Chapter 1650

Mars is orbiting.

Looking at the nearer and nearer shipyard, academician Yang Chongping gently adjusted his collar on his chest, and at the same time calmed his mood a little.

About a day ago, he received an email from East Asia heavy industries. In the email, East Asia heavy industries said that Fuxing mining company intends to change its mind and continue to complete the unfinished Noah Ark instead of dismantling it into alloy and selling it.

But for some parts of the design of the starship, they put forward some suggestions for improvement, hoping that as the designer of the starship, he can provide technical assistance.

After reading this email, Yang Chongping agreed to it without hesitation.

Not only that, he even pushed out the academic conference that day, and took his most proud students to the shuttle to the shipyard, intending to go to the scene to interview the head of Fuxing mining company for improvement.

To be honest, the reason why he is so interested in this matter is not because of how much money Fuxing mining company has given him, but because the other party has changed his mind for the first time. Instead of dismantling the star ship, he plans to continue to invest in building it.

When he heard the news, he could hardly describe how excited he was.

After all, it was the work he spent countless days and nights on.

Even if we look for the history of human civilization, we can't find a spaceship that is larger and more distant than it.

And if it really arrives at nanmener one day and spreads the kindling of civilization there, as the designer of this star ship, he will also usher in the most glorious moment in his life -

but what he didn't expect is that what he saw here was not the person in charge of Fuxing mining company, but a guy who just met him a few days ago ……

Staring at the boat standing in front of him, Yang Chongping's Adam's Apple moved slightly. After a long time, a word came out of his throat.

"How are you..."

Looking at academician Yang Chongping, whose face was full of amazement, Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"We meet again, academician Yang Chongping."

"What are you doing here..."

"Let me introduce you to you," said Zhong Ziyu, who looked at academician Yang Chongping with a stiff expression, standing beside the boat, as if he realized something, so he came forward with a smile and said, "this is academician Lu, chairman of Star Technology It is also the only major shareholder of Fuxing mining company. This is academician Yang. You should have met him. "

Lu Zhou nodded with a smile: "yes, I saw it not long ago."

Different from Lu Zhou's understatement, after listening to the man's introduction, academician Yang Chongping seemed to have a thunderclap in his mind, so he stared at Lu Zhou for a long time without saying a word.

Looking at the expression on academician Yang's face, Lu Zhou coughed softly.

"You're not so surprised, are you?"

Not surprisingly

How could it be!

The Adam's Apple moved, and he forced a dry smile.

"It turned out that you bought the South Gate second colony exploration group."

"Well, there are some twists and turns, but you can understand that." Notice that Zhong Ziyu, standing beside him, looks at himself crazily, and Lu Zhou smiles at him and says, "anyway, the news is expected to be made public tomorrow, so it doesn't matter to tell him in advance."

"Some news will be different from each other one second earlier and one second later," said Zhong Ziyu, with a groaning sigh, looking at academician Yang Chongping. "I hope you can keep this news secret until tomorrow comes."

"Confidentiality I don't understand. Since you bought this starship, why do you need to come to me? "Academician Yang Chongping looked at Lu Zhou with a straight face, and his tone gradually got a little angry." or do you come to me specifically to humiliate me? "

"Why?" Hearing this, Lu Zhou chuckled, "did you misunderstand something?"

“…… Misunderstanding? "

"That's right," said Lu Zhou, looking at the stiff faced academician Yang Chongping, nodding his head and in a relaxed tone. "I believe you should have received an email from East Asia heavy industry. We intend to hire you as the designer of Noah's Ark Project, and you will be responsible for our alien colonization project."

For academician Yang Chongping, Lu Zhou thought that the olive branch he threw should be quite attractive. For a scholar who hasn't got rid of the low taste, what he has drawn is nothing but fame and wealth?

Just to Lu Zhou's surprise, after he put forward the proposal, academician Yang Chongping didn't agree with him happily, instead, he showed a struggling look on his face.

It's like

It's just as hard for him to make his own terms.

Just as Lu Zhou was confused about what made him feel embarrassed, Yang Chongping suddenly said.

“…… I don't understand. "The boat raised its eyebrows gently.

"Don't understand what?"

"I don't understand, why do you do it?" Looking at the boat, Yang Chongping continued in a complex tone, "with your ability, you can redesign a colonial ship. Why continue my plan?"

If he is standing in the current position of the land boat, he will not be so magnanimous. He vowed that he would use all available means to wipe out any trace left by the other party completely from this blueprint.

Probably guessed what this middle-aged person was thinking, Lu Zhou smiled, looked at him to ask a question to say.

"What is Mr. Yang's understanding of learning?"

"Learning, that is, learning and skill, from the learning of knowledge, to the integration of what we have learned, and then to the sublimation of the meaning of" skill " Of course, it's just my personal opinion, "Yang asked, staring at Lu Zhou." what about academician Lu? What do you think of the term "academic"

"Modesty, Mr. Yang's understanding is penetrating. If you really want to say my opinion, I'm afraid it's my opinion," Lu Zhou continued with a smile and a relaxed tone. "The so-called learning is not only an exploration of the truth of the universe."

"The exploration of cosmic truth...?"

Looking at academician Yang's face, Lu Zhou lightly nodded his head and continued with a smile.

"It may sound a little sloppy, but that's what I understand. A century ago I felt that way, and a century later, I still don't think that way. "

"Compared with the boring party members, there are more things worth pursuing. So, at least in my opinion, it is the same for a research or a building to be completed by anyone. And I think you're doing a good job, that's all. "

“…… Is that all? "

A bitter smile suddenly appeared on academician Yang Chongping's face.

For some reason, at this moment, his heart seemed to be knocked over with five flavors of miscellaneous things. Many words were blocked in his throat and he could not say a word.

But one thing he knows.

I not only lost, but also lost completely.

And not only in learning, but also in the realm

After that, the two simply exchanged technical questions.

Especially about how to install the warp speed engine on the star ship, the ship put forward many detailed requirements, and academician Yang Chongping also recorded them one by one.

When leaving the shipyard by shuttle, looking at the silver colonial ship outside the side window, academician Yang suddenly began to talk to himself.

"I understand now..."

Looking at the teacher with full of emotion on his face, the student standing beside him was slightly stunned and asked in a low voice.

"Teacher, you What do you get? "

His face suddenly extended a calm expression, looking out of the window at the universe Yang Chongping, as if he had figured out something, said in a rather emotional voice.

"I finally understand..."

"Why do people in that era respect him so much?"