Chapter 1221

The lecture hall is like a pot of boiling water, which immediately boils.

People send out surprise, exchange fear in their eyes, and unbelievable expressions, even at a loss.

Because of the observation, the superposition state collapsed, and a series of chain effects were caused, resulting in the mass moving from N + 1 dimension to n dimension.

It means that there are "people" watching them outside the box?

It sounds strange

And scary.

It's like an eye, far away from Andromeda, but closer to the moon, staring at their every move. And through an invisible sieve, carefully screening their favorite wisdom civilization from the dust of the universe.

Now, through this sieve, it has found their existence.

What does this mean?

No one knows.

It is also because of this, many people's faces have emerged the expression of panic.

At this juncture, the calmest one is Fernando, who is sitting in the front position.

Perhaps it's ignorance that leads to fearlessness. Compared with the physicists present, he didn't fully understand what the land boat was talking about. He just caught a few harsh keywords.


"Isn't this what forerunners call the void? That is to say, the great spirit of the universe actually exists? "

Muttering to himself, the short man's eyes began to brighten.

It's like seeing some unrealistic hope

At the same time, directly in front of the reporting room.

He didn't care about the confusion in the lecture hall. With a marker in his hand, Lu Zhou wrote down his argument on the whiteboard.

【…… Mπ2=(1/2)(mu+md)<0|ΨΨ|0>/Fπ2]


【…… ]

keep your eyes fixed on the line on the whiteboard. Professor Witten, sitting under the stage, has his pupils slightly contracted.

Just a few minutes ago, when he heard about the theory of extra strings and observers beyond the horizon, the expression on his face was somewhat disagreeable.

Then, after seeing these formulas, the expression on his face changed gradually.

Sitting next to Professor Witten, Perlmutter's face was a little uneasy. He looked left and right and looked at the faces of other colleagues nearby, and then he coughed softly.

"His calculation process seems to be difficult to understand..."

In fact, it's just a euphemism.

From the fifth line of the second whiteboard, Professor Perlmutter's face remained unchanged.

In principle, he studies astrophysics, but he still knows a lot about mathematics. Although this kind of understanding is only the meaning of application, not the meaning of research, at least so far he has not been completely unable to understand the situation.

Now, however, all that appears on the whiteboard has subverted all his original ideas.

Not only did he fail to understand, but he even began to doubt whether this line formula was still in the category of mathematics or whether he had been completely left behind by this era.

"It's really a little difficult to understand," Professor Witten said in a deep voice as his eyebrows locked together. "It involves many theories of topology and algebraic geometry, especially the latest unified theory of Algebraic Geometry I haven't studied mathematics for so many years, even if I want to understand it completely, it's not easy. "

"Can't even understand you?" Perlmutter opened his eyes wide in surprise, opened his mouth, and said, "who else can prove that he is writing right or wrong?"

Witten shook his head, turned his eyes to the sound and shadow with his back to the meeting place, and the formula of the line pouring from his pen like a waterfall. He was silent for a long time before he spoke.

"I don't know."

"In a word, let's see him continue to write."

It's far easier to find fault with a theory than to prove it's right.

Not really. They can turn to other mathematicians for help.

To be honest, Witten didn't worry, and eventually developed into the situation Perlmutter was worried about.

Whether it's out of the trust in Lu Zhou's character or his academic strength, Professor Witten is convinced that he will not bring anything that hasn't been considered to everyone.

In this regard alone, Witten has at least 80% assurance that his theory is probably the truth he has confirmed with his eyes

On the other side of the reporting room.

Luo Wenxuan, imcrc's secretary-general, also had a look of surprise on his face.

Although he is a mathematician, he is not much better than others at the moment.The complicated calculation made him feel numb. Although he could not understand it completely, his slow analytical ability made him want to follow the rhythm of the land boat, which was almost impossible.

Often he just understood what one line of formula meant, and what role it played in the whole demonstration process. The marker of the Dragon walking snake has written tens of lines on the whiteboard.

He even couldn't help but wonder whether the guy had thought when he wrote down these things. Or to have been clear about the whole process in the heart, only by muscle memory can all the steps be perfectly restored to the whiteboard.

If so, it's a little scary.

Sitting beside him, academician Lu Jianshen, who has been staring at the whiteboard, suddenly sighed.

"From today on, I'm afraid the future of physics will be completely rewritten."

Hearing this, Luo Wenxuan was shocked, and couldn't believe to look at the old man.

"Do you understand?"

Academician Lu: "no, what's the matter?"

