the Gods…" Peron whispered.

"Gods unnecessary to Humanity," Somnus said as he headed towards the palace. "Kill them all."