Chapter 1285

East Africa.

Elwag region.

It is located in a mountainous area with high altitude and lack of fresh water resources. There is neither rich mineral resources nor fertile arable soil, only endless poverty and backwardness.

With the exception of extremist forces, civilian armed forces and arms brokers of all sizes, there is little interest in this barren land.

And even for those who are interested in this area, this kind of interest is rarely aimed at the land itself, but at the nearby cities, villages and the campsites where there are still oil and water to be recovered.

In general, although they robbed and kidnapped, they rarely killed people. Although the nearby ZF authorities hated the persistent disease, they were powerless about the tumor. Although neighboring countries have applied for military assistance more than once, the authorities can't easily nod their heads out of the fear that it's easy to ask God to send him.

Therefore, this three regardless zone full of chaos and crime has maintained the balance for more than ten years with a strange tacit understanding, and has become a hotbed for breeding the plague of terror.

Recently, however, there has been a bit of an accident.

A large number of military units began to gather in the area, and police and militia from nearby towns set up checkpoints and checkpoints along the main road of traffic, circling the whole area inside and outside.

Even the wild goats living nearby can smell the gunpowder in the air and begin to move towards the East.

It's like throwing a match on a pile of gasoline barrels. The stable area of elwag for decades is like boiling water.

"Why don't you let it rot like this?"

Standing next to general katsno, Colonel Abati squinted at the fortification not far away, and said, "anyway, the main people living in this land are not our Somalis, so it's not good to let those foreign Untouchables live and die on their own?"

Elewag is a hard bone to chew.

Even if the U.S. army landed here, it would be difficult to pull the tumor out of the desert in a short time.

The main trouble, of course, is that the militants who are active in the area are not able to fight with them on the front battlefield at all, but will use the complex terrain to engage in guerrilla activities with them.

Don't say they only have three infantry divisions here now, even if they double it, it's hard to take advantage of it.

"Because the fool who occupied this area did a stupid thing and completely annoyed a new overlord. Now we have to convince the superpower in the East that we have nothing to do with these people. "

Holding the telescope in his hand, general katsno's eagle like eyes were full of dignified words, "what's more, they promised to help us recover this area and help us rebuild it."

"Support? How to support? Air strikes? Or a leaflet? "

In saying this, Colonel abbati's face was full of sarcasm.

This is a mistake that all laymen make when they get involved in the situation in Somalia.

When those armed elements enter the cities, alleys and mountains in pieces, even if they use all the fighters in the nearby US Air Force base, it will not produce any effect.

The battle is doomed to no success.

No substantial progress will be made except to let the regional situation which has not been stabilized easily fall into chaos again and let other countries see their incompetence in dealing with military conflicts overseas.

"They didn't elaborate, they just said let's wait for their news," put down the binoculars in their hands, general katsno didn't comment, just simply said, "anyway, we don't need to start, we just wait quietly."


On a ravine and crisscross hill, malash, dressed as a shepherd, looked through his binoculars at the regular army station in the distance, his eyes full of haze.

At this time, a strong man with AK on his back crawled up the mountain road behind him, reporting to him in a tense tone.

"The Somali authorities have assembled at least three divisions here. It seems that they are determined to clean us up."

"What about the border between Kenya and Ethiopia?"

Swallowing, said the swarthy hand.

"They have closed the border and increased patrols..."

The retreat has been blocked

The situation is rather grim, and it can even be said that it has reached the critical moment of life and death.

However, this bearded man's face is not a little afraid, but a cruel smile from the corner of his mouth.

His army, or tribe, is one of the warlords in this land of no lord. Besides him, there are many other warlords, big and small, living here.

Although they are scattered in a heap at ordinary times, once they encounter the invasion of "external forces", or who tries to end the chaos in this area, all the armed forces active in this generation will put aside their contradictions temporarily and stand on the same front to go out in unison.Marash was not at all worried about losing.

Not to mention the tens of millions of dollars worth of arms in his hands, even without these arms, he has never been afraid of the armies of three countries nearby.

Once the war is dragged into a brutal tug of war, displaced refugees will hit the entire East African region. At the same time, under both internal and external pressures, the weak Somali authorities must be the first to fail.

At this time, however, there was a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

It's like being stared at by a fierce beast.

Suddenly, realizing something, malash raised his head and looked up into the sky.

However, there was nothing but a clear sky, let alone a shadow of a fighter, or even a large cloud.

Is it an illusion?

