Chapter 435 - Celebrating with a new car

The director asked Mei Li to call upon Jason to discuss the change of plan. No one expected the group to go to the showroom to check on the cars. It took everyone by surprise but being experienced in entertainment, the director and his assistant did not take long to decide that they would follow along. More material for the episode!

It did not take them a long time for Jason to give his permission. Why asking him? Mika and her mother were using Jason's car to come to the center. Hence, they needed his permission to set the cameras. Of course, they agreed to let the family watched the episode first after the edit so that no private stuff about both families being leaked out during the show.

The director quickly ordered his men to quickly set the cameras. They even asked Jason to leak the destination beforehand so they could get ready at the place before the group arrived. 

Jason took the director's number. However, instead of promising to give them an update himself, he told the director that Mei Li would contact them. It meant that he would first message Mei Li so the crews would get the information from the manager.

The director was unhappy at first. He thought he could get Young Master Wu's private number but it seemed like his plan was discovered by the young man. These people really kept their private life tightly like holding their favorite toy.

So frustrating!

The director gave Mei Li a pleading look before he ordered his team to quickly set up the cameras and prepare to leave. They must arrive before the group!

But they could not leave before the cameraman finished shooting inside. So the director ordered his assistant to wait for the cameraman while he went to the first showroom. Well, more like waiting for the location from Jason before they could start moving.

Having succeeded in coaxing Ryn to check the cars, Mika smiled happily as she wrapped her hand around Ryn's arm. She skipped happily, pulling Ryn along, to the car. She knew Jason already went to get the car for them.

As she expected, her fiance was ready at the entrance with the car. Her brows lifted at the sight of the small cameras but remembering Ryn's message last night, she knew these crews would follow them to the showroom as well. Mika could not help from turning to look at her mother but Mrs. Long just shrugged, able to understand the meaning behind her daughter's look.

They got into the car. Three of them chose to sit at the back. Luckily, the space was big enough to fit them and still be comfortable. Jason just chuckled when he saw his fiancee 'left' him to be close to her best friend. He did not have to think why Mrs. Long chose to sit at the back. She surely wanted to sit close to her future daughter-in-law, and it was awkward too for him to sit beside his future mother-in-law with his own fiancee in the same car. He preferred Mika. Only Mika.

Mei Li did not follow them. She thought this was a private time for Ryn and did not want to be the gooseberry in the group. Besides, her job was done and she knew the Longs and Jason would send Ryn home safely. 

Of course, she knew her work did not end officially... yet. She still needed to coordinate with the crews of Ryn's location, until the end of the day. But she was not too worried. She had no doubt Jason and Mika would help with the crew. None of them would want to make Ryn look back in public's eyes.

She went straight to the agency. She still needed to check on the other models, especially more jobs for them.

"I always believe you can do it, Ryn. You won't accept the word 'fail'," Mika said.

"We all believe in you," Mrs. Long echoed. She looked at her future daughter-in-law proudly.

"I'm happy that I didn't let you all down," Ryn said finally. She felt so awkward right now with Mrs. Long kept giving her that proud motherly look. She was okay with only Mika and maybe Jason but having to face Mrs. Long too... was a bit too much for her.

In short, she was only used with Jeremy and Mika but not the rest of the family. There was still awkwardness and nervousness whenever she met them.

Mrs. Long could feel how nervous Ryn was with her. She was hoping that Ryn would get used to her quickly so that when it was time for the two families to unite. 

She, just like Mika, liked Ryn so much. She already considered her as her second daughter!

Jason watched the women chatting with a smile never left his handsome face. He was so happy to see the love of his life happy. Nothing could make him happier than having Mika with that cheerful smile on her face.

They soon reached their first showroom. The Bugatti.

Ryn looked gloomy when she saw the signboard. She should guess this would happen. Would Mika choose a regular people's type of car? Despite her unhappiness, she still followed them into the showroom.

Ryn skipped into the building happily. She ignored the manager who, upon seeing the group, quickly approached them with a huge smile and started to bootlicking them. He never expected that his place would be chosen to be in the show. Free publicity!

Ryn followed behind the Long as both mother and daughter duo checked on each car carefully. Apparently, they already have their own idea of what Ryn's first car should be.

From one car to another. Mika even asked Ryn to get into the driver's seat to get the feel.

It was so awkward especially when Ryn saw the expectant and hopeful look from the manager. She let out a heavy sigh and excused herself. She needed some air to breathe.

She went out and stared at the road blankly.

"Here," Jason's voice snapped her back to reality. She turned to look at Mika's fiance before at the paper cup he was holding. It was a steaming drink.


"To give you some strength," Jason chuckled. He knew Mika could be too much sometimes but it was what appeal to him. Her nagging and spoiled attitude showed how much trust and belief she put on that person, and how much she cared. 

Ryn took a sip of the hot beverage. She sighed as she looked to the front.

"She's ecstatic when you passed the test. Let her enjoy the moment," he coaxed.

"Yeah," Ryn took another sip before smiled, "Let's go inside."

She found Mika and her mother were in another car. The manager was busy listing all the benefits of the car compared to other models.

"What do you think, Ryn?" Mika asked when she realized Ryn has already returned.

Ryn gave a slight shake of her head. She did not want any of them. Too pricey for her. Although she hasn't chosen yet what she wanted but she had an idea about the price range. Of course, it was around what ordinary people will buy. She spent quite a lot on her home and needed to save money for her future. Being a model was a short-lived career for her. She did not think she would stay as a model in ten more years. 

Mika shrugged and wrapped her arm around Ryn's arm. She looked at the manager with a smile, "Sorry. We will think about this more. Where is the pamphlet for this one?"

The manager quickly handed one of the pamphlets in his hand. He recognized them. Apart from the cameraman and the woman who seemed not to have any mood to be here, the other two women were from the Long family and the man was Young Master Wu.

And Young Master Wu and Young Mistress Long sometimes came here to check on the car and in the end, Young Master Wu would buy a car either for himself or for his fiancee.

The cameraman managed to get the shoot of Ryn's brief action and the manager's face. Even with the smile, the manager could not help from giving a grimace. Of course, apart from the free publicity. he was hoping for a sell or two. He wanted the commission.

"I'll bring the car," Jason announced. He walked to the sliding door. He still needed to send the next location to Mei Li, and then the info needed to be sent to the crew.

Instead of another showroom, the group went straight to the restaurant. It was time for lunch and he already chose the meals for them with the help from Mika.

The crews already knew the location of the restaurant and already set the cameras there. The cameraman put down his camera and let out a sigh. It was so tense, he had to remind himself that he was recording a real-life situation, not a scripted drama. He had to be fast in his feet as well as his mind. He needed to be ready for everything and it took everything in him to do just that.

Alas, he managed to get the shots needed.