Chapter 827

"Don't worry about me? Can I not worry about it? You are so old, you are almost three years old! Don't let me worry about it!"

I don't know what the other end said to Mrs. Lu, but Mrs. Lu had a look of resentment.

However, it's not yet thirty, how can it be too old?

Grandma, do you have a little misunderstanding about age?

"Little Lu, I heard from grandma that the wife I found for you is the best..."

"Grandma, how many times have I told you, don't call me Xiao me..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

"All right, all right, if you don't bark, don't bark..." Mrs. Lu curled her lips and spoke again: "Little Lu... just marry this girl..."

I don't know what was said on the other end, but Mrs. Lu frowned, and her tone was full of anger: "Anyway, I don't care, you have to marry her!"

"Otherwise, I will never go back, and I won't see you anymore, let me die here..." Mrs. Lu's voice was full of anger.

After a while, I didn't know what was said on the other end. Mrs. Lu's face was full of smiles, and the anger just now disappeared: "You should have promised it earlier, really, I have to insist on grandma That's why you agree to..."

Mrs. Lu said something to the other end of the phone, and then hung up.

Mrs. Lu looked at Lin Wanhan who was on the side: "Girl, Xiao Lu said that I will go get the certificate with you tomorrow, but..."

Lin Wanhan blinked: "But what?"

"But he said he would move out to live with you, and he said he wouldn't have a wedding."

No wedding? Anyway, she didn't want everyone to know that she married the young master of the Lu family...

Anyway, the young master of the Lu family is a big shot in Xicheng, and he is also the prince charming in the hearts of many girls.

If everyone knew that the young master of the Lu family had married her, wouldn't she be crushed to death by everyone's spittle?

It's fine to move out, then grandma doesn't know how she gets along with Young Master Lu...

Lin Wanhan smiled obediently: "Okay, I agree with everything he said."

Mrs. Lu confirmed again and again: "Girl, are you really sure? If the wedding is not held, everyone will not know that you are the young mistress of the Lu family..."

"Grandma, I don't care if others know that I am Mrs. Lu, I just care that you can accept me."

Hearing what Lin Wanhan said, Mrs. Lu smiled: "Girl, don't worry, although you didn't hold a wedding when you and Xiao Lu got married, it won't be too late to hold a wedding when you fall in love with each other in the future... ..."

Lin Wanhan nodded: "Okay, grandma."

"You also know that Xiao Lu is the prince charming of many women in Xicheng. If there is no wedding, they will definitely covet Xiao Lu. This will wrong you...Girl..."

"Grandma, I don't care, I am willing to try to develop with Master Lu."

"Okay, okay..." Mrs. Lu laughed from ear to ear.

Mrs. Lu gave Young Master Lu's phone number to Lin Wanhan: "Girl, if you call tomorrow, Xiao Lu will go with you to get the certificate. After you get the certificate, you can go back to the villa Xiao Lu bought to live in. If you don't Let Xiao Lu give you the money, Xiao Lu bullied you, you tell me, I will break his dog legs!"

Lin Wanhan's heart felt warm. She came here with intentions, but Mrs. Lu was so kind to her...

She was really moved...

Although she came here with intentions, during the two days she spent with Mrs. Lu, she treated Mrs. Lu sincerely and really liked Mrs. Lu.