The unease in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Unable to help squeezing his fist, malash began to murmur in his heart. He hesitated to withdraw from here first. Suddenly, he saw several black spots against the dazzling sun.

The black spot is very small.

If it wasn't too crowded, if it wasn't just looking in that direction, he would even ignore it.

The Adam's Apple moved up and down, and malash reached into the telescope and said a word subconsciously in his mouth.

“…… What the fuck is that? "

However, before his words could be uttered completely, the violent tremor came from his feet, and with a billowing smoke and fire two kilometers away, he almost fell to the ground.

And when he stood still and looked in that direction, the blood in his chest rushed to his head.

"No -!"

There is his ammunition depot nearby, which contains bullets and IEDs that can arm at least two swim and strike teams.

Staring at the fire rising from the sky, the eyes of marsh were covered with blood, searching in the sky in horror, trying to find out where the air attack came from.

However, the enemy seems to be nonexistent, and each dropped shell seems to have eyes.

Only the constant lighting of the earth, as well as the fixed defense facilities and ammunition depots that have been precisely cleaned up, declare that something is flying above their heads and unleashing fierce fire on them.

Malash grabbed the walkie talkie and roared with all his strength, commanding the surviving men to move the ammunition to a safe place, and commanding the soldiers on the front line to immediately disperse and prepare to break up into pieces to fight the enemy's ground forces.

However, at this moment's marathon didn't realize that the first round of air raid was just the beginning of exploratory.

The nightmare that belongs to all of them is just beginning.

The black spot floating in the air finally revealed all its true appearance.

It was a "black coffin" tied to a parachute.

They are slightly larger than the pods of orbital airborne soldiers, but they are not much larger.

Under the cover of the air raid, they were like dandelions, landing in all parts of the battlefield smoothly and vertically on the ground.

Soon, after a smooth landing, the hatches embedded in the four walls of the black coffin opened, revealing a drone embedded only in the bracket inside the bulkhead.

Almost all the lights were on in a flash. With the hum of the electric drive motor, a drone, like a swarm of bees, entered a messy battlefield under the guidance of the satellite and the ground terminal.

Those drones are only a little bigger than the slaps of two adults. If there are about four slaps on the wings, there are small caliber muzzles and exposed clips suspended under the chassis, and often a dive can bring down a bloody storm.

The flash of fire and the fire of gunfire lit up the fear of every militant's face. The air attack from nowhere almost destroyed their ammunition depot on the ground and even in the tunnel. Now they have to face a group of bloodthirsty "bees".

It's almost impossible for those little guys who want to break away from each other in a hundred meters. However, they can move freely in the battlefield with their flexible bodies.

Marsh knows about drones. Compared with most of his compatriots, he has seen some "world" in North Africa because of his experience in fighting with the US Army with mercenaries.

In fact, it's very easy to shoot down this kind of thing. When they come in foolishly, they can basically shoot down by a shuttle in the direction they are going.

You don't even need a gun. Maybe you can pick up a stone.

However, to his horror, these drones, like having brains, not only use bunkers to fight with them, but also know how to use simple fire suppression and encirclement tactics to clean up their fixed defenses surgically.

It's like every drone has a professional field engineer behind it……

The firelight from the sky almost captured the wind of the sun, and the rolling smoke from the hills, Gobi and dead wood forest joined the clouds in the sky. Carrying the wind of rolling yellow sand, it seems that it brings a rusty sense of killing.

It's not just marash who is searching for the bomber's trace, the regular Somali army who is watching the big bombing five kilometers away, the border guards who are waiting for them on the borders of Sony and Soay, and even the U.S. military base 100 kilometers away. Everyone is desperately searching for the origin of the air raid.

There was no trace of the plane on their radar.

Don't say it's a plane, not even a bigger bird!


But how could it be?!

Where in the world is there such an accurate gun?!

And most of all, how did they find those magazines?!

Did you guess?

Standing on the front line, general katsno put down his telescope and his eyes were filled with shock.

And standing next to him, the old Colonel Abadi, who was full of disbelief, now had the same shock of stupidity on his face.

Swallowing, he said.

"Are there any air strikes on the PLA?"


"Do you hear the fighters?"

"No Their carrier is probably still in the East China Sea. "

"What plane can fly so far?"

"I don't know. Don't ask me."

"Then We move forward? "

“…… Get in the car first. "

At this point in the fight, there was no suspense.

None of the contingency plans discussed in the previous war conference seemed to be available.

Of course, there is no doubt that this is a good thing.

Even, there was a strong feeling in his heart.

This war may soon be ove