Chapter 1419

A group of special forces in black combat suits are lurking behind the rain curtain, quietly waiting for prey to appear.

This is Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia.

Since the action three years ago, the area has been brought under the influence of the Chinese state.

With the intervention of the Chinese forces in the regional situation, the armed elements and extreme forces in the northwest have evacuated to Central Africa, and with the departure of the vultures, the world-famous city of chaos, also rarely ushered in the dawn of order.

However, poverty, backwardness and ignorance are always the best hotbeds of violence and terror. Just as light and darkness are always in the balance of elimination, violence and bloodshed never leave here in a real sense, but turn from the surface to the underground

It's like the rain pouring down the slope into the sewer.

In the distance, a light went through the rain and drew a long and narrow outline in the night.

As if to avoid something, an old Ford car stepped on the emergency brake and stopped at the side of the road. The door slammed open, and the two black youths in the car pulled down their hats, hurried to the door of the old apartment, pounding the door with fists.

"Open the door! Come on! "

Soon, the rusty iron door opened a small piece of iron. After confirming the identity of the two people outside, the iron door opened completely and put the two people inside.

The rain in the sky seemed to be suddenly heavy, and the sound of beating on the ground was even more shrill, like the crying of a baby.

The sound of boots treading on the concrete road quietly flowed through the puddles in the street, and the silent figures with rifles in their hands drilled out of the rain like sharp blades, surrounding the Ford car and the nearby apartment building.

For a while, the originally empty street seemed crowded.

In the dark, the leader waved and made a neat gesture.

Then there was the sound of glass breaking.

With a dazzling flash and a deafening roar, the rusty iron door was blown inside and out.

The special forces waiting at the door rushed in. With a few clean shots, the silence of the night sky was completely cut. Together with the flames that pierced the darkness from time to time, they weaved a symphony of death in the rainy night.

Nearby residents huddled in their homes and pulled the windows tightly.

No one dares to look out, let alone take a look at the street, for fear of seeing something that should not be seen, so that the disaster of killing lives is caused.

The fight did not last long.

When the last fighter fell into a pool of blood, Wang Peng neatly inserted his pistol into his tactical belt, crossed the body expressionless, and walked towards a mess office.

It can be seen that these people, after being attacked, wanted to destroy the evidence.

But after all, they are still a little slow, and they have been cleaned up before they even have time to respond.

After fumbling carefully on the desk for a while, Wang Peng skillfully removed the lures and leads hidden under the drawer. Then, with the power of exoskeleton, he directly opened the lock to the locked drawer with violence.

With a loud click, he left the whole drawer on the table. Wang Peng reached inside and looked for it. Soon he found something like a Task Briefing.

It records all information including mission objectives, weapons used, and the number of people involved in the operation, etc.

Through this information, they not only thwarted an attack that had not yet happened, but also put an end to the explosion that happened in Manila several months ago.

"The evidence is all here They have been identified as the perpetrators of the Manila bombings. "

Standing next to Wang Peng is the partner arranged by the organization for him in this operation. His name is Chen Tao, a boy of 256.

Looking at the Task Briefing in his hand, Chen Tao couldn't help saying.

“…… What the hell are they doing? "

"Maybe it's to prevent the Shanghai Shanghai Economic Cooperation meeting to be held in Manila and the Pan Asian economic integration agreement to be promoted at the meeting."

The specific situation is not clear to Wang Peng. He only heard that the Pan Asian economic integration agreement is very important for countries in East Asia. It is closely related to a series of cross regional cooperation, including cross regional power grids, cross-border maglev tunnels, etc.

"But I can't say that It's only the Americans who can do such a big thing under our eyes, but now their relationship with us is honeymoon, there's no need to take such a big risk. "

"Not necessarily the Yankees."

Even if it is, he doesn't think it's strange.

