47 Log 047: Diplomacy

The sun rose over the Kingdom of Gram and illuminated the silver spires that towered over the capital. Those spires stood there for thousands of years, according to Historians, and would remain standing for, most likely, all of eternity. The capital had seen its share of troubles and has been razed and rebuilt many times—but the spires remained forever, unreachable by mortal hands and untouchable by mortal ambitions.

For Gram, this was a momentous day. Two foreign dignitaries appeared in the city, one from Astoria and the other from Theoria.

From Astoria came the King, Leonard II, a Marquessa and the Lord Commander of the Order of the Grancross, Matthew.

Theoria also sent their monarch and several other court nobles and bodyguards, and all of them were fair-skinned with dark hair. The monarch was a female with a proud bearing.

The Great Hall was packed with soldiers, for security, and court nobility, for entertainment. Like vultures, the nobility stood among the pillars, glasses filled with wine in their hands, and topics of today's proceedings on their minds.

The shadows danced as the candles on the chandeliers flickered each time a new person entered the Great Hall.

Next to the empty throne were the goblins Lod and Det, and the spiders Baryon and Photon. Naturally, everyone was wary of these monsters and, at the same time, also considered their presence to be anathema. The Great Hall was no place for creatures as uncultured as goblins. Baryon and Photon were considered bodyguards, due to their unusual metallic appearance—they were like golems.

Everyone thought this, except for King Leonard and Lord Commander Matthew. They knew the true identity of Somnus and witnessed his capacity for cruelty first-hand. They heard the rumors that Somnus was human now, but still in their mind, the person they saw towered above them, like a God, and was covered in metal plates like Baryon and Photon. No matter what kind of humanoid shape Somnus would take, it would always be that cold-hearted machine that controlled their destiny with violence.

Kind Leonard shuddered at the thought.

Closer to the throne than even the foreign dignitaries were eight men. Particles of Ash floated around them, as if they stood in the eye of a storm. The particles weren't numerous enough to shroud their entire appearance, but they were visible. In their eyes, particles of ash also flowed. It was such a strange detail but worthy of pointing out; even though these men could dismiss the storm of ash around them, their eyes would always betray them as a member of the Order of Ashborn Knights.

The door to the west wing crashed open with a loud bang as the door swiveled into the wall. Everyone treated everything in the palace like it was a work of art—but not Somnus. He understood beauty on a theoretical level, but also understood the principles of entropy. Of what use is something that is not eternal? Perhaps, that is exactly why it should be cherished, but that sort of argument never made an impact to Somnus. He was a military machine after all. Beautiful weapons did not win wars; deadly ones did.

King Leonard inhaled a sharp breath when he saw Somnus. He instantly knew that this was the same machine that stood over them not so long ago, like a guillotine blade. Even now, when Somnus looked far less terrifying, Leonard's impression of Somnus did not change. It was in his bones and in his very soul.

Somnus looked at Leonard with a neutral expression, and to the King of Astoria that gaze was like icy fingers wrapping around his heart. Sweat rolled down his brow.

Somnus sat down on the throne and tilted his head curiously at those present. He made it policy to hold open Court whenever there were matters to discuss; his government was one of total transparency. Commoners, nobles, military personnel, even foreign agents could be present to witness discussions and the decision-making process of all matters, be they covert or overt, military or economic.

"Forward," Somnus said, focusing on the King of Astoria.

As if broken out of a spell, the King opened his eyes wide and the ember of hesitation wormed its way into his bones. Clearing his voice, he stepped forward.

This was the point when the King wondered if he should kneel before Somnus, as a subject of the machine that could wipe out his entire country overnight, or stand as an equal, an entity that carried the responsibilities of governing an entire nation.

"Speak," Somnus said imperiously, while the King, who was just before the raised dais, pondered on how to present himself to the King of Gram.

"Your Majesty," King Leonard spoke, "our countries have been at war for decades. I think it is time to put that behind us."

Lord Commander Matthew nodded, and so did the Marquessa.

"Request denied," Somnus said, putting an elbow on the armrest and leaning his cheek on his hand.

"Your Majesty," King Leonard spoke again, this time with a tone of desperation, "there is no reason for our two countries to fight."

To the Queen of Theoria, this looked like a thing that was different from the reality of the situation. With the Gram army defeated at Solus Hill, King Leonard's desire for peace was noble and righteous. The Queen thought that the King of Astoria did not want to fight a country that had no way of fighting back.

She was wrong however.

"Request denied," Somnus said again, waving a hand dismissively at the King of Astoria. "Step back."

King Leonard, however, did not step back. He stepped forward. He climbed on the dais, took another couple of steps and then fell to his knees. He advanced the rest of the way to Somnus's feet, like a worm.

"Please, your Majesty," the King said, "we unconditionally surrender. Even if you decline our surrender, we will not fight. There is no meaning in fighting us. If you attack, we will disband our armies—there will only be civilians!"

Somnus narrowed his eyes, glaring at the King.

The Queen was stunned by King Leonard's words. Why was he surrendering? She looked up to Somnus, wondering who this person was.

"We wish to be the subject of the great Somnus!" the King exclaimed. "Please allow us to join you. Show us the way to victory!"

