Chapter 477 - Where to go?

Mrs. Long was a bit frustrated when she saw her son still not given up on bringing the dear girl to his home. In her heart, being a boyfriend, he should learn to give in instead of following his l.u.s.t. She could guess what he wanted to do to the poor dear once they reached the condo.

Hmph... It seemed like she has to have a heart-to-heart conversation with him again.

"Ryn, my love, why do you insist to sleep at your place? Isn't the condo more comfortable?" she heard her silly son asked his girlfriend. She gave an invisible shake of the head at his words. 

"J, do you need to do this now?" Ryn hissed under her breath, trying to maintain the calm on her face even though she felt like screaming at her boyfriend for being so childish. 

He gave her a puppy-eyed look, hoping to melt her heart to follow him home.

But Ryn was no longer the old Ryn. Her heart was no longer melt easily at the right of his handsomeness. The wall around her heart, albeit no longer as thick as it used to, protected her from being hurt the second time. 

"Please send me home or I'll take the cab, " she insisted quietly.

"What are you doing there wasting time? Get into the car, " the dowager's loud voice interrupted them from the conversation impatiently. She had been in the car for so long but these kids (even Mrs. Long she considered as a kid when she was getting angry) kept chatting outside as if they could not talk in the car or at home. She was getting exhausted. Her old age demanded her to lie on her comfortable bed and rest. 

Mrs. Long, with a chuckle, went forward to grab Ryn's hand and pulled her toward the car. Luckily for her mother-in-law's interruption! Her son could no longer waste their time to change Ryn's mind.

Mika was unaware of what just happened. She sat beside her future mother-in-law and blinked her eyes at the family in confusion. What happened between them? 

But pretty soon her heavy eyes failed to keep open and added with the comfortable air conditioner that was not too cold or warm, she started to get drowsy and almost fell as she started to shut her eyes. Jason's mother just smiled as she and Jason helped to adjust Mika's head to rest on top of her left shoulder.

"We should leave first. We'll send dear Mika home tomorrow, " Jason's mother announced as she signaled her son to close the door. Jason looked at his future in-law and once he received their approval, he closed the door for the passenger side and went to sit in front. The driver already helped to transfer the bags into the bonnet while they were having their dinner.

The Long just waved at them. They were not worried about Mika being with the Wu family because they knew how much love the Wu had for Mika.

"Ryn, just sit beside me," the dowager ordered as she patted the space beside her.

"Just drive," he told the driver. He was hoping he could sit beside Ryn and coaxed her to change her mind but his own grandmother ruined his plan.

He sighed heavily.

The journey was quiet and silent. The elders knew the youngsters were still tired from the flight. They let the couple have their rest in the car, especially Ryn.

And Ryn used the time to sleep. She was so exhausted and could no longer hold it. She even unashamedly rested her head on Mrs. Long shoulder and dozed off.

The dowager looked at the younger woman, and then at her daughter-in-law. She c.o.c.ked an eyebrow.

Mrs. Long just smiled. She patted Ryn's head gently as the younger woman slept.

The driver glanced from the rear mirror. He was actually a bit confused. Where should they go actually? Should he drive to Miss Catherine's place or to Young Master Long's c.o.n.d.o.minium to send the couple? Or should he drive straight to the mansion?

Jeremy eyed the driver. He gave his order through his cold eyes.

The driver gulped nervously.

"Go to her place," the dowager ordered when she noticed the cold eyes from Jeremy to the driver.

Jeremy looked at his grandmother in hurt.

The dowager just hmphed but she did not thump her cane as they were in the MPV. She just scowled at her grandson. How dare he try to boss around the family. She was still here and alive.

Mr. And Mrs. Long kept quiet. They were too lazy to be involved between the dowager and Jeremy. It was safer to stay under the radar than to receive the dowager's wrath. Besides, both were members of their family and it would break their heart to choose one to side to when they loved both equally.

And they understood clearly that despite the dowager had quite a tough persona and did not have any filter when talking with them, the dowager loved them more than life too and would do anything for their happiness.

The driver drove quietly to the apartment where Ryn was living and soon would be left to move into her real house. He heard that she would move within this week and wondered whether she would need some help to move her things. Some of the maids even told him that the butler already made a list of who would go and help her, even some maids and the cook were chosen to prepare meals for those who came to help and help cleaning and arranging the things. 

The only thing they needed right now was the date of the moving. Everything else was done.

"I'll bring her upstairs," Jeremy volunteered once they reached the area right in front of the elevator. The driver actually parked at the bas.e.m.e.nt and adjusted so that the door for Ryn was right in front of the entryway. Jeremy did not give the chance for the driver to open the door for Ryn. He immediately jumped out of the car and went to Ryn side to open the door. As Ryn was sitting in the middle of both women, he helped his mother out before leaned into the car to scoop the sleeping Ryn up.

"I will follow you," Mrs. Long said after she received the meaningful look from her mother-in-law. Her husband did not follow suit as it would look awkward for two men to send Ryn home. Besides, he had the feeling that his mother had a lot to talk about without his wife and son hear about it. Silently he g.r.o.a.n.e.d to himself. Why when his mother was unable to release her frustration over someone, she would choose him as the victim? He did nothing wrong. He was quiet all the time!

Jeremy adjusted his hold and walked calmly into the elevator. His mother helped by pressing the button to go upstairs. Mrs. Long looked straight ahead but just right before the elevator opened its door for them, she turned to look at her son.

"Control your anger and jealousy," she said simply as she stepped into the small box and waited until Jeremy joined her in before she pressed the button for her floor.

He did not reply. His attention was fully on the sleeping Ryn. He was holding her protectively and lovingly, reacting like only the two of them were in the elevator.

Mrs. Long shook her head in bemused. Her son had fallen so bad and was desperate to win back Ryn's heart no matter what until he did not realize his action might be the reason why Ryn ran away.


She wondered where the genius brain her son had when it came to Ryn. Jeremy was truly her husband's son. Once falling in love, he would do anything and everything without thinking carefully. And both shared the same temper and easily get jealous. She could still remember how she had to coax her loving husband just because her senior wanted to treat her meal after they hadn't met since graduated. It was just a simple meal but she had to spend almost a week just to coax her sulking husband (boyfriend at that time).

And Jeremy was the same. She regretted not to watch over him carefully when he became a singer. When she learned that Ryn has become a model after both her children coaxed the poor dear, she had the feeling that their relationship would face challenges if Jeremy failed to control his jealousy. And she was right.

The couple separated because of jealousy.


They walked toward Ryn's house once the elevator door was opened. Mrs. Long helped unlock and open the door. She watched as her son walked straight into the bedroom. But when he did not appear after several minutes, she quickly went into the bedroom.

"Jeremy," she muttered under her breath when she saw what he did.