CH 40

At the end of spring, the kind and lovely little bear would uphold the principle of mutual love and occasionally go on a ‘date’ with Odis so that the big bear could be in a good mood for several consecutive days. 

Why not be generous?

Besides, the hot summer was just around the corner. Based on Qiao Qixi’s understanding of animals, it seemed that no animals would go into heat outside of spring other than dolphins. 

It was hard to imagine how hot it would be for a thousand-pound bear to play pyramid in the summer. 

That was his thoughts at the time. In summer, Alexander felt numb, and his face was a little swollen. 

Odis didn’t go into heat during summer, so he would often walk with Odis. They would chase each other and also roll around on the ground and play together. 

Additionally, there was also the peak restlessness period before bedtime. 

It wasn’t difficult to conclude that physical touch was the key in turning on Odis’ switch. Other than that, he was pretty calm. 

In fact, the big bear was also very calm when they were walking. Sometimes, Qiao Qixi would look at the big bear’s lower body by chance and discover its activeness. 

When he saw that Odis didn’t seem to care and acted as if nothing had happened, the little bear was very curious. 

Ahem, Odis actually left it just like that. 

Was it really not uncomfortable?

After thinking about it, it might be the restlessness of spring that made him uncomfortable. The rest of the seasons were considered to be intermittent, so it wouldn’t be very uncomfortable. 

‘No,’ Qiao Qixi thought. ‘Perhaps only a real polar bear would understand.’

The naive Alexander thought that Odis, this abstinent bear, had gone through a week of baptism on the mountain and felt that XXOO was just so-so. It probably didn’t make him as happy as the legends said, so he had simply transcended the world and returned to his original heart. 

He most likely didn’t want to think about it at all. 

Qiao Qixi combined the curiosity of a human with the curiosity of an underage polar bear. He especially wanted to find an opportunity to try and see if Odis really didn’t want to do it or if the big bear was just pretending. 

There was no time like the present. After lunch, the little bear teased Odis and fought with him. 

Odis had just finished his meal and was still cleaning his claws. He wasn’t aware of the danger that was quietly approaching. 

The little bear suddenly launched a bite attack at the strong Odis. Seeing that the other party didn’t move, he changed to another place to bite. 

After five different attacks, Odis shifted his position while continuing to clean his fur with his butt facing the little bear. 

The opponent Odis didn’t want to fight at all. Qiao Qixi cursed under his breath. 

The little bear didn’t give up. He adjusted his posture and continued to harass Odis. 

After Odis finished licking the last sharp black claw, he let out a few warning sounds. It sounded a little bit like disapproval and a little bit of exasperation, because the little bear loved to play and cry too much. 

He really couldn’t afford to play. 

Of course, this wasn’t the only reason. The real reason might be that Odis was afraid that he couldn’t control his strength well enough and could hurt the little bear. 

Qiao Qixi saw that the big bear was unwilling to fight him. 

Forget it. 

Fortunately, physical contact didn’t have to be achieved by fighting. Bearing the status of Odis’ beloved little bear, Qiao Qixi just wanted to have physical contact with Odis. 

Did he have to find a reason to?

Of course not. He just wanted to be close to his boyfriend. 

The little bear had a belly full of evil tricks as he walked over to Odis, softening his waist and laying down. 

He stretched out his foot that was closest to Odis and scratched the other party’s big furry leg. 

At this second, Odis’ tongue was still licking, but he had licked the air several times in a row now. 

His gaze was focused on the little bear, and the claws and mouth began to drift apart from each other…

It was a bit like a hooligan looking at a beauty on the street. 

It was then that the little bear teasingly scratched again. 

Qiao Qixi didn’t know why he wanted to find out the truth. Maybe it was because he still had a yearning for knowledge. 

Did polar bears really abstain from sex outside of spring?

Odis admired the little bear with a deep gaze and seemed to like this straightforward show of love, so he quickly reacted. 

But that was pretty much it. 

Before the little bear took the initiative to rub against him, Odis was a gentleman and didn’t bully the little bear just because little Odis came out. 

When Qiao Qixi took the initiative to touch him, he squinted his eyes with happiness. 

Of course, he didn’t refuse. Instead, he was quite cooperative. 

After their intimacy, Odis also launched a very enthusiastic ‘fur cleaning service’ for Qiao Qixi. It was no exaggeration to say that he almost licked the little bear bald. 

This action was enough to prove that Odis was pure and simple. 

He was unrestrained in his heart. 

Qiao Qixi always felt that the gains didn’t make up for the losses. It was better not to explore the truth casually next time. 

Anyway, if he didn’t take the initiative, Odis usually wouldn’t be interested in doing something to him. 

