Chapter 1420

Thousands of tons of succulent and succulent animals roam in the lush grassland and boundless forest. The rich products are not only beyond their control, but also beyond their imagination.

However, they are in abundance, but eventually they die of hunger.


On the precipice towering into the clouds.

Looking at the fertile and dark land tens of meters away, as well as the lush grassland and huge trees tens of meters high in the distance, the land boat sitting on the edge of the cliff looked up at the sky and couldn't help squinting its eyes.

Everything in front of us is full of the feeling of primitive forest, which makes us wonder if we are back hundreds of millions of years ago.

“…… Don't tell me, I've crossed Mars billions of years ago. "

The sun in the sky is small, only a little bigger than the thumb. The light is not particularly dazzling, but it is bright enough.

The temperature nearby is very comfortable, not cold at all. Even in the spring afternoon, people can't help but want to lie in the shade of trees and take a nap.

The reason why the temperature here is so comfortable is mostly due to the thickness of the atmosphere and the type of soil. The thick atmosphere is like a quilt, which locks in most of the heat from the sun.

At this time, a familiar voice came to my ear.

"Time is irreversible. This is the law written into truth."

"Oh, so it's a memory?"

A bright blue light slowly emerged beside the boat. A blue upright humanoid walked out of the light and sat beside him.

Looking at the slowly moving biome in the sky, general Reinhardt said in a quiet voice of approval.

"Smart, no wonder observers value you so much."

The boat turned its mouth and said nothing.

In fact, it's not hard to guess.

Before entering the hibernation module, he learned that general Reinhardt's existence was a piece of memory.

Since he can remember his name and perfectly act as Reinhardt and communicate with him normally, it is obvious that this memory can write something new.

For example, about what happened billions of years ago.

"What are you bringing me here for?"

"Anyway, you don't want to wake up in a few decades. Don't you want to find something to make time?"

Hearing the banter in the voice, Lu Zhou returned to his speechless expression.

"For me, decades are just a matter of opening and closing my eyes."

If you don't think about other things

It is.

"That's what it says, but don't you want to know what's going on here?"

Hearing this, there was a look of interest in Lu Zhou's eyes.

"What happened here?"

General Reinhardt smiled a little. Instead of answering the question immediately, he got up from the ground and slapped his pants. There was no dirt on them.

"Come with me."

"Soon you will know."

Finish saying, he also doesn't matter whether the land boat keeps up with him or not, then turn around and walk toward the way down the mountain.

After staring at his back, the boat hesitated for two seconds, thinking that it was idle anyway, so it stood up and followed general Reinhardt down the mountain.

"In your culture, the concept closest to the prehistoric ecological outlook of Mars is probably the Gaia hypothesis put forward by your scholars. The whole planet is almost like a complete life. Since it completed the initial ecosystem evolution, it has been in a nearly permanent balance."

"There is almost no concept of the South Pole and the north pole, and creatures at any latitude can feel the most comfortable state equally. It's like a heaven, and it's going to last forever without accidents. "

In general Reinhardt's footsteps, the ship picked up a word.

"But there are still variables."


"What on earth caused that --"

"it was me."

Just then, the two have come to a cave.

When I saw the huge insects beside the cave, the boat almost didn't retch.

It's the first time he's seen a cockroach as tall as his knee.

The two feelers, which are about two meters long and full of fluff, are shaking up and down, as if they are hesitating.

"Is it disgusting?"


"It's normal that there are natural differences in aesthetics between mammals and arthropods. They are beautiful for their multi legged, long tentacles and complex textures, but the focus of attention of mammals is not reflected in them at all I don't want to discuss too much about aesthetics with you. Your civilization is too young. It may be more appropriate for us to discuss these things when you have a little more experience. "In the middle of the conversation, Xiaoqiang, who was not far away, seemed to finally make up his mind and began to explore the interior of the cave.

General Reinhardt waved to the boat, drew a "follow me" sign, and then took him to the cave.

The light in the cave is very dark, which can be described as invisible.

Before entering, Lu Zhou hesitated. After all, he didn't want to stay in the same space with such a big insect, even though he knew that all this was an old memory.

But after seeing general Reinhardt go inside as if nothing had happened, he finally bit his teeth and overcame his discomfort.

