Chapter 1799

Night Hong egg pain, not the so-called catastrophe.

Because of so much experience, and the intelligence collected at ordinary times, we have already guessed about the so-called catastrophe.

Gedan's words, just as a person who experienced the robbery, helped Yehong to add many details.

Yehong's real egg pain is the information revealed by GE Dan.

In particular, the life experience of the fifth Qinglan.

According to Gerdan, the fifth Qinglan is not a member of the fifth family at all, but the daughter of the fifth family sent by Gerdan.

Her real name should be Ge Qinglan.

But looking at GE Dan's appearance, the fifth Qing Lan should be completely ignorant of this matter.

Now in this situation, if you let her know her life experience, she doesn't know whether to cry or to laugh.

Gedan looked at Yehong's wonderful face, and obviously understood how absurd it was. He touched his nose awkwardly.

"Now we have been abandoned by the fifth family, but I hope you don't disclose this to Qinglan.

I want to wait for her to relax, and then tell her her in person

Hearing Gedan's request, Yehong nodded silently.

This matter is Ge Dan and the fifth Qing Lan's family affairs, oneself need not mix up blindly.

"I understand you want to know more about the fifth family.

However, after all, the fifth family saved Fang Qin and gave Qinglan a wonderful childhood. I have great kindness in Qinglan.

So I can't give you information about the fifth family. I hope you can understand. "

Gerdan had a face of remorse.

Night Hong just saved his life, but he still said this kind of words, old face really do not know where to swing.

"En is en, hatred is hatred. Ge Lao doesn't need to feel guilty. I can understand it."

Night Hong did not care to put his hand.

Although Ge Dan's family can't provide all the information one day, he can't provide all the information.

After leaving the room, night Hong heart has countless thoughts flash. Hot e-books

After understanding the origin of the catastrophe, Yehong jumped out of new doubts.

Is it true that only the ancient clan and the ancient martial world participated in the disaster?

What role does the fifth family play?

Who won the four kitchen utensils that everyone competed for?

What strength are the descendants of Xuanyuan family and how can they suppress the catastrophe with their own strength?

Thinking of night Hong, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Night Hong immediately came to a sudden brake, but also nearly and this figure hit.

"Who are you...

Yehong looks up in anger and finds that the fifth Qinglan is in the way.

She seemed to recover a little, her eyes were not as empty as the days before.

Blushing with shame, head bowed, fingers agitating each other uneasily.

Such a twist posture, night Hong has never seen.

He put his hand on the forehead of the fifth clear LAN and murmured: "strange, no fever."

"Fuck you!"

The fifth Qing Lan angrily patted Night Hong's hand, bit his lips, some embarrassed way: "can I make a small request, just one!"

"You are a prisoner on the island. Do you think you are qualified to ask for it?"

Night Hong facial expression has no expression way.

As he and Gerdan said just now, grace is kindness, hatred is hatred.

What's more, there is no gratitude between the fifth Qinglan and him, only hatred.

"What a prisoner, it's terrible to hear."

Fifth Qing Lan waved his hand and said carelessly, "we have a common enemy, the fifth family.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend.

So we should be allies! "