This was worthy of praise, but there was one thing that had to be criticized. 

After living together for a long time, Qiao Qixi realized that Odis was quite bad, and there were times when he had a temper and deliberately bullied him. 

For example, like when the mantis stalks the cicada unaware of the oriole behind… that was when the big bear deliberately interrupted the little bear’s hunting so that the prey that the Qiao Qixi should’ve gotten had somehow become Odis’ trophy. 


This kind of act was very much like a rogue, okay?

Every time this happened, Alexander would grit his teeth and think: Forget it, forget it, I won’t be angry.

So what if you caught it? You still have to obediently bring it to me and beg me to eat it!

Also, when they were sleeping together, the matter of who was on top or bottom was a very serious problem.

It had nothing to do with who went up or who went down. It was mainly a matter of attitude. 

Odis clearly knew that he liked to act shamelessly and be petty, but the big bear still liked to always put his paws on top. Every time Qiao Qixi tried to put his paws on top of the other bear, Odis would press him back down again. 

Very quickly, very ruthlessly, and very accurately. 

Every move was full of confrontation, and he didn’t even bother to hide it. 

Ah ah ah, every time the little bear would let out a fierce roar, crying to show that he was angry, extremely angry!

Only then would Odis not go against him. 

Also, occasionally, in order to take revenge, the little bear would muster up the courage to intercept Odis’ prey. This matter could only be complained about in tears. Even if he successfully intercepted and caught the prey, Odis would tear apart the seal piece by piece and chase after him to force-feed him. 

The big bear would then make the little bear eat all of it himself. 

Including the fatty meat, which was the most important part. 

Wasn’t that scary?

Too frightening. 

Therefore, Qiao Qixi had only tried to intercept him once. 

He didn’t dare to do it a second time. 

The good thing was that the next time Odis intercepted him, Qiao Qixi found a way to deal with it. 

It was nothing more than giving him a taste of his own medicine. 

That day, the drone captured Alexander chasing Odis all over the vast Arctic continent with meat in his mouth. From time to time, he would let out a fierce roar. 

The researchers didn’t know what was going on, and they didn’t dare to ask. 

They were afraid that if they investigated further, they would find out that it was just the daily life of two male polar bears. 

Reality proved that they had guessed right. If it were other polar bears, it would be impossible for one bear to force feed a strong male with meat in their mouth. 

It was only… bears in love that would do this kind of thing. 

Although he complained a lot, the little bear still liked Odis very much. 

Odis was very good to him, and he didn’t really bully him. 

On the contrary, Qiao Qixi actually liked it when Odis occasionally showed his childish side, which meant that Odis no longer needed to be vigilant and strong all the time. 

It also meant that the little bear had truly grown up. 

Odis would occasionally treat him as an equal bear of the same age. 

Of course, this occasionally was really only ‘occasionally.’ 

The chances of it happening were still very small. 

As a partner, Qiao Qixi felt that he had to continue working hard. 

Their life in the Arctic was still continuing peacefully. 

It seemed to be the same every day, and even the same types of seals were eaten all year round, but in fact, there were still changes, whether it was to the little bear or Odis, or even the environment around them. 

Every day, it was quietly changing. 

Thinking that polar bears only had a lifespan of 30 years, Qiao Qixi cherished every day very much. 

If he could eat more meat, he would definitely not eat less. If he could hug Odis more, he would definitely not hold back.

The two polar bears’ lives were full of hardships but also warmth. Day after day, they ate and drank. Other than the next meal, they didn’t have to worry about anything else, and there were no emotional entanglements or conflicts. 

This was mainly because they didn’t know how to talk, so they didn’t have to quarrel. 

Secret message T-T please read at

The days passed by very quickly. 

Alexander’s years going from two and half to four and half years old slowly passed, unhurried, and soon became a thing of the past. 

He had been quite busy in the past two years, mainly learning survival skills, mastering the travel route back and forth, and striving to be the model Arctic independent bear. 

Although learning these things might not necessarily make him independent, he definitely wouldn’t be independent if he didn’t learn them. 

Therefore, he had to study hard!

If he were to break up with Odis one day, he would still have his handsome looks and excellent skills. 

It would be easy to find another home. 

Odis would never know that his beloved little bear had such thoughts in his heart. 

No, Alexander was only just thinking about it casually. If he broke up with Odis, he wouldn’t find another home. 

There was no better polar bear than Odis in the Arctic, just like there was no cuter little bear like him in the Arctic. 

Alexander stood on a rock by the water and glanced at his tall and strong reflection in the water. 

He didn’t seem to feel that there was anything wrong with calling himself a cute little bear despite weighing more than 500 kilograms. 

