Chapter 1220

There are about 800 people in the lecture hall.

This is almost the top brain and most authoritative scholar in the field of high energy physics.

It's not just the researchers working in imcrc, but also the physics bulls from other countries.

Everyone's purpose was unexpectedly the same.

That's to find out where the expanded mass and the experimental results subverting the standard model come from and what it means

In the front row of the lecture hall, an old man in a grey jacket sat next to Professor Witten.

He leaned his crutch against the corner of the table, unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle on the table, took a slow sip, and then turned his eyes to the report desk.

"Thank you for your seat. There are so many people here I almost lost my way outside. "

Looking sideways at the old man sitting next to him, Professor Witten raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't expect you to come."

The old man smiled, returned his "otherwise" eyes, and continued to cast his eyes on the report desk.

"How can I miss such an interesting thing? Perhaps today, the rules of physics will be rewritten, and our horizon will expand an entire dimension to areas we cannot perceive Is there anything more to look forward to? "

If anyone hears this sentence, he will be surprised.

Not because of the content, but because of the person who said it.

It's no one else sitting next to Professor Witten. It's Professor Saul Perlmutter from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

People who don't know much about physics may not have heard of the name, but in fact, he is also a great physicist.

As a Nobel Prize winner in physics in 2011, and a prover of the theory of "accelerating expansion of the universe", he is well-known in Astrophysics and high-energy physics.

Witten took a look at him and said thoughtfully, "it seems that you believe in the theory of extra dimensions."

"The question is not whether I believe it, but whether he can give a logical self consistent proof to prove that his conclusion is correct. In the beginning, we didn't also despise string theory? Although now it's slowly starting to have such a trend... "

Seeing the expression on Witten's face was a little careless and happy, Professor Perlmutter smiled and hurriedly took the topic to one side.

"I'd like to know what you think of it. You haven't commented so far. It's really It's not like you -- "

" Shhh. "

Professor Witten suddenly made a silent gesture, interrupted Professor Perlmutter's chatter, and then pointed his index finger in the direction of the platform.

"That's the answer you want."

"It's already started."


It's the moment when the clock passes ten.

Originally, the noisy conference hall was as quiet as silence.

Fidgeting in front of the lecture hall, Fernando looked at the boat on the stage with an unhappy expression, trying to do something for his faith.

However, the police sitting next to him, who looked not to be offended, and the bright handcuffs, which were pinned on his waist, gave out an invisible pressure, which made him dare not make any unusual moves.

At this time, standing on the stage of the boat, looked around the entire lecture hall, said with a steady voice.

"We are sorry for Professor Milo's departure."

"We have lost an excellent scholar and a comrade in arms."

"I know that his death may have touched many people And that includes me, too. "

Looking at the conference hall, Lu Zhou didn't say anything, just opened the pile of straw paper on the multimedia desk, spent about ten seconds to sort out the ideas of the speech, and then said.

"My touch may be different from many of you."

"What struck me was not the wisdom we were proud of, the vulnerability to the vastness of the universe, but also the weakness of our will in the face of its coming."

"Allow me to introduce 'Willpower' - a concept that should not have been here. Because as we all see and are feeling, the building that we have spent centuries building is on the verge of collapse just because of a little bit of turbulence. "

Here, the boat pauses for a moment, turns to face the whiteboard, and writes a line of formula on it with the marker in his hand.

[Mn = m0-4c1m π 2 + O (m π 3)]

stop writing, and the boat turns to face a meeting place with whispers.

"This is where the trouble starts.""It is also the root of all contradictions."

"In general, we can use the mass of nucleons obtained by the chiral extrapolation method, and through the quantum lattice calculation method, with the help of supercomputers, we can explain the source of mass in most nucleons."

"However, up to now, we still have many unexplained things The quality of this part is about 7%. "

The number was written on the whiteboard, and the boat continued to look at the turbulent meeting place. "Now, because of the collision experiment of more than 5tev, the number has expanded to 53%, or even 71%, which is like a series of disorderly codes. Our physics seems to be swallowed up by an invisible black hole."

"In order to explain this phenomenon, we must introduce a new concept."

With that, Lu Zhou reached out and wrote a letter on the whiteboard - n.

Then, write a "+ 1" after it.

"N is the whole dimension of our present universe. What we can analyze is 11. There is also a saying that 13. Maybe in the distant future, this number will be broadened to infinity with the improvement of our vision, but it doesn't matter for the time being..."

"What we're going to talk about now is the N + 1 dimension."

"Beyond what we can see, there is an axis that runs through the universe from the beginning to the end. It is a wall on the wall, a lake reflected in the lake, and all dimensions that can be observed by us will be bound and released at a certain point in it. "

"In general, its existence will not affect us unless On the other side of our horizon, something touched the string -- "

" or, to put it more generally, it reached out and opened the box and observed us. "

Looking at the lecture hall that gradually spread the sound of surprise, looking at Professor Witten and other familiar old friends who were in deep thought, as well as the fashionable face. Red Fernando, Lu Zhou took back his sight and looked at the formula on the white board.

After a pause, he continued.

"Because of observations from the void, the superposition collapsed."

The voices in the lecture hall are boiling.

Because it sounds too strange.

Finally, someone couldn't help but stand up.

"Why 5tev?"

"That's a good question."

Looking at the young scholar who stood up to ask questions, Lu Zhou made a ring of fingers, threw an encouraging look at him with a worried face, and signaled him to sit down first.

Then, the boat took a look around the boiling lecture hall, raised the volume and continued.

"How can we identify whether an AI is a real AI? This is a very abstract concept, so we invented the Turing test, and defined the artificial intelligence that can pass the Turing test as the true artificial intelligence, while the artificial intelligence that can't pass the test is a pure machine. "

"In the same way, how can we select the smartest ants from a group of ants?"

"It's very simple. It's enough to set up some simple barriers for them."

"I know this may sound crazy, but I still want to say that the 5Tev collision experiment is like a sieve, which sifts through a collection of all the civilizations in the universe."

"The mass has never increased, but has moved from the N + 1 dimension outside the universe to the n dimension that makes up the universe. In this simple way, they can determine what is different from ants here besides ants. "

"At the same time, they just passed the sieve..."

"To us, their presence."