Chapter 539 - The rehearsal (1)

Ryn watched as Mika excitedly entered the hotel. It was not a surprise to see the luxury hotel they arrived at. She felt excited as well but at the same time, she wondered whether the kids were staying here as well. The kids should either be on the way or already arrived. If they have arrived, where would they be?

"I rent a house for them," Jeremy whispered as if he knew what was in her mind. "Tomorrow morning after breakfast, we will meet them. Today they will be too exhausted to do anything."

She nodded dumbly. She should not worry when she knew Jeremy would handle everything perfectly. She grasped his hand and smiled at him.

The couple followed the engaged couple, smiling to themselves seeing Jason trying to calm Mika down. Mr. Long and Mr. Wu, on the other hand, were listening to the manager as he tried his best to boost the hotel to these two men. 

The other elder women just looked around, admiring the decoration and the carving of the building.

Jeremy led Ryn to their room. Although they were not married yet, the elders did not bat an eye to see them sharing the same room. They already took Ryn as their daughter-in-law and sooner or later she would officially join the family. 

Even Jason's family did not comment upon seeing the couple sharing a room. They knew what the Long planned for the couple and even asked to be included with the planning. 

It seemed like the two families were so close that they were almost acting like one big family.

"Seaview," Ryn gasped when she looked out of the window.

Jeremy smiled as he wrapped his arms around her from the back. He rested his chin on her shoulder and enjoyed the view.

"We can always return here whenever you want. Just the two of us."

She blushed to hear his husky voice. Although they were here, she knew they would not be able to enjoy the view with so many things to do. The rehearsal and the 'secret' rehearsal needed to be done. But, she almost felt like they would not have time for the secret rehearsal as the time was running out. The wedding would be tomorrow's evening with the rehearsal tomorrow's morning. Later, she would follow Mika and Jason to check the venue in order to see how much that was done and how much needed to be done before the wedding.

Hopefully, it would not stress Mika too much once she saw it, Ryn prayed.

They gathered to have their meal, well, except for the Dowager who was still asleep in her room. Then, the elders went back to their room to have some rest while the youngsters went to the wedding venue to check everything out.

A woman quickly approached them. Jason and Mika walked with her, listening to all the preparation that has been done and ongoing. Ryn and Jeremy, on the other hand, broke free from the group and looked around.

"I thought the flower is in pink," Ryn whispered, looking at the roses all around the place.

"Grandmother said white is purity and sophisticated," Jeremy shrugged. He heard when Mika's wail about the color of the flowers but she was vetoed by the Dowager.

"Oh..." Ryn no longer dared to question anything. She glanced at Mika and saw her hand white gripping Jason's hand. Was she still unsatisfied with the color choice? But the wedding was tomorrow. Nothing could be changed anymore unless Mika wanted to become a bridezilla.

"Do you want this kind of wedding for our wedding?" Jeremy asked suddenly as they walked along the shore. The wedding venue was right beside the beach. 

"Just in the country is fine. We don't need to spend so much just for one day," Ryn replied without thinking.

Jeremy smiled. Even though Ryn already hinted about the cost, in Jeremy's mind she deserved to have the best wedding. His grandmother already gave him the suitable dates for engagement and wedding that were lucky for them so he might as well start to plan and prepare for both. 

They spend another half an hour walking along the beach before joining the engaged couple. They listened as Jason told the wedding planner what else that he and Mika wanted. There would be a slight improvement to the decoration and with Mika just leaving everything for Jason to handle, he seriously informed the woman so tomorrow, the wedding would be perfect.

Mika broke free from Jason and went to Ryn. They held hand as Mika leaned closer to Ryn.

"Can you believe that tomorrow I will become Jason's wife?" She asked slowly.


"I wish that we could marry together. Won't it be marvelous? The best?"

"But you should be the only focus tomorrow, Mika. You are the bride," Ryn replied. She knew this idea has been with Mika since young. At first, when they were younger, she wanted it as well. To be married together with Mika but alas, Jeremy and she broke up suddenly two years ago. And to suddenly marry after just rekindling their relationship? She did not think it was a good idea at all. 

This time she wanted them to go slow and steady in order to ensure their love could survive their ego. 

"I don't think I mind if we share the spotlight," Mika said as she blinked her eyes.

"It's already too late. Your wedding is tomorrow. Besides, it's not as if you can't join in the excitement when I get married one day," Ryn pointed out. 

"I will be your only bridesmaid," Mika said with a huff.

"Yes... yes... you can be whatever you want to be during my wedding," Ryn was acting like she was coaxing a little kid. She squeezed Mika's arm before turning to look at her boyfriend who was looking at her with a smile. She smiled back.

Mika, not able to get what she wished for, went straight to Jason. Her fiance just rubbed the top of her head lovingly before telling the wedding planner something else. The woman was busily writing something on her notepad but the way her brows were knitting made Ryn thought of the change was too... abrupt. Ryn pursed her lips thoughtfully but did not ask anything at all.

It was Mika and Jason's wedding and they knew what they wanted during the wedding.

They later took a car to do a little bit of sightseeing. Mika was too excited to just sit in her room and prepare for tomorrow. Hence, the three of them decided to bring her around to make her feel better. They spent hours outside before they returned back to the hotel. The men carried their already sleeping partner back to their room.

The men were having jetlag but the women were too exhausted to feel the jetlag. The men actually, once they put their woman on the bed and made sure they were comfortable with the blanket tucked around them, went to meet at the bar downstairs. They were not planning to get drunk but to discuss last-minute preparation for tomorrow.

"So do you need my help with the preparation?" Jason asked Jeremy after they received their drink.

"No need. My team will come early to prepare everything. You do need to come early to check the sound system," Jeremy replied. He paused to sip his drink before adding, "Are you sure you want to sing live? We still have time if you want to record your voice first."

"Yes, I'm sure. This is my special surprise for her and I want her to be touched with me," Jason said firmly. He was already dreaming of the moment when he started singing, she would be so surprised and touched that she would cry happily. He could not wait to see her reaction. 

Jeremy pursed his lips silently. The surprise Jason was planning for Mika was... a surprise but he had no doubt once Ryn started to sing, Mika would forget about Jason's surprise performance and only remember about Ryn's singing. 

Jeremy would rather not think of what Jason would think. The idea for Ryn to sing was for his little sister. She really wanted Ryn to be a part of the wedding and seeing almost everything was prepared and done by their mother and grandmother, Jeremy knew that by singing at the wedding, Ryn would officially feel that she was a part of the wedding and did her job as Mika's bridesmaid. Besides, Ryn has a beautiful sweet voice with many ranges. She did not want to become a singer (his manager did try to lure her in when they were young but she just treated it as a joke as she was busy with her modelling jobs) and Mika loved listening to Ryn when they were in karaoke. 

Well, as long as Mika was happy, that was more important.. She was after all the main focus during the wedding and Jason, Jeremy knew, would want Mika to be happy.