Chapter 538 - The paparazzi are having a blast

Jeremy and Ryn walked aimlessly in the airport, luring the paparazzi away from the family. They agreed that it was important to bring the attention away from Mika. They did not want to put pressure on Mika when she was silently under stress with the wedding preparation.

"They're still here?" Ryn whispered as she looked ahead. She did not want to alert the paparazzi but at the same time, she wondered when they would have enough of the pictures and leave them alone.

"Hmm..." Jeremy managed to glance back without much movement.

Ryn let out a sigh.

"Let's buy some drinks," Jeremy said as he pulled Ryn toward Starbucks.

"What do you want to have?" he asked as both looked at the dessert display. 

"That cake," Ryn pointed at the Mississippi mud cake. Jeremy pointed the cake at the girl and then urged Ryn to choose a drink. Ryn decided to take one of the month's special drinks. They waited for their drinks and dessert to be prepared and then chose a table.

"Why can't we just return to them?" Ryn asked as she prepared to eat the cake. Jeremy decided that he would share with Ryn so he did not choose another cake or any other dessert for him.

"Just give them enough photos and then we'll return to the others," Jeremy replied. He reached for the small dessert fork and took a small bite of the cake. He was not hungry, after the lunch they had before they left, but he loved sharing this kind of moment with her. 

Ryn kept quiet. She ate the cake silently while checking her phone. Mika just sent her a message, telling her that some of their photos were already online. Talk about hardworking and effective paparazzi.

Three of the paparazzi were having a blast, taking photos non-stop. They never thought that Jeremy who used to be very private could be quite open in his relationship now. He did not even care that people could see him and his little model. But they could see the model was quite uneasy. Were they acting like a couple?

They had the suspicion but the ones who were going to air out the rumor were not them but the reporters. Their jobs were to take photos and that was all they would do.

"What are you reading about?" Jeremy asked when he noticed the laughter in Ryn's eyes when she read her phone.

"We are already in the news," Ryn replied as she showed the photos.

"And they haven't had enough of fun yet. There are about three people out there still busy taking pictures of us," Jeremy said dryly. He noticed some already left them earlier but these three were quite... hardworking. If they were working with him, he could expect them to claim overtime every single day.

"Let's go back to them," Ryn requested after they were done with the cake and drink. Then, she frowned, "Shouldn't we buy something for them?"

"Do you think we only have to buy for two?" Jeremy ċȯċked an eyebrow.

"Ah..." Ryn finally remembered that Jason's family came as well with them. The two families would take the same plane.

Jeremy chuckled as he pinched Ryn's cheek playfully. Then, he stood up and took his phone. He took Ryn's hand and headed to the VIP lounge where the others were waiting. They were actually waiting for their plane to be prepared. 

The paparazzi followed until the departure gate. They could no longer follow the couple but at least they have a lot of photos of them to be published. Oh, how they wished their company agree to buy the plane ticket so they could follow the couple. But their company's boss was so stingy!

They knew some paparazzi managed to get tickets for the plane to follow the couple. Of course, being a normal citizens, they could not afford a private plane just like the families. They could only take a commercial plane. Hence, some of them already went to the island to set up the places while checking the venue.

So envious.

"Have you gotten them out?" Mika asked hurriedly when the couple approached them.

"Hmm... they had a blast," Ryn replied dryly. She let Jeremy pull her to sit beside him as she watched Jason help Mika unskinned the grape and plopped into her mouth lovingly. Ryn pursed her lips and looked at Jeremy who was eyeing her interestingly.

"I don't need that," Ryn said before Jeremy could say a word.

"Okay." Jeremy did not push Ryn. He looked at the loving couple silently. If only Ryn would allow him to treat her like Jason does to Mika.

He sighed a bit.

The Dowager, Mr. and Mrs. Long were talking with Jason's parents. The younger two couples sat together, not wanting to interrupt them, and just stayed at their table while waiting.

"It's ready," Jeremy said after he received a message. He stood up and went to the elders to inform them. Then, he took her hand and headed to the exit. They were going to the gate where the plane was waiting for them.

