Chapter 995

On the conference table, Ye Hong's cold eyes made him shiver.

The other two school directors, seeing that the wind was blowing towards the Wu school director, immediately put down their stones and showed a smile.

However, Ye Hong suddenly took out a stack of materials and hit the three school directors.

"See for yourself what you've done

In the night Hong's Li drink, three people shaking hands picked up the stack of information.

The more they looked, the more frightened they looked, and the more cold sweat on their faces.

These materials are the "wonderful operations" of the three school directors collected by the yenen branch of Anming county.

"On January 15, Mr Ng arranged for a distant relative of his own for the security room, who often verbally harassed school girls."

"On January 27, Mr. Fang replaced the canteen contractor with his nephew. The quality of the canteen food dropped sharply and the students were greatly dissatisfied."

"On February 11, Mr. Chen received a bribe from the boss of an enterprise and forced his son into a key class. It is learned that the student is usually ignorant, and his grades in various subjects are often hung with red lights."

"On February 18, in order to help his niece win places for further education, he broke the school regulations and decided on the ownership of the places without permission."

"February 25..."

the three did not expect that ye Hong would come up with such a pile of detailed information.

Every scandal exposed above made them pale.

Where did they dare to sit, they all stood up in fear and looked nervously at Yehong.

Night Hong sneer repeatedly: "now know to be afraid, when doing these ugly things, how don't you know awe?"

He knocked on the table and said in a sharp voice, "remember, your business is all invested by me at night.

And I can always take back my investment in you and make you nothing again The first novel

As soon as this was said, the three school directors were completely flustered.

It was Yehong's economic relief that helped them survive.

If ye Hong withdraws capital, the three people will go to the streets to beg.

Therefore, there is no difference between the three people who have a little bit of school management airs around Yehong and constantly admit their mistakes, which is no different from children who beg for mercy from adults.

On the conference table, Feng Liubai looked at the scene in front of him and sighed silently.

Three old men over 150 were eaten to death by a 16-year-old boy.

It's just a dream.

Feng Lubai knew that from now on, there would be only one voice in the school, and the other three school directors would never dare to interfere in the affairs of the school.

Zhicai middle school has really become Yehong's unique asset!

At the meeting of the same day, Yehong reprimanded the three school directors and scolded the three old men to cry.

Naturally, the three also announced that they had withdrawn from the management of the school affairs and concentrated on the business outside the school.

The results of the meeting were not announced to the teachers and students of Zhicai middle school, but from this day on, the teachers and students found that many changes had taken place quietly in the school.

The terrible dining hall was replaced by a new contractor with good quality and low price.

The security guard in the security room was expelled from the school on the spot.

Wu Xiaoyan, a teacher in the English group, announced that she would return her quota to Zhang Xiaoran. Zhang Xuewei, who was suspended from school, was also invited back to class by the principal.

There are many similar changes.

People from Zhicai middle school found that the air in the school seemed to be much cleaner.