At four and a half years old, his weight had increased to about 600kg, slightly smaller than Odis when he had been at the rescue station. 

But compared to bears of the same age, his physique was above average and could be considered outstanding. 

After growing up, Alexander was still chubby. 

Fortunately, in the animal world, anyone who was chubby was cute. Even when looking for a partner, it was more desirable to find a mate who was chubbier. 

This meant that they didn’t lack food and drink and also had enough ability to hunt successfully. 

Living in the Arctic, Qiao Qixi got rid of another anxiety: worrying too much.

In the past two years, Odis’ weight had been increasing steadily. Other than the change in weight, there didn’t seem to be any changes to his personality. 

This was normal for animals. When they passed the growth period and finished shaping their social image, they would pretty much stay the same until they were old. 

Even if there were changes, it would only be slight changes. 

In the past two years, Odis’ aura had only become stronger and more domineering. The whole bear looked more reserved. 

That was all. 

Everything else was very stable, including his feelings for the little bear. Odis, this calm guy, still loved the little bear as much as he had in the past three years. 

Maybe… this was the benefit of dating a polar bear?

A warm spring had just passed, but unfortunately, it was still difficult to be alone. 

Even Odis, who was usually patient and wasn’t too keen on bullying the little bear, couldn’t help exploring Alexander’s lower abdomen three times a day during spring. 

He confirmed with his smell, didn’t believe it, and then re-confirmed with his taste. Finally, he believed that Alexander was not mature yet. 

Qiao Qixi was helpless. He didn’t know how to tell Odis that the big bear didn’t have to inspect him everyday. He would only mature next spring. 

Also, he had every reason to worry that Odis would stare at him every day. Would his little brother (little Qiao Qixi lol) be so scared that he wouldn’t dare to come out?

Let’s talk about the activities of the research station for the past two years. The recording work was still ongoing. 

There were no changes to the staff who were already there. Instead, there was some new blood. 

Qiao Qixi wished them good luck and success with their work in the Arctic region. 

Since following Odis two years ago, the photography team hadn’t focused on following the male polar bear couple for the past two springs. 

They knew that Odis wasn’t interested in other females. The researchers predicted that it would only be meaningful to follow them in the spring of 202X, when Alexander would become sexually mature. 

During the rest of the time, the humans wouldn’t disturb this loving ‘little’ couple. 

Perhaps it was more appropriate to use the word ‘big’ to describe them. As they grew older, Alexander’s weight had increased to a considerable extent. It made him and Odis look like they were about the same size. 

People no longer had to worry that Odis would crush the petite Alexander. 

An objective fact was that when Alexander and Odis joined forces, they could be said to be the strongest fighting force in the Arctic. 

This was an advantage that other male polar bears didn’t have. 

There was one more thing worth mentioning. Sigh, after Alexander grew up, his beloved yellow bucket had become too small, and unfortunately, it could no longer fit on his head.

However, Alexander didn’t abandon it because he still liked it very much. 

Fans expressed their willingness to pay for a suitable-sized bucket as a gift for Alexander. 

The research station hurriedly said that there was no need. It was too unsuitable, and Alexander might not like it. 

Thus, the matter could only be dropped. 

Yes, Qiao Qixi had picked up the small yellow bucket from the sea back then, so that there was one less piece of marine garbage floating in the ocean and one more property belonging to himself. This was the best of both worlds. 

If it was a gift, then there was no need. 

The groggy little bear woke up when he heard the sound of ice being pushed. He quickly ran to the water’s edge, waiting to enjoy the spectacular natural scenery. 

This was because the layer of ice on the water’s surface was being pushed by big waves. 

The strength of the big waves in the sea directly pushed the icy water against the layer of solid ice, forming all kinds of sharp and strange shapes. 

They were like crystals, reflecting all kinds of light from the sun. 

In fact, Qiao Qixi watched it every year, but he still didn’t get tired of it. 

He would come out as soon as there was movement, just like a child waiting for a movie. 

Odis didn’t seem to be too interested in this. If he happened to be awake, he would come over with Qiao Qixi. Anyway, it was the same for him wherever he was. 

If he was sleeping, then he would get up and go to another place to continue sleeping. 

However, the movement of the pushing ice was a little noisy. Odis could only lie on the iceberg and close his eyes to rest, but he couldn’t really fall asleep. 

Even though Odis knew that the little bear would no longer be in danger, his long-term habits still seemed to be deeply imprinted in his mind. 

Therefore, he still insisted on staying within a 20-meter radius of the little bear and wouldn’t take his eyes away from him. 

Unless the little bear secretly went out to hunt, just like now. 

After Qiao Qixi was done admiring the spectacular view of the sea, he was ready to hunt a seal. 

