Chapter 476 - Just want to help these two kids

Ryn gulped. She did not want to hurt the elder woman and did not understand why Jeremy could say that. He should discuss this with her first.

Mrs. Long gave a hurt look at the younger woman. She actually thought they could spend the night together chatting. She wished to know more about Ryn. She believed that even though she knew Ryn since young but the gap of two years when her silly son broke up with the kind woman made some changes in her. Even Jeremy was more m.a.t.u.r.ed than two years ago. And Mika, her little princess changed more emotionally.

She was hoping she could learn what happened during those two years and helped her son make up for it. 

This was all her son's fault, her heart muttered in displease as she glared at her stupid son. She should know being in the entertainment put so much ego in that boy's mind until he failed to think. Hmph. Luckily dear Ryn was magnanimous to accept him back or else...

Jeremy frowned when he received the glare from his mother. What with the sudden attack?

"Actually..." Ryn gulped. "I appreciate that aunty wants me to stay at your home but..."

"My place is better, " Jeremy said suddenly.

Both women looked at him.

He tried to wrap his arm around her slim waist and nodded seriously, "There are too many people in the mansion. Not much privacy. Ryn and I much prefer our..."

"Actually..." Ryn quickly cut him off before his mother got angrier. Seriously, this man was supposed to be a genius but right now he could not even read her expression. Couldn't he see how angry Mrs. Long was when he mentioned having privacy? Had he forgotten the fact that one day he would have to live in the said mansion? And he grew up in that mansion. He should be used with those people.

She guessed Jeremy forgot about that fact.

She sighed.

Right now what she should do was to appease the elder woman first, and then pull Jeremy aside to make him understand that she wanted to go home, her home not his to be exactly.

"Aunty," she started back after taking a deep breath to calm her mind. She must arrange her words carefully without it backfired back to her.

"I am grateful that you invite me back to your place... however, aunty, I don't think it is appropriate for me to always spend the night at your place. What will people say if they know?"

"Since when you care what others think, Catherine?" Mrs. Long asked with a chuckle. It was cute how this young woman tried so hard not to hurt her feeling.

"Err..." Ryn forgot that the family knew her since young and understood her behavior. She lived in her own little world without a care of what people think. Even as a model, she just lived her life as she liked, ate what she wanted, and slept whenever and wherever she could. She also wore whatever she liked and did not care when some paparazzi called her the sloppy or eccentric model. In her mind, as long as she was happy, she did not care what others think about her.

Well, it was all thanks to her hippy parents. They trained her to not be ashamed of being different. Everyone has their own life and they should appreciate and accept the differences in others. Hence, even though they hated it when she turned into almost carnivore, they still loved her with all their heart.

"You are really uneasy to spend the night with us?" Mrs. Long asked gently. She was not mad with Ryn's refusal. She knew this young woman was still wounded from the breakup. She was hoping that tonight she could help her son by breaking the wall around Ryn's heart. She saw how careful Ryn was when she was with Jeremy compared to when she was with Mika. She did not know whether others especially her children noticed it but she did.

And she wanted to help these two kids. Regardless of what her mother-in-law told her about what the Master said, without helping to clear the air between the couple, it would bring trouble for them in the future. She did not want anything bad to happen between them because of the scar in Ryn's heart. She also did not want her future daughter-in-law to be under stress because her son could not manage his jealousy. She wanted these two to have the same happiness that she and her husband enjoyed during their marriage. Trust each other without a doubt and love unconditionally.

And she also believed this younger woman in front of her would not stop from working after married into the family. Ryn was too independent to be happy and fulfilled to be a housewife. Yes, as the Madam, she could find charities and foundations to help to ease the boredom but most of the time, she did not have to do much after giving instruction to the others.

Spending the time shopping?

It was as clear as the sky not one of Ryn's favorite activities. Those branded items she had were either from the sponsors or presents from either of her children. And most of the time, she knew Ryn did not even bother looking at those items.

The show she participated in for the daily lifestyle was a shock to others but she was not surprised at all. Ryn really showed who she really was and did not even pretend to be someone else. She did, several times, wary about the camera but it did not stop her from doing whatever she had in mind. Of course, she felt pity for her youngest child who could not stop muttering that Ryn fooled her that day. It was entertaining to see her daughter's reaction when she learned how much steak Ryn had that day. It was not a surprise when the restaurant Ryn went to with her senior chose her to be its ambassador.

She made the steak look delicious.

Ryn chewed her bottom lip. Should she say yes? That she was uncomfortable staying too many nights at the Long when she did not have any official relationship with Jeremy? Even though she was now his girlfriend but it was not a golden ticket to make her treat the mansion as her own. She still has pride as her parents' daughter. She would not take advantage of other's kindness. All the kindness she received she would return back hopefully twice more. 

Of course, when it came to Long family, it put her stuck in the middle. They accepted her with open arms even with the difference between her family status and theirs. They did not mind about her parents being hippy and different from other parents. They did not mind that she hated vegetables with a vengeance although the elders tried to coax her to eat them back.

Even when she broke up with Jeremy, not once did they blame her. When she 'reunited' with Mika and later with Jeremy and rekindled her relationship with him, they did not mind at all. In fact, it did feel that they were blaming him for being too slow. She really could not understand this family that well. Usually, rich especially super-rich family would look down on those who did not share the same status as theirs. However, the Long did not take long to bring her into their family. The first time she was brought into the house, everyone except for the Dowager who was spending the days at the temple, welcomed her cheerfully. Even Mr. Long took a day off just to meet his daughter's best friend. Mrs. Long said it was the first time Mika brought a friend home and before that Mika always told them about this friend she met at school. Ryn was so shocked with how excited the family was to welcome her that she stood frozen at the door until Jeremy came and laid his big hand on her head and rubbed it playfully. Then, Mika and Mrs. Long came and pulled her into the house. And the rest was history.

"Ryn, aren't you staying at our place?" Jeremy asked with hoping eyes. He no longer called the condo his place but theirs. It belonged to Ryn too.

"Dear, don't be afraid. Just speak what you want," Mrs. Long encouraged Ryn. She gave a glare at her son, a warning not to make Ryn even more uncomfortable. Couldn't he just control himself for once? Why did it feel like he was jealous of his own mother?

"Aunty, I really appreciate that you open your home for me but as you said it's late at night and my home is closer. I wish to go home. Tomorrow I still have to go to work and Mei Li will pick me up at home. I don't want to trouble you to send me home early in the morning tomorrow," unable to find the best words, Ryn decided to just be honest and said what she had in mind. 

Mrs. Long smiled as she grasped the younger woman's hands, "I understand. I don't want to force you if you don't want to but dear, do remember that I am not an outsider or a stranger. Even if you and Jeremy did not have fate to be together, I take you as my second daughter."

"Mother," Jeremy gasped. His eyes widened in shock. What did his mother mean by this? Shouldn't she emphasize that she saw Ryn as her daughter-in-law? Why did she say nonsense things like him having no fate with Ryn? Was she trying to ruin his love life?