48 Log 048: Key to the End of the World

Weeks had passed since Somnus took the throne of Gram and absorbed the kingdoms of Theoria and Astoria. He introduced many reforms and taught the people advanced technologies in agriculture, industry, metallurgy, chemistry and even magic.

To say that Gram was prospering or entering its golden age was an understatement and most experts would agree that is the case. Somnus would not. Somnus knew that this period of growth was only a bubble—the economy of Gram would expand quickly and then, at some point, the bubble will burst and the economy would crash. To keep this bubble alive, Gram had to conquer and gain access to resources.

Thousands of people joined the Armed Forces of Gram, which already absorbed the military organizations of both Astoria and Theoria. Their numbers quickly rose to just over fifty thousand soldiers, and the Order of the Ashborn Knights itself had eight hundred troops. Although, weeks of practicing the Herald's skills did not give them many advantages over ordinary soldiers, but there were a few rising stars in that order.

As for other countries or foreign diplomats, no one came to Gram. Somnus did receive letters of declaration from the Kingdoms Gram was now at war with, but that was all that he received. Most of those were just declaration of righteousness in a war they did not start and the intention of the total annihilation of Gram. The various monarchs also refused to acknowledge Somnus as a King, calling him an "uncouth upstart" and "fool". The word "Empire" appeared many times in these letters, usually in the context that the Empire will not take kindly to causing instability in the region.

Strangely enough, the Empire never sent a letter. The messenger that Shinon fought escaped alive, so he must've reported to the Empire what happened. The Empire knew that Somnus had a Herald on his side, therefore, Somnus reasoned, they did not want to show their hand just yet.

With Theoria and Astoria out of the picture, the front line was only to the west and to the south, a stretch of several hundred kilometers. Only a small portion of the border was a viable invasion route, and there were only two such places. Thus, the army of Gram was divided into two units, both pressuring the two neighboring countries of Sylestra and Altera.

The armies on both front lines were evenly matched with the enemy. It would become a war of attrition that would see neither side gain an advantage. Only a brilliant commander could change the status quo and avoid the pointless death of tens of thousands of soldiers. Only a brilliant commander, or the interference of a greater power…

Somnus only knew this because of Shinon's daily reports.

"The second Division is requesting more supplies. In last night's raid, they lost thirty men but inflicted significant damage on the enemy," Shinon explained. "They burned some of the Sylestra's supplies; right now, if Sylestra winters at Ord Pass, they will likely not survive winter. Thus, the commander reasons that they should wait for winter."

Once more, the Great Hall was filled with people, both commoner and Noble. They made it a habit to come watch the Herald give their King a report on the front.

Somnus nodded at the words. He seemed more bored than anything else.

"I leave it to you, Shinon," Somnus said.

Shinon nodded. Most of the small decisions, Somnus left to Shinon and this one was no different. After all, Shinon understood that Somnus's intention was not to win the war quickly, but to produce capable warriors and leaders.

"The name of the raid's commander is Alfred, however, he died during the attack," Shinon said.

Somnus nodded once more. He knew the moment Shinon failed to mention the name of the commander, that the person was probably already dead. In the case where the commander was still alive, the report would be on a rising star, not a successful raid.

"Altera is also sending their monarch to the battlefield. It is likely a trick to prevent further attacks on them," Shinon said. "It is working. The first Division is reluctant to attack."

Somnus glanced at Shinon from the corner of his eye. "No hesitation, Shinon. If the monarch comes out to parade, kill them."

Shinon nodded at Somnus's words. "I shall relay your command, your Excellency."

"Any word from the Empire?" Somnus asked.

Shinon shook his head.

"Anything else?"

Shinon shook his head once more.

"Step back."

Shinon took a step back and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Kaiza. Report."

Kaiza took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, I have discovered and silenced a plot within the Kingdom. Some of the high nobles were communicating with the spiritual leaders of the Empire to grant one of them the right to rule," Kaiza explained.

"Oh?" Somnus was only slightly surprised. He knew that there would always be dissidents, but this was a bit sooner than he expected.

"Apparently, the new Human Triarch, who's name is unknown, took your side and defended it," Kaiza explained.

"A God argued in my favor?" Somnus asked. This was even more surprising.

Kaiza nodded. "As I said, his name is unknown, but his domain is War."

Somnus cracked a rare smile when he heard that. Of course War would be on his side. Before there were any gods, Somnus was the figurative God of War.

"Kaiza, go to the Empire and find out more about this God of War." Somnus gestured to Kaiza dismissively.

"But… your Majesty, they will instantly know my identity and most likely… kill me," Kaiza said.

"You do not have permission to be terminated," Somnus said.

"Wise King, surely you must know that I have little choice in the matter! The Empire is fearsome and powerful…" Kaiza spoke, tone eloquent.

Somnus considered Kaiza. With his neutral expression, it was hard to tell if he was pondering Kaiza's argument, or killing Kaiza himself. It could go either way.

"Very well," Somnus said, holding his hand out, palm up. "I will give you this."

As Somnus spoke, a crystal formed in his hand.

"Is that… mana?" Kaiza asked, eyes wide.

"Affirmative," Somnus said but he didn't move his hand yet. The crystallized mana slowly warped and took the shape of a key.

When Somnus offered the key to Kaiza, she took it and appraised it.

"Your Majesty… what is this?"

"Name undefined," Somnus said. "Use it to threaten Empire if they attack you."

"Threaten the Empire? Your Majesty, I am still not sure what this does. I assume it opens a door…" Kaiza said carefully. She did not want to provoke Somnus. Every time someone asked Somnus a question, they risked the answer coming in the form of violence and death.

"Key to the end of the world," Somnus said.

Kaiza, and everyone in the room, felt uneasy at those words. They all knew that Somnus did not make jokes or empty threats. If Somnus said something was the end of the world, then it was the real thing.

"Kaiza," Somnus said and looked to her. "Only use the key if all other options are exhausted."

"As you command, your Majesty," Kaiza said and took a step back. "I shall depart for the Empire at once."

Already, the telepathically gifted were conveying this information to friends and relatives, and soon enough, they will reach the Empire itself. This was part of Somnus's plan. Whether he gave the real thing to Kaiza or not was irrelevant. Even if the threat was real or not was also irrelevant. So long as the threat existed, it was a deterrent. With the key, Kaiza should be able to enter the Empire and everyone would, without a doubt, play stupid and let her snoop around.

This was the way Somnus did things.

"Your Majesty," Shinon suddenly said, "I may have a suggestion."

Somnus followed Kaiza with his gaze as she was departing, and then looked to Shinon. "Speak."

"Why don't you become an adventurer?"

"Not interested," Somnus said.

"A lot of Kings in the past were adventurers, your Majesty. If you become formally recognized, and with your high attributes, you would no doubt solidify your right to rule. It would suppress further plots."

Somnus pondered the words quietly.

"Furthermore," Shinon said. "Powerful adventurers tend to attract other powerful adventurers. It could be a good way to gain very strong commanders and soldiers."

Somnus was still not convinced.

"I have a plan, your Majesty…"