"You mean The remains of a group of Somali pirates hit us on the streets of Manila and caught us by surprise? ""No, I don't mean that they have done these things with their own will, but to express that someone else is helping them It reminds me of the robbery three years ago. If it wasn't for the orbital Airborne Brigade to be on standby all the way, with the support of British secret service forces alone, they might have already got it. "

From the bottom of the drawer turned out a leather bound notebook, Wang Peng told it to take it in his hand and turn it over.

Soon, his brow furrowed.

“…… I may have found it. "

"This is?"

"A 'missionary manual' But it's not a local religion in Somalia, "Wang Peng said, looking at the familiar symbol.

The spirit of the universe foundation.

I didn't expect to see the name here.

Turning the note over two pages, he suddenly found that there was a torn newspaper on one of the pages.

“…… The hypothesis of four-dimensional space debris in Martian remains. "

Looking at the inexplicable title of this line and the weird calculation formula in the text, Wang Peng gradually began to realize that the hidden feeling in this line is far more complicated than he imagined

"I'm going home tomorrow."

"You want to go home?" Chen Tao stared at him and said, "what about the rest of the work?"

Wang Peng reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's up to you."


Two years ago.

Since the disaster on Mars, Wang Peng has been transferred back to earth from Mars research base.

Academician Lu's death did not punish him organizationally. After all, in the face of disasters of that level, personal power is always small.

He has tried his best to bring back the remains of academician Lu. However, even if no one blames him, the deep self blame still lingers in his mind. Even after two years, he still hasn't come out of the disaster

Office of a national security bureau.

Push open the door and Wang Peng comes in.

"Director Yang, would you like to see me?"

"That's right," he sat up straight from his desk. Director Yang left the document he had just read on his desk. "The source of the newspaper has been found It's not a newspaper at all, it's torn from an academic journal. "

He picked up the document from his desk. Wang Peng frowned and turned over the contents.

After a long time, he gave a comment.

“…… It's kind of interesting. "

The origin of this academic journal is not small. It is nature, one of the three major academic journals.

And the paper that was torn off was the research results of highlight display on the cover of the issue of nature published last month.

In short, Professor Aubrey and Professor Schultz claimed in their study that the earthquake on Mars two years ago was not caused by geological movement.

The real reason is that the collapse of four-dimensional space debris leads to the restoration of distorted space and position, which leads to the structural collapse of the whole site.

It's like a building that's been smashed into its load-bearing walls.

Although it may sound awkward, they finally proved this in theory through some samples collected from the remains of Mars, and based on their subjective feelings and mathematical inference.

Because this paper seems a little strange, it has caused a lot of controversy in academia.

Perhaps in the hope of a larger discussion, nature quoted the research results and labeled them as highlight.

Looking at the unexpected expression on Wang Peng's face, director Yang continued.

"You should be familiar with the identities of Professor Aubrey and Professor Schultz, who participated in the diplomatic mission to Mars two years ago and survived the disaster."

Wang Peng nodded.

"I have an impression."

"Based on their recently published paper and their description of the existence of four-dimensional space debris, our intelligence personnel came to a conclusion after consulting relevant experts," Yang continued

"In the remains of Martian civilization, there should be a special mechanism, that is, human civilization - the technology that we all don't know yet, and the technology is powerful enough to affect the space around us, even the dimension itself."

"Under the influence of that four-dimensional space debris, they are trapped in a circular space, like hamsters on wheels."

After listening to the superior's statement, Wang penglue opened his mouth in surprise, and after a while of silence, he gave his own evaluation.

"It sounds a bit like science fiction."

"It's a little bit, but it's the most likely explanation so far. There was a civilization on Mars that was much stronger than ours. Their technology was unprecedented, and that relic is the evidence. "Looking at director Yang, who is ready to talk, Wang Peng said.

"Direct. What do I need to do?"

The office was quiet for a while.

Sitting at the back of his desk, Mr. Yang seemed to hesitate for a while, but in the end, he made a decision.

"The spirit of the universe foundation, which we have been tracking for more than two years and have no idea why they are looking at the remains of Mars, doesn't matter. What really matters to me is how disruptive the burial technology may be to the current international situation."