"Why do you say that?" said Luo Wenxuan

Academician Lu thought about it. I'm sorry to smile.

"This It's also a kind of scientific intuition. "

Luo Wenxuan: "..."

No matter how wonderful the expressions on the audience's faces were, the pen tips in the hands of the landboat standing on the stage quivered slightly, and they had completely forgotten their time and space, as well as the double vision converging behind them. All the attention was completely focused on the immediate problems.

Based on the data collected by imcrc in the energy range of 5.12tev ~ 5.17tev, and by establishing a phenomenological model for analysis, he can speculate that this "mass transfer" phenomenon will collapse violently when the collision energy reaches 7.17tev ~ 7.74tev, and finally disappear completely near the 8tev level.

If we can't understand where the mystery behind this mysterious phenomenon comes from, physics will probably be locked here.

After all, it's not easy to build a collider.

If the whole physics has lost its meaning in the higher energy area, the civilization falling into the trap will probably give up completely and continue on this road unless it can detect the trap itself.

Just like the metaphor he made at first, it is like a sieve, which cruelly filters the whole universe, knocks out the ants who can't pass through the obstacles, and intimidates the ants who are lucky enough to pass through the obstacles and declares their existence.

If the sieve existed in the old universe, it would probably set up its civilization or individual, which is quite different from the "Observer".

And its existence, I'm afraid, is not so friendly

After writing down the last operator, the boat stopped and looked back at the silent lecture hall.

Most people have not recovered from the shock. The most common expression is to stare at the whiteboard with straight eyes, trying to understand the mystery behind that line of calculation.

Although he didn't want to disturb the thinking of hundreds of audience, he still owes the report a final conclusion.

After clearing his throat, the boat spoke in a clear voice.

"Prove it's over here."

"We may face a more pessimistic situation than we think."

"Regardless of the goodwill involved, let's go back to the original topic - whether or not the spirit of the universe exists."

"It can't be proved by the existing technical means, and I don't want to discuss too much. Whether it's consciousness determinism or material determinism, it's better to give time to answer this question. "

"I can even foresee that this will be a controversial topic in the next few centuries."

Looking at the silent meeting place, Lu Zhou put down the marker in his hand and continued in a serious tone.

"However, just from the standpoint of a physicist, I would prefer that the debate on this issue stay in the field of philosophy. At least, it is the best choice to put aside the controversy before we can touch the "great being" with scientific methods. "

"As for the void, that is, the extra dimension beyond the n dimension..."

After dun dun, Lu Zhou looked back at the whiteboard behind him. "As my proof shows, this is almost the only explanation, which can explain where the expansion quality comes from and where it flows. As for whether the great consciousness dominates it or whether the matter determines its objective existence, as I said earlier, this problem is irrelevant to the current physics

There was a whisper in the meeting room.

People exchange unbelievable eyes and hope to get answers from the expressions on the faces of other peers. However, even though the world's top minds have been gathered here, few people can understand the obscure proof process on the whiteboard.Ask questions.

Unexpectedly, no one raised his hand.

Just as he began to reflect on whether his previous theory was too advanced or too leaping, an unexpected man suddenly stood up.

"Your theory just proves that the virtual situation described by Professor Garrett Milo is real!"

With an unexpected excited expression on his face, Fernando looked directly at the boat standing on the stage, raised his voice and continued.

"It just proves that the great spirit of the universe is omnipresent and omnipotent."

Because of this sudden interruption, the atmosphere at the scene was unexpectedly active.

Listening to the bursts of laughter from behind, Fernando's face rose red, and his color gradually rose to an angry expression.

If not for the sight of the policeman next to him, he swore that he would never be so restrained.

Looking at Fernando, who is full of anger and has no place to vent, Lu Zhou did not laugh at him, but said patiently.

"I'm afraid you don't know that your professor Garrett Milo used my theory of extra dimension to describe virtual environment. Of course, he won't tell you. After all, these things are too difficult for you. "


Fernando clenched his fist and was about to step forward when he was pushed back by the people next to him before he took half a step.

As if I didn't see his impatience, the boat continued.

"Yes, I have proved that the void exists and is everywhere and everywhere."

"But it can do anything You may think too much. "

"I will prove this," he said, casting his eyes on the whole lecture hall. The boat gently piled a pile of draft paper on the desk, and continued in a calm and powerful voice. "The next experiment of imcrc will be a collision test with 10TeV as the target energy level, using hydrogen ions."

"I will prove it."

"Even if the void is staring at us, it is by no means omnipotent."