Chapter 533 - Packing for the flight

After much coaxing, Mika finally agreed to go home. Ryn blew out a relieved sigh and concentrated to look for a place for their dinner. She did not dare to ask for Mika's opinion when her emotion was still unstable. Ryn just let Mika cool down and gather back her calmness.

They stopped at a small cafe near the road and had their dinner. Although Mika was no longer as cheerful as she was before, Ryn knew she already felt better.

It was almost 9.00 pm when they reached the Long mansion. Ryn stopped right in front of the huge door and looked at her sulking best friend. Ryn smiled tenderly.

"Are you going to stay like that when we say goodbye?" Ryn asked with a ċȯċk of an eyebrow..

Mika crossed her arms and sulked. She did not understand why Ryn did not change her mind as they got closer to home.  She wanted to spend more time with her. Shouldn't they just have their pajama party tonight?

Ryn actually got out and went to Mika's side. She opened the door and lowered herself until she was so close they could almost touch each other's skin.

"Mika," she called gently. "It's already night and you should go to sleep."


"Mika, what day is tomorrow?"

"Thursday..."  Mika answered slowly.

"And the day after that?"

"Friday," came the answer.

"And what day will that be?" Ryn asked with a small.

"The day we're flying to the island," Mika replied with a small voice.

"Then, what should we do tomorrow?" 

"Packing and preparing for the flight?" cam the small voice again.

"So, stop acting so spoiled and go to sleep. Tomorrow we have so many things to do and you should get your beauty sleep as long as you could. You are the bride. The bride cannot have black panda eyes, right?"

Mika nodded her head sadly. She did not want to have black panda eyes on her wedding day. A bride should be the most beautiful woman on that day. Slowly, she got out of the car, holding to Ryn's hand. 

"I'm handing her to you," Ryn winked at the butler. "Make sure she goes to sleep early."

"Yes, Mistress," the butler agreed. He also checked the car Young Mistress Catherine just bought and wondered when the young lady would hand her car key so the family could start the renovation.


Why does it feel like Young Mistress Catherine trying to put more distance with them by buying that kind of car? She refused to accept the cars the family wanted to give her. And she bought that car without even telling any of them, or asking their opinion.

Mika ignored the  butler and went upstairs. She was still unhappy with how the day ended so she planned to report her unhappiness to her fiance. She knew Ryn was right. She couldn't keep staying late before her wedding but she really wanted to spend time with Ryn.

Ryn was always busy with her work and study and often neglect her. Now, as Ryn took a short break specially for her wedding, she wanted to use the time to spend with her best friend.

She did not think she ask too much from everyone. She just wanted to spend time with her best friend.

"Jason baby~" she whɨnėd when he accepted the call.

"My love, whats wrong?" Jason asked hurriedly when he heard the sadness in her voice. What was wrong with her? Who hurt her?

"Do you want me to come to you? Where are you?" he asked without waiting first for her explanation. She could not hear her being sad. It broke his heart.


"What about her?"

"She doesn't want to have pajama party with me," Mika sobbed. Her heart was still breaking and she needed all the love and coax by her loved one.

Jason sighed in relief. It seemed like she was not hurt physically and just wanted to be spoiled by everyone, like usual. And he did not mind being the person to do that. He loved her, with all his heart. He would do anything for her.

"Givbe me half an hour? The traffic might be bad but I will try to be quick," Jason said. He wanted to pull her into his arms and whispered sweet nothings just to make her feel better. Talking while in two different places made it hard for him to spoil her properly. Only by having her in his arms would he able to do it properly; spoiling her.

He quickly pun on his shirt and grabbed his car key. He got out of the room and rushed downstairs.

"Where are you going so late at night?" His mother asked when she saw him heading to the main door.

"Mika needs me," Jason answered simply.

"Ah... don't sleep too late. She needs her beauty sleep," she reminded with a wave. She did not mind at alll seeing her own son leaving so late at night just to meet his fiancee... and they were getting married in just a few days.

Jason did not even choose what car he would use, just grab the key blindly. He simply pressed the unlock buŧŧon and looked around to see which car was it. He quickly went to the said car and started the engine. He didn't even wait for the car to be properly heated. He simply put on the safety belt and made sure the light was on. Then, he drove the car out of the basement.

Mika, already happy that Jason was on the way, squeled happily. She jumped to her feet and quickly rushed into the bathroom. She did not want to be smelly when he came. She had a shower, making sure every inch of her body was washed carefully. She even sniffed to make sure she smelled nice.

In order to welcome him properly, Mika even washed and styled her hair carefully in a style of loose curl. She put on her favorite pink nightdress and sprayed his favorite perfume on her. She did not put on any make-up but a strawberry lipbalm. And that was that.

He arrived in just 25 minutes, 5 minutes before the time he said he needed to come. He just nodded at the butler who opened the door for her and walked straight to Mika's room. He did not need any permission to come in because he was one of the family already. Mika's room was his room. He did not see any of the elders. They must be already asleep. He did not think much. His mind was on Mika. 

He smiled widely when he found the door was unlocked. He opened it and grinned to see his love standing in front of the bed, waiting for him. 

"Hello, my beautiful lady," he said as he closed the door. He made sure the door was locked securely before he went to catch her into his arms.

She squaled when he pulled her into his arms.

Ryn parked the car and quickly locked the gate. She then went to unlock the door and switched on all the lights and the fans. She then turned to lock the door. She walked wearily to the couch and laid herself on it. Man, she was exhausted. 

She did not even notice she actually fell asleep on the couch, until the morning came and she woke up. She blinked her eyes and yawned, but instead of waking up to start packing or clean the house, she covered another yawn with a hand and closed back her eyes to go to sleep. She was not ready to wake up yet. And, she told herself, she still has time for packing.

The sleep continued until noon. Then, it was time for her to wake up.

She made a quick breakfast and had it at the kitchen, too lazy to bring it to the dining table. Once she was done with washing the dirty dishes, she decided to wash the clothes. Later, she would start packing.

"Great," she ġrȯȧnėd when she remembered about her phone. She forgot to recharge it yesterday! Jeremy must be pissed off when he could not contact her. She winced at the thought and quickly rushed to have it recharged quickly.

As she was fretting over her dead phone, she heard the bell being rang. She frowned but did go to the front to check who came to the house. It would not be Mika, would it? Wasn't she supposed to pack everything right now?

"Oh, you," she blew out a sigh when she realized who it was. She quickly unlocked the door and stepped out of the house, crossing her arms.

"You should change it to the automatic gate," Jeremy said as he watched her came to unlock the gate.

"Later," she replied. She wanted to save some money first before she started to renovate the house more. She realized, after she moved here, that there was still something she needed to change here and there. Some small things and some, as she looked at the gate, big thing. Later... she would do it later once she has enough money, time and mood.

"Hey, you," he said.

"Hey, you."

He smiled and locked the gate. Then, he followed her back into the house. He could spend several hours here before he needed to go to the company.