"You should know why we have the current international status. And if we lose the technological advantage, what will we face. "

Wang Peng nodded to show his understanding.

His eyes were fixed on him, director Yang continued.

"At present, our excavation of the ruins of hell gate is only 50 meters deep. With the existing technical means and the wired conditions on Mars, we can't continue to dig down at all. If we want to drive the artificial tunnel down to a depth of 1-3km, let alone more than a decade or two, we will not be able to do it in this century. "

"However, no one can guarantee that when we have enough ability to dig for the remains, our system and execution will still be able to pay the same attention to this matter as today, and be wary of potential threats."

"People are forgetful, let alone generations apart."

"Unless there is a comrade who is loyal enough, remembers his mission, is good at learning and has strong executive power to remind our compatriots."

Said, director Yang looked at Wang Peng's eyes, with a trace of recognition.

"Your loyalty is obvious to all, and all I can trust is you."

"I need you to carry out a task for the sake of the future of the Republic of China."

“…… You mean. "

Looking at that expression, Wang Peng has vaguely guessed what director Yang wants to do.

Looking at him solemnly, director Yang nodded.

"You seem to have guessed it."

"Yes, I hope you go to the future."



In the library's activity room, a cheer broke out.

It was not until the sound of the librarian smashing the door came from the door that the cheering stopped.

"It's absolutely economics, sociology, human behavior Even a miracle in the history of physics and mathematics! " The excited voice, Professor Albert standing at the table, cheered at a low volume.

In the computer screen, the 40 page formula has been compiled into a beautiful programming language.

Delicate parameters are like fine gears. Under the control of formulas corresponding to human social behavior and economic activities, they form a huge machine.

It's the ultimate in big data theory!

At the same time, the scale of the sample is unprecedented!

It took them four years to complete the great project, and now it's time to test their results.

His eyes were burning, and Professor Krugman, who had always been a steady man, could not help rubbing his hands and saying that he could not wait.

"Try it quickly. I can't wait."

"Wait a moment, I have applied for the permission to use supercomputing, and it will be OK soon..."

Program import did not take much time.

Because the preparatory work is almost finished, the rest only needs to import the sample parameters they collected one by one, and then solve the complex equation with the help of supercomputer's computing power to get the results they want.

They didn't wait too long. In just one hour, they successfully got the original data.

Under the joint efforts of the two people, they spent a whole day, and finally finished the data collation.

However, something unexpected happened.

However, after seeing the result, Albert and Professor Krugman's faces showed a strange expression.

The silence lasted about ten minutes.

It was Albert who broke the silence first and spoke in an uncertain voice.

“…… Is there something wrong? "

"Impossible," said Professor Krugman, who pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and was confident in his research results without hesitation, "in the sense of calculation, our results are absolutely right Although as far as the result is concerned, it may be somewhat different from what we imagined. "

ε represents the growth rate of technological development, and is related to λ, which represents the GDP, as well as the urbanization rate, education index and Gini coefficient of major countries.

Based on their calculations.

According to the current trend, the technological development speed of human civilization will reach its peak in the 1950s, and then fall back rapidly in the second half of the 21st century. Finally, a number of positive indicators have fallen into the trough, corresponding to the great stagnation of social development, which leads to a serious global economic crisis.Not only that, in the second half of the 21st century, the global political situation will also usher in a great change.

And this change will change the lives of all people on earth

In a word, the situation is rather not optimistic.

Hard to swallow, Professor Albert whispered.

“…… To be honest, I'm scared by our research results. "

Professor Krugman nodded, his face not so good.

"We should publish this achievement and find ways to expand its influence. At least, give future people some warning... "

"I wonder if it really works?" Albert looked at Professor Krugman. "Once a big trend has taken shape, it is almost irreversible unless there are variables that no one can predict."

There was a moment of silence, and Professor Krugman sighed softly.

"It doesn't matter if it's useful..."

"We have to try."


(don't forget to compare your heart)