Chapter 1285

"Miss Zhao, why do you come to the hospital so late?"

"I --" Zhao ChuChu immediately hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

Tang and song looked at the inpatient building behind her, and suddenly realized it, nodded at her: "then we'll go back first."

"Are you hurt?" Zhao ChuChu's eyes fell on the gauze behind him and looked at the tuxedo of the Orioles and warblers. They were a little strange.

"It's ok if you have a little injury. If you're busy, we'll go first." Tang and song nodded and said goodbye to her.

"She's not the woman we saw last time? Has she forgiven her husband? "

"I don't know that. No, I have to call the film. You take my cell phone out of my clothes. "


They left their car in the hospital and took a taxi back.

On the way, the atmosphere seemed silent. Warbler warbler hammered his sour arm and asked, "don't it matter if we just go like this?"

"Anyway, you are not the leading actress tonight, and I am not the leading actor. Do you think someone will pay attention to you when you leave?"

…… No one pays attention to them when they leave, but if they leave together, maybe it's a little

But now I'm gone. There's no way to think about it.

"Oh." The Orioles and warblers look out of the window at the dim night scene, their eyes are a little lonely, and they don't know what they are thinking.

The Tang and Song Dynasties closed their eyes and kept their eyes closed until they came downstairs.

When entering the gate, Tang and song still hesitated for a while.

"What are you doing?" the warbler frowned at him

"When you bring a man back in the middle of the night, you are not afraid of any danger?" Tang and song hands on the wall, eyes deep at her.

The warbler and warbler sniffed at the words and sneered, "whether you can enter or not, or whether you can pull it down."

"What do you mean by laughing?" Tang and song are dissatisfied and look at her.

"If you don't get in, get out of here." Liu Yingying lost patience and was about to close the door. Tang and song hurriedly blocked it with their hands, walked in and lay down on the sofa. "Damn it, it's killing me. Hurry to get some medicine to wipe it for me."


Looking at the man lying on the sofa, Liu Yingying told herself that he was injured for himself and that he could not let it go, so she took a deep breath and told him, "take off your clothes first."

She went to the TV cabinet to get the ointment. By the time she turned around, Tang and song had already taken off her clothes and lay naked on the sofa.

The concave and convex back lines, tight and attractive, suddenly hit the eyes of the warbler, full of a strong sense of stimulation, there is a sense of blood spray.

Liu Yingying quickly shook his head and walked towards him. He said roughly, "I'll give you medicine now."

Tang and Song Dynasties issued a monosyllabic section of an en word.

Qin Liang's ointment was applied to his wound, and he felt cold and comfortable immediately, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking the medicine, Liu Yingying said, "lie down for a while. I'll deal with the wound for myself."

The make-up also made her uncomfortable. She went back to her bedroom and took a bath.

After washing, she sat on the bed, took the liquid medicine to sterilize her heel, applied the medicine, after all the cleaning, she went out of the door, and saw that the sofa was empty at a glance.

She frowned to say whether Tang and song had taken care of themselves. As a result, she was patted on her left shoulder. She turned around and wiped his hand on the tip of her nose. At the same time, Tang and song had a faint fragrance in her nose. She was wearing knee length cotton pajamas, but showed a small section of white legs and delicate collarbone. Tang and song thought that she was sexy For a while, I couldn't move my eyes.

Tang and song felt as if they were possessed by a devil. For a moment, their heart beat was disordered and they were not like themselves.

Liu Yingying felt embarrassed. She stepped back alertly and opened the distance between the two people's home. On the tip of her nose, there seemed to be a tingling, which made her a little strange uneasy. She cleared her throat and said, "how are you getting up?"

"Go to the bathroom. I want to ask you where did you buy your toilet paper? It's very useful. I'll introduce you later."


"Oh, now you're OK. I'll give you the medicine, and then you can go back."

…… For a moment, the atmosphere seemed subtle. Tang and song looked at Liu Yingying. Without saying anything, Liu Yingying turned around and took the ointment on the table and gave it to Tang and song: "take it back first. Don't touch the water in these days. Go to the hospital to remove the thread in three days."

"Can't I open it with you?"

"No, I don't have any tools. OK, hurry up. I'm going to have a rest."

Liu Yingying raised his hand, pushed Tang and song out, and then pushed him out of the door directly. Tang and Song said twice outside: "clothes, my clothes, give me my clothes back."

Immediately, a piece of clothes was thrown out of it and covered his head. The door slammed shut again.

Tang and song pulled the wound on their shoulders, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.——

Zhao ChuChu hesitated for a long time in the shadow's ward before slowly approaching the ward.

I heard that the two little nurses said that it was so miserable. In fact, she was worried about it. She had been remembering whether she slept well or not. She was not merciless, and she was just angry. How could she really let it go.

So I secretly looked inside and found that there was no one in the hospital bed.

Why are people missing?

All of a sudden, she was patted lightly on the shoulder. She immediately turned around and found that the person she wanted to see was standing behind her. Although she was wearing the hospital's hospital number clothes, she at least did not look hurt. She was trying to breathe a sigh of relief and at the same time, her face immediately tightened again. She quickly stepped back two steps and walked away without saying anything.

When the shadow saw it, it immediately chased up: "clear, slow down, clear."

The faster the shadow shouted, the faster Zhao ChuChu walked. At last, she even trotted all the way, but she was not familiar with the hospital, and the steps were not big, so she was finally blocked at the end of the hospital corridor.

"Let me go, you let me go!" Zhao ChuChu struggled hard to get rid of the shadow's hand, but the effect was very little. The wrist of the shadow was like a wall of iron. It was so strong that she couldn't get rid of it. She frowned and protested, "you hurt me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Hearing this, Ying quickly released some strength, but did not really let go of Zhao ChuChu, because he was afraid that if he let go, she would disappear like a wisp of smoke.

His chest heaved violently, you could feel his nervousness and uneasiness, and the carefulness in his eyes: "is it better now?"

"Just let go." Zhao ChuChu insisted, but Ying said, "I'm afraid that as soon as I let go, you'll run away. I'm sorry, but I hope you can give me a few minutes to explain."

"Explanation is explanation, gentlemen don't know, let go!"

"If you can forgive me, I'd rather be a villain!"

"Then you don't have to say, you're a total villain in my heart." Zhao ChuChu opens his hand angrily.