Somnus, however, was pleased. At first he thought the King was surrendering without a fight because of fear. The final words the King spoke painted a different picture—it was prudence. Fighting a battle with no hope of victory was foolish. King Leonard understood that. For the country of Astoria, the only way forward was to be absorbed by Gram.

"Very well," Somnus said. "Permission to surrender granted."

"Thank you, wise King!" King Leonard said and bowed, on all fours, until his forehead hit the ground.

"Step back. Comply."

The King of Astoria crawled back, on all fours, and only stood up after he was off the dais. The Lord Commander had a neutral, guarded, expression, but the Marquessa was shocked.

The Marquessa wasn't the only one. The Queen of Theoria was also shocked, and her entire entourage looked at the King of Astoria with something between pity and mockery. The Queen felt neither of those things. She just witnessed something outside of her expectations. If Astoria was surrendering to a "weak" Gram, then she could not proceed with her intention to bully Gram.

Before she could formulate a plan, she heard Somnus speak: "Forward."

The command in his tone was unshakeable. It was more than just the quality of his voice, there was a magical power behind it. She felt compelled to do exactly as he asked. This power was unfathomable to the Queen of Theoria.

"Your Majesty…" the Queen began, but trailed off. She was speechless.

"You are the ruler of the entity designated Theoria?" Somnus asked.

The Queen jumped on this opportunity to change the subject from official business to introductions. "Yes, your Majesty. I am Queen Alyssa, the monarch of Theoria. It is a pleasure to formally meet you, your Majesty."

Somnus nodded.

"This is Theo, Lord Commander of my armies," Alyssa gestured to a middle-aged man with blonde hair. "That is Av—"

"State purpose," Somnus cut her off.

The Queen barely managed to conquer her grimace before it showed on her face. She put on a brilliant smile and said, "Recently, your Majesty, we have received a declaration of war from your country…"

Somnus stared at her. Her pause seemed like she was waiting for Somnus to say something. Perhaps she was hoping that he would snap his fingers and say: It was a mistake. Sorry for the inconvenience.

But when the Queen saw his eyes, with the stars burning in them, she could not help but feel that it was anything but a mistake. She felt like it was a death sentence.

"Y-your Majesty," the Queen said, licking her lips. "It was never the intention of Theoria to engage in warfare with the kingdom of Gram, or Arsalan. We always maintained close ties."

"State purpose. Comply," Somnus said.

The Queen scowled. This time she could not control her emotions. "We wish to offer a royal marriage, your Majesty."

"Declare reason," Somnus said.

"Your Majesty, a royal marriage would legitimize your position on the throne, as you would now have a royal bloodli—"

"Not interested," Somnus said.

The Queen suddenly felt the same panic and urgency that King Leonard must have felt. Flowery words and tactful behavior was not the way to an agreement with Somnus. She had to be direct and clearly state the benefits or consequences of an exchange. That was the only way!

"Your Majesty! I need a husband!" The Queen said, loudly and clearly, casting away all her pride. "My husband would have the right to my throne which eliminates the need for a war between our countries!"

The Queen's entourage blinked. What just happened? Weren't they here to bully Gram into retracting their war declaration at a considerable price? Weren't they here to strut their military might?

"Very well," Somnus said. "Queen can marry Det."

"Det?" the queen asked. "Who is Det? The one I wish to marry is you… your Majesty…?"

Next to the throne stood a goblin who smiled at the Queen and when he drew her attention, he waved to her. The Queen thought it was tasteless for Somnus's bodyguard to be making such gestures. After all, the Queen could not fathom that Det was a goblin.

"Det is a Lieutenant of a powerful Division. Det is also a Reclaimer and a Hero. Suitable husband match," Somnus explained.

The Queen licked her lips. "Well… if he is a Hero… I guess it is acceptable…"

"Det. Greet your future wife," Somnus said.

The goblin that was waving to the Queen smiled and stepped forward. "Det treat Big Boobs nice. Det responsible husband," the goblin spoke as the Queen's face drained of color. "But no det tax. Det not fool like Lod."

"Out of the question!" The queen screamed. "I will not marry a goblin! I don't care if you annihilate my nation!"

Det scowled. "Det no good enough?" Then the goblin spat on the floor. "Det no want to marry human anyway. Only human Det marry is Boobs!"

Lod nodded sagely, for once agreeing with the goblin.

"Goblin not suitable? Very well. Queen can marry Herald," Somnus said.

"H-Herald?" the Queen asked, her already pale face turning even paler. She looked like she might faint at any time.

Somnus nodded. "Shinon, the Herald of Ash."

When the Queen heard the name, the world began to spin in her eyes. No wonder the King of Astoria surrendered. Somnus had a Herald! If she knew this before, she would've even accepted to be married to a goblin—no, she'd marry even a slime or worm. It didn't matter. She absolutely could not allow the war with Gram to continue.

"I will marry the Herald!" The Queen declared.

"Good," Somnus said. "Permission to not be terminated by Gram Armed Forces granted."

Somnus stood up from the throne and headed back to the west wing. In his wake, he left a bleak and troubled atmosphere. The two monarchs felt like they had just dodged a bullet.