Chapter 994

"You know about the number of teachers in the English group."

Night Hong's eyes are gloomy, which makes Feng Lubai's heart jump.

He took a gulp of water nervously, and in a moment he determined his idea.

This matter absolutely can't conceal to Ye Hong!

After the last school board incident, Feng Lubai knew that there was nothing he could hide from this terrible teenager.

"Night school director, I'll review myself first. I forgot to report this to you. It's my fault..."

hearing Feng Liubai's words, Yehong sneered in his heart.

He forgot to report to Lu Bai, but he didn't want to offend Wu school director because of this small quota.

But he was too lazy to poke through the seal. He just said in a deep voice, "who is the most important person in a school?

Are we the school directors? Are you the headmaster?

No, it's students

Ye Hong's tone gradually became severe, and at last he was very powerful and said: "how did you become the headmaster when you forced a student with good character and learning to quit school?"?!

If you don't want to be the headmaster, I will allow you to go back to your hometown without saying a word! "

Feng Lubai was reprimanded, his face was red and white, and his cold sweat couldn't stop flowing.

He bowed over and said in a panic: "night school director, you are right. I'll have someone thoroughly investigate this matter immediately...

" no need. " Night Hong waved his hand, light way: "hold an emergency board meeting."

Feng Lubai's heart was stunned. When the last emergency board meeting was held, there were directly two school directors missing!

Yehong, this is with the opportunity to kill ah!

Feng Lubai contacted the other three school directors with fear and trepidation. 58 reading

That afternoon, in addition to Yehong, the three school directors all came to the school.

It was the familiar meeting room again, and the directors entered the meeting place one after another.

"Night school director, long time no see, you are still so handsome!"

Wu School Dong, who just came in, said hello to Ye Hong.

As the saying goes, people are happy when they have a good time.

The five school directors who once had Zhicai were transferred to Yehong after Mr. Gu told him to transfer his position to Yehong. In addition, Ouyang Zhen was deprived of the position by Ye Hong. Now there are only four school directors, namely, Yehong, Wu, Fang and Chen.

Among them, of course, Yehong's share proportion is the largest, and the power in his hands is also the largest.

Because of his early standing in line and cooperating with Yehong to design Ou Yangzhen, Mr. Wu's voice in the board of directors is second only to Yehong, far more than the other two school directors.

During Yehong's absence from school, Mr. Wu was the man who made the most of his words in the school.

During this period of time, the position of the director of Wu school has leapt a thousand feet, enjoying the pleasure brought by many powers, and he is very elated.

Even her niece Wu Xiaoyan, who always looked down on her, came to ask for her help a few days ago.

In order to show his authority, Mr. Wu solved the matter with a wave of his hand.

Later, although I heard that another teacher affected by this was dissatisfied, how could Mr. Wu care about the thoughts of an ordinary teacher?

He thought that the meeting would be held in an emergency because of this.

In his opinion, it must be Mr. Chen and Mr. Fang who made Ye Hong angry.

After greeting Yehong, the director of Wu School glanced at the other two school directors with schadenfreude eyes.

But night Hong suddenly a word, almost scared Wu School Dong heart attack.

"Mr. Wu, you have a good niece!"