He looked at the huge figure sleeping on the iceberg and didn’t want to disturb the big bear, so he walked away quietly. 

However, not longer after he left, he glanced back and saw that the big guy was following him sleepily. 

It looked like he hadn’t even woken up fully yet. 

Qiao Qixi more or less felt helpless. His polar bear boyfriend was good in every way except that he was a little clingy. 

After walking for a while, Odis fully woke up, and his eyes regained their sharpness. 

He acted in a gentle manner after catching up with the little bear’s footsteps, rubbing against the other party briskly and then taking the responsibility of hunting onto himself. 

The big bear became responsible for leading the way. 

Qiao Qixi knew that he wouldn’t have to work today, and so it was just another day of being a vase and cheerleader. (TN: Being a vase basically means someone who doesn’t contribute but takes up resources.)

He didn’t want to say it, but it wasn’t good for a couple to always be like this. 

Although he knew that Odis could afford to raise him, wouldn’t be too burdened, and would even be very happy to feed him, there were so much more that he couldn’t list them all, and if he tried to, he would be suspected of pretending to be humble but wanting to show off. 

(TN: The text is 再說下去不免會有凡爾賽的嫌疑 which basically touches on the subject of a Chinese internet slang of ‘Versailles literature’ aka Fan Xue (凡学) that describes someone who brags about something in a ‘humble’ manner. So someone who lives a luxurious life and wants to inadvertently reveal their superior lifestyle through self-criticism/self-questioning, pretending to complain or be dissatisfied but actually wanting to show off. How interesting!)

The little bear, who firmly believed that he was still very young, used his considerable furry butt to happily bump Odis’ furry butt. 

Hehe, I’m going hunting with my boyfriend.

Odis had always been calm and steady, so he usually didn’t react to the little bear’s naughtiness. 

His pupils, which were squinted in the sunlight, only dilated a little in reaction, but there was no big movement. 

Of course, he still glanced at the bear next door. 

Qiao Qixi stayed obediently for a moment. As he walked, he stared at Odis’ tail again. 

Polar bears’ tails were very short, about 10 centimeters long. The shape was very similar to a rabbit’s tail and looked very cute. 

Recently, Alexander has been very obedient, so it has been a long time since he pulled Odis’ tail. 

This time, Odis couldn’t bear it. In the end, his eyes widened, and he chased after Qiao Qixi on the ice. 

“Wu wu wu wu wu wu wu wu.”

Comrade Qiao Qixi once again showed the people of the Arctic what it meant to love to play and cry at the same time. 

Odis: “…”

The little bear was dazed when he felt the big bear’s forceful pressure on top of him. 

But Odis seemed obviously a little unwilling to let it go just like that. 

After a momentary stalemate, Odis finally compromised, and he gently bit the little bear’s two ears in turn. 

Then he let the other party go. 

Qiao Qixi didn’t understand Odis’ hobby. If he liked to bite ears, then just bite the ear at once. Why did he need to keep nibbling and teasing…

Probably just social behavior showing affection. 

After the playful banter came to an end, the two polar bears felt hungry. They finally remembered that they had to finish carrying out their previous hunting plan to the end. 

Before the ‘conflict’ between them happened, their keen sense of smell had already detected a seal nearby. It hadn’t been far away, just needed to catch up. 

Now that they stretched their necks and sniffed the air again, there wasn’t even the smell of seal feces in the air, let alone the scent of a seal. 

Obviously, the scent of the fat seal had slipped away. 

The little bear kicked Odis. “Ao ao!” 

It’s all your fault!

Odis looked around, but in the end, he still couldn’t find the scent of a seal. 

It seemed that the seal was indeed gone. 

He, who had calmed down from the playful banter, shrugged his eyebrows and licked his lips in disappointment. 

Qiao Qixi chose a direction and continued to walk forward. Based on his sixth sense, there should still be traces of the seal. 

Odis followed the little bear. It seemed that he was determined to intercept the little bear’s prey today. 

The little bear’s intuition was very accurate. After about three kilometers, he detected the scent of the seal again. 

Odis, who was following beside him, naturally detected it too. 

“…” Qiao Qixi’s heart skipped a beat. Was Odis trying to intercept his prey again?

That wouldn’t do. His claws were almost rusty. He used his fat body to block in front of Odis, not allowing the other party to move forward. 

He wasn’t allowed to steal his prey!

Odis, who was blocked, took a detour. 

“Wu wu wu wu.” The little bear cried and blocked in front of him, not at all acting reasonably. 

Odis was helpless to do anything. 

Qiao Qixi put the small yellow bucket in front of him and let him be responsible for looking after it.