Chapter 1284

Lu Zhou had never allowed anyone to stay in his home before, but even once make complaints about such a big house by friends Tucao.

But this time, he broke the precept.

No, it can't be called breaking the precepts.

After all,

he is a responsible man.

The next morning.

In winter, the sun rises late, and the whole Zijin Mountain is still immersed in a hazy fog color, with no light except sporadic lights.

Open eyes of the land boat, slowly from the bed, and slowly looked to the side.

The thin corners of the lips and the tip of the nose are moving gently with the rhythm of breathing. The quiet and warm sleeping face is like a cat dreaming of dried fish. It's full of happy colors, which makes people can't bear to disturb her good dream.

I couldn't help but watch it for five more minutes, and then I went to the bathroom with my feet on my hands. After I washed and rinsed as usual, I threw the towel on my shoulder and went out for a jog.

When he came back, he was about to call Wang Peng to ask him to bring two breakfast, but suddenly found Chen Yushan in apron was carrying two plates of egg fried rice just out of the oven, walking out of the kitchen on a pair of thick cotton slippers.

"I thought about where you went. It was running."

Looking at Lu Zhou's hair wet by fog and sweat, Chen Yushan, who put down the plate, came up and wiped his wet hair gently with a towel. He could not help but scold.

"Go to take a bath quickly. The climate in the south is humid. The wind outside is cloudy. Don't get cold."

"I'm in good health. It's ok..." Holding the small hand holding the towel, Lu Zhou's eyes were soft as water, and he could not help but feel warm in his heart. He smiled and said, "say, you get up so early."

"I used to get up early, and I slept for half an hour more today What's more, aren't you the same? "

"I was used to it."

"You don't have enough cooking utensils. I found the eggbeater after a long time."

"I'm usually on my own. I seldom fire. Either I ate it in the canteen of JINDA or the Research Institute, or I asked Wang Peng to bring one for me, at most It's also a meal made by a home robot. "

Chen Yushan asked curiously, "can home robots cook?"

Lu Zhou: "well, in theory, anything can be done as long as it is intelligent enough."

Chen Yushan said teasingly, "it seems that your little life is very moist, as if you don't need a hostess at all."

"Where is it?" Lu Zhou immediately retorted, "or You'll live here later. "

"I don't want it."


Looking at the surprised face of Lu Zhou, Chen Yushan's cheek is slightly red, and can't help but reach out and pinch on his waist.

"Who wants you to be I don't know how to control it. What's more, I haven't married you yet. I live together so early I don't feel very good. And... "


"And, and I heard..." His face became more and more hot. Chen Yushan sheepishly moved his eyes away and whispered, "it's been a long time since I lived together before marriage. It's new There is no such freshness after the new marriage, which is not conducive to the happiness after marriage Ah ah, what did I say that for! "

I don't know if there is any strange picture in the brain. Suddenly, the brain of the student sister seems to be steaming, giving out invisible steam.

Shamefully, she threw the towel on the face of Lu Zhou. Chen Yushan buried herself in her arms and pushed the shoulder of Lu Zhou. She pushed him all the way to the door of the bathroom.

"Come on, take a bath! Take a bath and eat! I have to go to work after eating! "

Although she didn't know what happened, the boat could tell that she had stuttered her tongue at least twice.


Although some heartache, but always feel so lovely.


The new day begins in a hurry.

After breakfast, Chen Yushan tidied up her appearance and hurriedly got on the silver car that stopped at the door yesterday and went to work.

Maybe it's easier to find a sense of achievement in running a company than in scientific research.

Lu Zhou always feels that for work, the elder sister is more active than herself, especially in terms of time. It can be said that every second counts.

"It seems that I'm a little relaxed recently..."

"I have to work hard, too."

Lying on the edge of the washbasin, the boat picked up a bucket of water and washed his face.

Just as he was about to change his clothes and go out, a UAV carrying a small TV came in with a pitiful group of Yan characters.

[owner ~ QAQ]

looking at Xiaoai flying to his side, Lu Zhou was slightly stunned. He thought it was in trouble again, so he asked quickly."What's the matter?"

[before Mingming, there were only two people in the family, the master and Xiaoai As a result, now suddenly there is a strange woman, but also robbed Xiaoai's kitchen, which is too much. ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3]


A face speechless will dress in the body, the boat perfunctorily back to the sentence.

"It means that when your master grows up, he will bow to other people's cabbages."

[however, the master won't stop Xiaoai in the future. QAQ]

land boat: "...?"

Is there any logical connection between the two?

Why can't we have pets after we have a wife?

Until I got on the bus where Wang Peng stopped at the door, I didn't understand the land boat full of questions. What was this guy thinking about


The orbital air drop brigade is located close to the Jinling space launch center, both of which are located on the edge of the high-tech park.

As the backbone of China's air force, and also as a new strategic deterrent in the early space age, from the moment of entering the station, the land boat felt the sense of mechanization and modernity, as well as the killing beyond the flesh and blood.

Standing at the door to meet Lu Zhou, looking at the dark circles under the eyes of Lu Zhou, Brigadier Li Gaoliang said with a smile.

"Well, academician Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time. How do you feel that your mental state is not good?"

"I didn't sleep well last night..."

Just as he was talking, the boat yawned again.

Put the hand that covers the mouth down, at this time, he suddenly found that Li Gaoliang was looking at himself with a strange smile on his face, and could not help being slightly stunned, hesitated to say.

“…… Why are you looking at me like this? "

"It's nothing. Everyone is a man. I know you." Li Gaoliang slapped Lu Zhou on the shoulder with a smile and squeezed his eyebrows toward him. "But I have to say, when you are young, you should pay more attention to your body, and don't fight too hard!"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

"I'm not gossiping at the door. Today I said I'd like to show you how we fight. Come with me now. It's almost starting over there..." With that, Li Gaoliang looked at Wang Peng, who was following the boat, and said with a smile, "brother Wang, are you coming in together or waiting outside?"

Wang Peng: "I'd better wait outside."

"It's the same, so you don't have to go back and write a report," Li Gaoliang smiled and patted the shoulder of the boat. "Let's go and let this guy stay here. I'll take you in."

Following Li Gaoliang, Lu Zhou couldn't help yawning again and asked casually.

"With the orbital Airborne Brigade?"

"Orbital Airborne Brigade? How could it be? Is it necessary to shoot an ant? It's about testing new weapons But to be honest, my brothers really want to go, but they don't have a chance. "

Curiosity was successfully hooked up, and the boat couldn't help asking.

"What is that?"

Instead of answering the question directly, Li Gaoliang pressed his eyebrows mysteriously towards the boat, then pointed to the command room next to him with his right hand.

"Come with me and you will know."