The Dowager led the way climbing up into the place, following behind the elders, Mika and Jason, and lastly Ryn and Jeremy. They did not bring any luggage as the luggage was already on the plane, being carried by the helpers. 

Ryn sat beside Mika and smiled when Mika focused her camera phone on them.

"Oh, it's live," Ryn murmured when she realized Mika was streaming. She smiled for another second before she accepted Jeremy's hand and sat beside her boyfriend. She let Jason replace her to sit beside Mika.

"So far how many have agreed to come?" she heard the question when she and Jeremy sat at the table with Mrs. Long and Mrs. Wu, Jason's mother.  She watched as the women were looking at the name list.

"All agreed to come. Some of them have arrived at the hotel," Mrs. Wu replied. She put on her glasses as she stared at the list. Mrs. Long looked at her son. "The kids?"

"They're taking the next plane," Jeremy replied. He already arranged everything. Some of the maids would follow to accompany the kids, along with two workers from the orphanage. He also ordered his team from the music agency to come along to help, especially to watch over the musical instruments. 

"Are you sure she did not know anything?" Mrs. Wu asked in a whisper. The whole family knew about the surprise performance, all except for the couple. Even Jason did not know the extend of what Jeremy has planned for the wedding and the reception. They actually thought Jeremy was just inviting two singers for the performance while the others would only be music. Jason knew about the new arrangement hence the music idea.

"Yes," Jeremy nodded. His little sister could be so clueless and with him always made her angry by 'stealing' Ryn now and then, she did not smell anything about the plan. Besides, whenever Jeremy and Ryn spent time for the practice, Jason and Mika were not allowed to follow along. Even for the recording for the show, the crew already promised that they would only plan that episode after the wedding so as not to blow the cover.

Ryn glanced at Mika silently. Mika and Jason were chatting while she was recording. It seemed like she was so excited about the wedding day was finally here. Well, almost. They were going to the venue and soon enough she would become Jason's wife.

"The rehearsal... how will you do it?" Mrs. Wu asked worriedly. They would have a rehearsal before the wedding and with the time left, what about the performance? 

"Don't worry, Aunty. I have a plan for it," Jeremy ȧssured the elder woman with a glint in his eyes.

Ryn looked at her boyfriend speechlessly. How could they do rehearsal without the performance part? She needed to check the microphone too or would someone else do it for her?

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine," Jeremy ȧssured her when he noticed the worry in her eyes. He leaned to kiss her forehead gently before joining back the conversation with the elders. Ryn sat beside him quietly. She wanted to know what she could do to help once they arrived. As the only bridesmaid, she felt like she did nothing for Mika and felt useless.

The conversation stopped when a stewardess approached and told them the plane would depart. They pulled the safety belt and waited for a while before they were allowed to unbuckle and continued their discussion. 

Ryn just kept quiet but at the same time took note of what she could do to help. She let Jeremy rest his arm on his shoulders with once in a while he would rub her back absent-mindedly. She did try to sit somewhere else but every time she tried to stand up, he would hold her. It seemed like he wanted her just to sit beside him even though she did not contribute anything to the conversation.

"Why don't you go to sleep, dear? You look tired," Mrs. Long said when she saw Ryn's trying to fight her sleepiness. It was not as if the conversation was boring but her body automatically went to the sleepy mode when she was in a plane and did nothing. 

Ryn looked at Jeremy and her boyfriend could only let her leave unhappily.

"Just let the poor girl breathe. It's not as if she can run away in this plane," Mrs. Long told her son. She did notice how many times her son stopped Ryn when she tried to leave.

Jeremy just smiled weakly. He did not reply to the words, knowing his mother was right but he just wanted to feel her close to him. He knew after the wedding and honeymoon, she would get back to work and it would be hard for him to spend time with her with their busy schedule.

Jeremy narrowed his eyes as an idea hit his mind.. He glanced at where Ryn was heading and pursed his lips thoughtfully.