Chapter 1284

Disposable slippers are relatively thin. They can be walked indoors, but they are a little tedious outdoors. In addition, both of her heels are injured, and they don't walk fast. Accidentally, I was tripped by the branch next to me.

"Ah -" she exclaimed. Tang and song heard it in front of her. She turned her head, saw it, and immediately stretched out her hand to pull her.

However, the range of the willow warbler's waist is too large. Even if Tang and Song Dynasty made a move and grasped her hand, they could not pull her back in time. Finally, the willow warbler took Tang and Song Dynasty's hand and threw herself on the ground together.

Tang and song saw a sharp glass on the ground. In a hurry, he had no choice but to hold the warbler tightly and change his position with her. He was down and she was up.

At the moment of falling to the ground, his mouth made a groan. Liu Yingying felt that she had bumped into a warm chest, but the expected pain did not come. When she heard the groan, she opened her eyes quickly and saw the grinning face of Tang and Song Dynasty. She couldn't help worrying: "how are you doing?"

"Do you think I have something to do?" Tang and song bear the pain to curse, "not hurry up."

Liu Yingying hurriedly got up from the ground, and then helped Tang and Song Dynasties up. He was shocked: "your back is bleeding."

"Well, I know my back is bleeding. Can you help me up first?"

"Oh, yes." Liu Yingying hurriedly helped Tang and Song Dynasty up, but the glass was still inserted on the back of Tang and Song Dynasty, just don't know how deep, she looked very much, "do you want it tight?"

"You say, hurry up."

Today is Fu Qingliu's birthday party. He doesn't want to go in like this to worry people. Liu Yingying listens to him and immediately says, "don't move!" She quickly started to tear off the long skirt behind her, and let out a grin. The originally beautiful skirt suddenly turned into a miniskirt. Her long and beautiful legs were very eye-catching in the air.

Tang and song wanted to say something, but Liu Yingying was already there urging him: "hurry up, give me your car key."

"Can you drive?"

"Yes." But it's been a long time.

She helped Tang and song to get in the car, and then asked him to hold the handrail on his side: "OK, let's go, you sit well, don't let the back glass hit the deeper insert you know?"

Five minutes later, the frightened voice of Tang and Song Dynasty came from the back seat: "Hey, slow down, turn left, and kill the steering wheel!"

"Be careful, there are roadblocks ahead!"

"My God, Orioles, can you really drive?" The voice of Tang and Song Dynasty deepened the panic, "are you going to take us both to the dead end? I don't want to die!"

"Shut up!" There are sweat beads on her forehead. She holds the steering wheel tightly. "I'm not familiar with it. Do you know it? Don't disturb me. I'll open it."

Another thrilling turn. Tang and song wanted to talk, but the wound on their back hurt. In addition, he was afraid that he would distract her by talking too much, so he didn't dare to make a sound. When they arrived at the hospital, the backs of their clothes were soaked with sweat.

Liu Yingying's heart beat fiercely, but she steadied her mind and quickly got out of the car to help Tang and Song dynasties.

The Tang and Song dynasties were cold and sweaty, with white lips and soft legs. He felt that he had passed the God of death.

Liu Yingying frowned and helped him to the emergency room.

Results the emergency department just sent a batch of accident patients. All the doctors and nurses were very busy. No one cared about them at all. Some other less serious emergency patients were also hung aside.

Watching the doctors and nurses running around, but no one came to care for them, Liu Yingying was also a little worried: "Hey, how many people in this hospital."

"Just now, there was a major traffic accident. All the wounded and patients were sent here. The doctors and nurses were all busy. How can we manage it?"

…… The warbler saw a nurse running by with a tray in front of her. She stopped the nurse and took the tray.

"Oh, what are you doing?" the nurse said

"Leave us alone. Go get another tray. I'll come here."

The nurse saw that she was really skillful, and there was a doctor shouting in front of her, so she had to turn around and go first.

Liu Yingying asked Tang and song to sit down, and then said to him, "I can't help it. You see, the nurse is so busy. When it's your turn, I'm afraid you'll bleed and die. I don't have any anesthetic. Please bear it. I don't need to talk about this pain any more."

…… She really poisoned her words first. As soon as Tang and song eyes closed, she leaned her face against the armrest of the chair and said, "come on."

"Well, if you have pain, shout, but don't move." After checking the Tang and Song Dynasties, she found that the glass was not deeply inserted. It was OK to sew a few stitches simply. She could handle it completely, so she first explained a few sentences of Tang and Song dynasties.

"I see." Tang and song sat there, biting their teeth, letting the warbler disinfect him, and then pulling out the glass.

For a moment, the sharp pain still tore the heart and lungs, but the Tang and Song Dynasties gritted their teeth and resisted it. Without hesitation, Liu Yingying picked up the needle on the nurse tray and sewed it up quickly. It was just a hard shoulder. The pain could be imagined.Fortunately, the Orioles and warblers are very skilled and use less time than ordinary doctors, so they have to sew well. She was relieved: "OK, Hello, Tang and Song Dynasties, are you ok?"

Seeing that Tang and song didn't respond, she was even more worried. Tang and song looked up and said with pale lips, "what do you say?"

"It's OK. It means that there are too many people here. Let's go. I'll take you back first. I've got some medicine there. It should be cured."

I knew that the hospital was so busy. I might as well go back to her directly and do something here. Depressed.

"Well, can you still go?"

"I can't go." The Tang and Song Dynasties said powerless.

"Please, take my shoulder and I'll help you out." The willow warbler bit his teeth and propped up the body of Tang and Song dynasties.

The two staggered out of the hospital.

Liu Yingying paid attention to walking and didn't notice. However, Tang and Song Dynasties noticed that countless people's eyes, especially those of the men, were all on Liu Yingying, and even some people were looking at a pillar in front of him.

"Wait." Tang and song frowned.

"Why?" The warbler looked at him.

Tang and Song Dynasty just took off their coats with blood. At this time, they were attached to his arms. He said nothing and put them on the shoulders of the warbler.

The warbler and the warbler were stunned. They looked down at their legs, pursed their lips, and said, "let's go."

They went out together and met a man at the door of the inpatient department.

"Miss Zhao?" Tang and song looked at Zhao ChuChu, who passed by with him, and called out subconsciously.

Zhao ChuChu was stunned. Looking back at Tang and Song Dynasties, his face was a little unnatural at once.