Chapter 436 - A million dollar question

Ryn twitched her lips when she saw the food on the table. She was speechless with the amount of food but she knew they ordered so much because of her stomach.

"Do you like them, Ryn?" Mrs. Long asked with a smile. She sat beside Ryn with Mika took the seat on the other side of Ryn.

"Erm... yes..." Ryn nodded her head. She eyed each dish before turned to give a look secretly at Mika. Mika just smiled proudly.

"Eat this, dear," Mrs. Long placed a strip of pork belly onto Ryn's bowl of rice. Then, she placed some small pieces of bak choi onto her bowl, chuckling to see the stricken look on Ryn's face. "Learn to eat green, dear. Don't treat them as your enemies."

Mika and Jason hid their laughter. They knew Ryn would not argue with Mrs. Long nor rejected her offer. They wanted to see whether Ryn could swallow the vegetables she hated so much.

Would she or wouldn't she? That's a million-dollar question.

"Dear?" Mrs. Long gave an expectant look at her future daughter-in-law. Of course, she knew about Ryn's dislike toward vegetables, She did not know why the hatred was so bad until all these years still having it.

She should really learn to eat greens. This is for her own benefits too. She did not have enough vitamins by eating only meat, especially red meat.

It was her job as Ryn's future mother-in-law to bring Ryn back to the right way of living. What's to hate about vegetables? They're good for health.

Ryn looked at the vegetable before at Mrs. Long. She looked like a little kid being forced to eat green peas and sprout. 

The cameraman focussed on Ryn's face at the order of the director. The other cameras would take care of capturing others' actions. He tried his hardest to not laugh watching the helpless look on Ryn's face. It was clear how much Ryn disliked eating vegetables but she had to swallow them under the eyes of Mrs. Long.

Ryn closed her eyes and swallowed quickly. She tried not to taste any of it. She desperately wanted to throw them out but she could not do it, not in front of Mrs. Long. 

"As today is an enjoyable day for us, why don't we order a cake too?" Mika suggested as they were in the middle of their lunch. 

Everyone looked at her.

"What do you think, babe?" Mika looked at her fiance expectedly.

Jason looked at Ryn and Mrs. Long. Both women have different expressions. One in horror while another shared the same excitement as her daughter. Jason could not help from chuckling. Poor Ryn. She kept being stuck in the middle when Mika having so many ideas. 

"We had so much food, love. Why don't the real celebration be tonight? We have so many places to go too," probably feeling sorry for Ryn, Jason tried to change Mika's mind. The cars and the lunch were enough, at least in his mind. They shouldn't push Ryn too much.

Ryn sighed in relief when Mika, with pursed lips, agreed to Jason's admonishment. She did not dare to look at Mrs. Long. She was hoping the elder Long would agree with it as well. She seriously did not want to have cake on top of all of these. 

"Alright, let's go to check the next car," Mrs. Long said with a chuckle. She could guess the look Ryn was giving Jason. She also could guess the reason Jason said that because Ryn asked him to. 

Jason did not get the car this time. The car was already waiting for them when they walked through the entrance door. 

"Why don't you sit beside me?" Jason whispered to Mika.

"But I want to sit with Ryn," Mika replied back quietly. She glanced at the back where her best friend and her mother were walking together.

"Come on. Let her speak with your mother," he coaxed.

"Hmm... if you want to, babe," Mika wrapped her arms around Jason's. She batted her eyes at him. "What time is our flight tomorrow?"

"7.30 a.m. I will pick you two up," he said as he caressed her cheek gently. He wanted to lean down to kiss her lips but he was too aware of the camera. He did not want the camera to catch their intimate moment. He did not want the entire country to see them being intimate.

He opened the door for her and helped to pull the seat belt for her. Then, he opened the door for Mrs. Long. He did not manage to open the door for Ryn because the woman was already at another side and opened the door for herself. He went to the driver's side and smiled at Mika.

"Let's go," he said and drove the car away, heading to the second showroom.

"How many are we going today?" Mr. Long asked suddenly.

"Maybe another two?" Jason looked at his fiancee. He did not think they could go to all of the showrooms. The day was getting late and he knew not to make his future mother-in-law too tired or his future father-in-law would blame him.

"What kind of car do you want, dear?" Mrs. Long asked. She felt sorry to see the stricken look on dear Ryn's face. She patted Ryn's hand, encouraging her to speak out. 

Ryn threw her sight at Mika who was sitting in the front before at the elder woman who was giving her a tender look. She opened her mouth but not a word came out from her mouth. She sighed heavily and lowered down her eyes.

How could she say it without hurting Mika's heart?

"Don't worry," Mrs. Long patted her hand.

Ryn took a deep breath to calm herself and opened her mouth again.

"Maybe we can take the same car and color. And even the plate number," Mika sighed dreamily.

"You have so many cars already, Mika. Why do you need to buy a new one?" Ryn could not help from pointing it out dryly.

"It's for..." Mika looked at her fiance for help.

Jason chuckled as he rubbed Mika's head gently. "Just say this is just a hobby of mine buying cars for Mika."

"You rich people," probably forgetting about Mrs. Long presence beside her, Ryn snorted.

"Catherine, don't forget you have money as well. Mika told me about how much you spent for your new home and your rented house. You are too stingy with your spending," Jeremy pointed out.

Mika gasped and looked at Ryn worriedly. It was just a slip of her tongue. Who knew Jeremy could remember it?

"Mika?" Ryn looked at her best friend, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.


"Dear, don't get angry at Mika. She didn't mean to talk bad behind your back. She must be thinking of how to help you," Mrs. Long tried to help her daughter. "Besides, even if you don't have enough money, you still have us to help you."

"Aunty Long, I really don't think it's good to spend your money on me. I... I still have money," Ryn said desperately. She did not know why even Mrs. Long loves spending money for her. She was a nobody compared to the prestige Long.

"It's okay, dear. As long as everyone is happy," Mrs. Long replied with a delicate chuckle.

"But I'm not," Ryn murmured sadly.

Mrs. Long heard her words but did not comment upon them. She knew this girl next to her was reluctant to accept help from others, especially when it came to financing. She truly blamed it on the girl's parents who brainwashed Ryn to sort of 'hate' wealthy people. Thankfully, this naive girl accepted her children in her world. If not, she did not think her daughter would find a true friend and her son to find the love of his life.


It seemed like she might need to go meet Ryn's parents and slow talked with them about Ryn. She did not want her to keep feeling nervous and uncomfortable especially when all they wanted to shower their love onto Ryn.

Or maybe she needed to have a slow and private talk with Ryn without the presence of her silly daughter.

"We're almost there," Jason announced suddenly, breaking their conversation.

Ryn looked outside and sighed heavily when she saw yet another high-end brand for a car. What else could they go if not to these brands?

"Here we go again..." Ryn murmured as she got out of the car first before she helped Mrs. Long out of the car. Her lips twitched when she felt the cameraman who was standing not far busy shooting them. So troublesome about this fly. Next time, she would tell Mei Li to not agree to participate for this kind of show.

So annoying.

The manager who was busy compiling pamphlets quickly approached them when he saw they already arrived. He was informed beforehand by Mei Li and the director. He gave his permission for the shooting as he thought about the free promotion this showroom would have. He did hear about Ryn's power of selling products. He heard about the steak restaurant that she went to during her first episode and now was so full with customers, those who wanted to eat there must book first.

Hence, even if they did not buy any, he would do his best to promote his showroom so everyone would come and buy a car or two from him and his team.