Chapter 534 - The name is the color of the car

"So, this is the new car?" he asked as he looked at the car.

"White," she said.

"You name it white? Because of the color?" he asked. He understood that she just introduced him to its name.

"Hmm..." it was not a unique name nor something weird. She admitted she was a bit lazy when she was thinking about the name. When she changed the color of White, she decided to change its name too to suit the new color.

Easy and quick and she did not have to break her head when naming it..

"Quite a good choice for your first car," he commented finally once he was done checking everything.

She smiled. Then, she turned to get into the house.

She made drinks in the kitchen. He did not go to the living room but accompanied her there. He watched interestingly as she prepared hot cocoa for him. She did not brew coffee but made cocoa.

They then went to the living room. She sat beside him on the sofa.

"How are you going to do the tour when you're busy with the company?" she asked, cradling her own mug of cocoa.

"Father will take time off of his honeymoon and cover me," Jeremy shrugged. He already discussed this with his father. That was why they quickened the plan to merge the companies in order to give way for Jeremy to focus on the tour. Once the tour ended, it would be the end of his singing career as a group. That was what he promised his family during the discussion.

"Hmm... I will return to the company after the tour. You... do you want to join me?" he asked. His hand rubbed her back absentmindedly.

"Joining you guys during the tour?" she looked at him in disbelief. Even when he was so busy back then doing multiple tours, he never asked her to accompany him. He said they needed to hide their relationship because of the contract he signed with the company. It emphasized on him have to keep being single in order to have more fans.

"I'm not with that company anymore. Besides, I am the CEO of my own company and I can do whatever I want now. All I want right now is to show everyone that you are mine and I don't care even I lose fans because of that," he shrugged. That was the reason why he broke the contract and created his own music company. All because he no longer wanted to be held under anyone's rule. He was no longer cared about how many fans he had. All he wanted was his happiness... with her.

She pursed her lips at his declaration and sipped her drink. A super-rich man was really a different man.  He did not even care about what others thought about him.

"Have you had your lunch yet, love?" he asked. He looked at his empty mug and put it down. He glanced at hers and saw it still filled with half-full of cocoa. She really drank quite slow today. Maybe she was still sleepy, he thought.

"Not yet. I just... woke up," she replied and sipped her drink more. She was hungry but she did not know what to eat. She suddenly has no appetite for steaks. She wanted something else but nothing came to her mind.

"Do you want to go out for lunch?" he asked.

"Nooooo..." it was a long no from her. She snuggled closer to him. She was too tired to go anywhere. She even planned to continue her sleep after he left.

"Have you packed?" he asked when he noticed there was no bag.

"Not yet. Later," she replied. Her eyes were getting heavy. He really made her feel comfortable.

He was about to coax her when he felt her weight beside him. He looked at her and chuckled to see her already sleeping. She must be exhausted from yesterday.

He put her mug onto the coffee table and then scooped her up carefully. He carried her to the bedroom. She did not even stir when he put her on the bed. He kissed her forehead gently after pulling the blanket over her. 

"I'll pack for you, love," he whispered and kissed her again.

He went to the wardrobe and took out two bags. He then quickly selected some clothes and undėrwėȧr to put into the bags. He even selected accessories for her; hats, pieces of jewelry, and some make-ups. He had no doubt his little sister would bring tons and tons of make-up and pieces of jewelry but he also knew Ryn would prefer to wear something her own.

He did not spend much time packing. He packed whatever he liked seeing on her. She was a simple girl and did not care much about what she was wearing. Hence, he would be her unofficial stylist as he has good taste in fashion.

Once he was done, he brought the bags into his car. He locked the door and quickly drove the car away after leaving a message on the nightstand. He did not want her to be worried when she woke up and found him not there.

He quickly drove to a restaurant he knew she liked and bought take-away. Then, he drove back to her home, along with the food. Even if they could not eat lunch together because he had to return to the office, he knew she would not starve. 

He checked on her for the last time and wrote another note to inform her about the bags. He planned to ask the family's driver to bring the bags to the mansion. Tomorrow he, his family, and Ryn would gather at the mansion and then take the family's car to the airport. The cars would be left at the mansion while they went to that island for the wedding and then to another island for the honeymoon.

Hence, he put a lot of bikinis in the bag for Ryn. He loved seeing her in a bikini and during the honeymoon,  he was not worried any other man would see her in them. Jason would not care about anyone else but Mika so only Jeremy would see Ryn in all her glory.

He parked the car in the parking lot and walked to the office. He nodded his head receiving the polite greetings from the other workers as he walked to the elevator. Jacob, his personal ȧssistant was already waiting for him when the elevator's door was opened. He ċȯċked an eyebrow but did not talk as he walked to his office. His ȧssistant followed behind, carrying a stack of files.

He sat on his chair and ċȯċked an eyebrow at his ȧssistant who hurriedly put the files on the table.

"So, they're done with the reports?" Jeremy asked dryly.

"Yes, boss. And this is also the recovery plan for the Green River project," Jacob added as he pulled a green file from the stack.

Jeremy opened the file with a frown. Even though the earthquake did not affect the project, he told the project manager to give him at least two plans if any natural disaster happened.