Chapter 1651

On the first day of May, the peace of Tiangong city was broken by a strong news.

Star Technology announced the acquisition of Fuxing mining company. While merging the management of the other party, it will reorganize and integrate the company's original mining and waste alloy smelting business.

After this adjustment, Fuxing mining company, a subsidiary of star technology, will be renamed Fuxing Yuanhang, and its main business will also become the development of alien resources and interstellar trade.

At the same time, Noah's Ark will also be renamed galaxy, and the route will be changed from South Gate 2 in the original plan to tiancang 5 ten light-years away, and the construction will be continued by Fuxing Yuanhang.

When I heard the news, many people were crazy.

In particular, those leeks who had bought the corporate bonds of Nanmen Er colonial exploration group and sold them at the end of their lives were directly pawned.

Although the name of Noah's Ark Project has changed, the contracts tied to the Starship are still valid.

In other words, as long as the colonial ship can successfully arrive and deploy the colonial module on the surface of the planet, all investors who hold these special claims will get a huge profit return, which will be guaranteed by the colonial land and other fixed assets.

The only risk is that the Starship has not been completed, or has not reached the Livable World outside the solar system in their lifetime.

Now, however, there is no doubt that the risk has been reduced to an almost negligible level.

There is no other reason.

The man who took over the project is the land boat - the man who is called the peak of human mind!

Almost no one would doubt that he would be smarter than anyone else to buy a pile of useless scrap iron, and no one would doubt that he was not able to complete the grand project.

But then again, for those leeks that have been uprooted, in fact, there is no way.

After all, who would have thought that after they sold their corporate bonds and left the market, Fuxing mining company sold itself to star technology without saying a word?

In particular, this star technology makes countless people spit blood.

For the vast majority of people in this era, the sign that occasionally appears in history textbooks has been swept into the grave of history. How can it come out at this time to brush the sense of existence?

In the face of such a result, the vast majority of people can not accept it.

However, whether they accept it or not, the reality has been put in front of them.

If the reason why they made trouble before is still tenable, they can only make trouble for nothing now. After all, no one forces them to sell their corporate bonds, and star technology has no obligation to disclose such things in advance.

If one day, all the information in the world is equally open and transparent to all people, then there is no such creature as leek

As for those lucky people who didn't sell their corporate bonds, their mood was like riding a roller coaster, experiencing the feeling from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky.

And those who still have tickets for Noah's Ark.

Whether speculators or speculators really want to go to the world a few light-years away, they have almost made plans to collect these scraps of paper as souvenirs, but they didn't expect everything to turn around again.

Star technology not only still recognizes the tickets, but also opens the ticket refund channel, allowing those who change their mind to refund the tickets at the original price of the ticket issued at that time.

However, there was no refund at all.

Almost as soon as the news was released, the price of the second-hand tickets was raised to the sky.

Lu Zhou was also later learned from Professor Wu Qinglai. It is said that at the craziest time, the tickets had been sold to 100000 credit points, and there was no market for them

"Once anything, visible or invisible, is labeled as a financial attribute, it will no longer be the original self," said Zhong Ziyu, looking at the land boat sitting on the sofa in the office of the Mars branch of the aiib, turning the ballpoint pen gently, with a happy expression. "I suggest you issue the ship according to the South Gate II colonial exploration fund Two or even three times the price of the tickets, and then a batch of shipping tickets will be released. "

Lu Zhou: "but there is no more space on the ship."

"There is a word called overbooking. If you know about the aviation industry, you will find that every airline will give out more tickets than the number of seats. After all, not everyone can catch the flight at last. Some people give up temporarily because of all kinds of things, "said Zhong Ziyu with a smile and continued," of course, I just suggest that you have the right to choose. "

"At this stage, I can't use so much money," Lu said, shaking his head. "If there is a lack of money in the back, I will seriously consider your proposal."

"It's not a matter of money Wait a minute, "standing up from the office chair and looking at the land boat sitting on the sofa, President Zhong suddenly realized something, with a surprised expression on his face," are you really going to build this boat with your own money? "Lu Zhou asked without a word: "otherwise? Have I ever borrowed money from you? "

"That's not I'm sorry, I'm just a little surprised. "He smiled awkwardly, and Zhong Ziyu coughed a little, and straightened his face again." I've heard from somewhere before that you're going to tiancang five Is it true? "


Staring at Lu Zhou for a long time, Zhong Ziyu's face immediately showed a face like this and sat back in the office chair with a wry smile.

"No wonder So money doesn't mean much to you. "

Hearing this, Lu Zhou smiled lightly and said in a casual tone, "it can't be said that it's totally meaningless, but it's true that there's no attraction."

"I don't really understand."

"I don't understand."

"If it's you, you can definitely make Galaxy design more perfect, but why do you have to leave it to academician Yang Chongping?"

"Because he is more professional, I really have no research on starship design compared with him," said Lu Zhou, looking at the disbelieving president Zhong, smiling and thinking for a moment. "Of course, there is no other reason. After all, I have more important work to finish here."

Zhong Ziyu: "space elevator?"

Lu zhoushook his head and said, "it's not just the space elevator. Do you remember the star gate I said before?"

Hearing this, Zhong Ziyu's face suddenly showed a moving expression, and he couldn't believe looking at the boat.

"Isn't it --"

"well, this is what I've been working on for a while, except for the warp engine."

Lightly nodded the head, the land boat extended the right hand, spread the palm upward.

As a holographic beam of light burst out from the mouth of the bowl, a ring of faint blue light appeared above the center of his hand.

"The highway of material and information exchange, I should have said before."

Looking at President Zhong, who was completely attracted by the holographic beam, Lu Zhou continued with a smile.

"Whether it's matter with mass or photon without mass, when passing through it, it will enter the hyperspace channel for a short time until it comes out from the other side of the channel."

"And just yesterday, I finished it."