Chapter 1798

Forty years ago, four kitchen utensils came into the world.

At the same time, four unique kitchen gods have sprung up, relying on magical dishes to harvest countless fans.

Unfortunately, the good time is not long, four unique have announced the golden basin wash hands one after another.

However, the legend of the four kitchenware has been widely spread, and many people began to have the idea of the four kitchenware.

One of the most powerful forces is the ten ancient tribes in Kyoto.

Four unique wonders, ten ancient towns in Kyoto.

This nursery rhyme was once handed down in Kyoto.

The ten ancient ethnic groups claimed that the four kitchenware were the heirloom of their ancient families, and called on the four unique kitchen gods to hand over the kitchenware.

This move caused discontent among supporters of the four wonders.

There were many conflicts between the two sides, which gradually escalated from minor fights to casualties.

Later, things got worse and worse, and even the ancient martial arts world was involved.

In this war, many people forget that the fuse of the war is the four cooking utensils, but they are constantly fighting each other.

New enemies add to old ones, and many people are red eyed, and the whole ancient martial world is instantly filled with killing.

The ancient people were not spared.

Many ancient clans, once famous, suffered heavy casualties and suddenly declined because of the war.

Among them, there are Naran family, Murong family, Oriental family and so on.

This sudden war is the so-called "catastrophe".

Just when the catastrophe was about to spread to the secular world, the Xuanyuan family, which had been quiet among the top ten ancient clans, made a move.

Xuanyuan family descendant, once set foot on the outskirts of Beijing manor.

One slap wakes up the ancient people, the other slaps the ancient warriors.

With the power of one person, it is time to pull the storm and help the building to tilt.

With the power of one person, we can end the troubled times and eliminate the catastrophe.

And the famous ban. 360 Literature Network

However, after the catastrophe, the whole ancient martial arts world has been in a state of holes.

The silver painter Ge Dan and his wife Fang Qin were also the victims of the catastrophe.

After being involved in the catastrophe, Fang Qin was just an ordinary person, and was injured by the ancient warrior who was killed with red eyes. He was seriously injured and his life was in danger.

With Fang Qin, Ge Dan sought famous doctors all over the world, but he did not have the power to return to heaven.

In his desperation, he ran into a man who claimed to be from the fifth family.

He claimed that there was a way to cure Fang Qin.

But on condition that Gordan obeys the orders of the fifth family.

Gerdan agreed without hesitation.

After that, the fifth family cured fangqin.

Gerdan also did a lot of things for the fifth family.

Later, Gedan and fangqin settled down in the fifth family and got married successfully under the witness of the fifth family.

Because Fang Qin was injured, the body was affected by some, has not been able to conceive the child.

It wasn't until more than a decade ago that they had a daughter.

However, due to physical reasons, coupled with an old woman, Fang Qin did not survive. After giving birth to a daughter for GE Dan, Fang Qin died.

Gerdan is heartbroken and ready to die together.

The fifth family, however, advised him to stay alive.

Because of their daughter.

"I followed the advice and lived in pain.

I didn't want my daughter to grow up in a family that was naturally disabled, and I didn't want to marry again. So I sent my daughter into the fifth family, and the fifth family gave her the status of a family daughter.

And I, as her teacher, silently followed her to protect her... "

with a bitter smile," this is what I want to tell you. "

Night Hong mouth corner smoked, a burst of egg ache.