One cockroach and two people walked in the cave like this, pushing forward about one or two hundred meters.

At this time, walking in front of the small strong suddenly like a premonition of what danger, attached to the back of the wings issued a dangerous hum.

"What is he doing?"



"Yes, in the early days of civilization, or before they were civilized, these cockroaches mainly ate the cubs of a reptile in the cave. This kind of creature has its own characteristics, and its larva has the ability to reproduce. Later, you will see that these cockroaches are very smart to domesticate them into livestock as a source of protein. "

"Like an ant's aphid?"


While talking, in the shadow, a long legged spider with fangs inlaid on its face and more than a meter high, roared and approached fiercely.

The strange color of the fluff makes people feel numb, and the subconscious of the land boat takes a step back.

Almost at the same time, the little Qiang in front of him, who was creeping and shaking his wings, suddenly moved.

The wings on his carapace made a sudden explosion, and then the cockroach on the pillow shot forward like a bullet.

This kind of hunting method, which treats itself as a shell, really scares the land boat.

He thought that this kind of creature would only hide in the gutter and eat the rotten food. He had no attack ability at all. But he didn't expect that the cockroach on Mars had such fierce hunting ability!

Obviously, it wasn't just that he didn't expect it. The spider didn't seem to expect the "little guy" in front of him to be so fierce. He was caught by surprise and rolled to the side.

The two insects fell into melee and fought together. With the advantage of small size, Xiaoqiang was very lucky to hang on the belly of the spider, and even chewed off half of the spider's face.

The outcome has been divided.

After a while of subconscious fluttering, the spider curled up and lay on the ground.

Xiaoqiang screamed excitedly, cut off the spider's tusks, tied it to his head with a pair of forelimbs, and then rushed into the nest behind the cave.

Inside the nest, large larvae squirm on carpet like pile of fluff, looking curiously at the entrance of the nest.

Obviously, they don't know that they're in danger

"To be able to kill adult Martian spiders is a great honor for these Martians. Because in general, those Martian spiders usually hunt for giant insects more than two meters high, and those monsters are almost impossible for these Martians to contend with. "

I feel nauseous to the Martian, and the expression of the land boat is ugly.

"I think We'd better not call them Martians. "

Reinhardt smiled faintly and said with a teasing remark, "why, didn't you name it?"

Lu Zhou: "..."

"In fact, it doesn't matter. The name is just a symbol. Even if you call me a Karan, am I not angry? What's more, the kids in front of you will soon learn to walk upright, make tools, and even develop civilizations that are several times more prosperous than your present earth Look, he seems to have found the treasure. "

Looking in the direction of general Reinhardt, Xiaoqiang, who was collecting the white fluff from local materials, suddenly stopped his hand.

The larvae seem to realize that this person is not their own mother, and have begun to feel uneasy and give out a babbling cry.

However, Xiaoqiang seems to have not heard it, shaking the antennae on his head and climbing to the side of the stone wall with small steps.

It is different from the jagged rocks beside it. The flat rock mass is like a stone tablet, firmly embedded in the stone wall.

Not only that, but also a line of strange marks on the polished stone tablet.

Although it doesn't understand what these symbols mean to itself, it always feels that there is some fascinating attraction in those symbols.

And this attraction, it's amazing, doesn't come from eating instinct"Curiosity is the beginning of everything. You can't imagine what kind of waves broke out in my heart when I found this ugly little guy standing in front of this stone tablet."

"This is..." In his eyes, there was a touch of disbelief. The pupils of Lu Zhou narrowed slightly. He said softly, "the words of the Kalan Empire?"


General Reinhardt nodded.

"These words, I just came to this planet Or this universe, in order to commemorate something

Just as they were talking, Xiaoqiang was close to the stone tablet, beating the strange lines with his antennae curiously.

From its action, the little guy seems to want to move this thing, but after several efforts, he finally gave up the unrealistic idea.

Tied by the inexplicable attraction, he couldn't bear to leave. He stared at the stone tablet for a long time, and rubbed it on the ground with his forelegs, as if imitating the strokes of symbols on the stone tablet.

At this moment, the little Qiang standing in front of the stone tablet does not realize that just because he has looked at the stone tablet in front of him, he has completely changed the fate of an ethnic group.

It has completely changed the future of a planet