CH 41

An ordinary plastic bucket managed to hold down a huge polar bear weighing more than 800 kilograms. 

If Qiao Qixi hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed it. However, Odis did compromise. When the little bear looked back three times, he saw Odis obediently guarding the bucket. 

Qiao Qixi laughed secretly, but at the same time, he felt warm inside. 

Because he knew that it wasn’t Little Yellow who held Odis back, but himself. 

No matter what animal it was, hunting was always a dangerous thing. They might get hurt and bleed, and they might never return. 

Qiao Qixi hunting alone in front of Odis was undoubtedly sending a message to Odis saying: I want to be a bear who can charge into battle alone, and maybe I might never return, but you can’t follow me or else I’ll be angry and ignore you.

Therefore, Odis couldn’t be calm. 

It was just that the little bear had strongly requested it, so he had no choice but to agree. 

The big polar bear seemed to be calmly watching the little bear leave, but in reality, his heart must be going through a tug-of-war to decide whether it was better to anger the little bear or indulge in the little bear’s willfulness. 

In the end, he still couldn’t do anything. 

He probably didn’t want to make the little bear angry. 

After completely leaving Odis’ line of sight, the worried Qiao Qixi seemed to be able to sense Odis’ concern, so he decided to end the hunt quickly and bring the prey back as soon as possible to appease the big guy. 

Before Qiao Qixi returned, he thought that Odis might be unhappy, the usual ordinary kind of unhappy. 

But he didn’t expect that Odis would immediately rush over after smelling blood, having red eyes and a strong aura of concern around him. 

Ah, the situation seemed a little serious. 

Odis was usually very introverted and rarely had big emotional changes, but a certain little bear knew very well that these rare events always seemed to have something to do with him every time. 

“Ao ao.” Qiao Qixi dropped his prey and ran over to hug and comfort Odis. 

He stopped just short of kissing because he had just killed a seal, and his face was covered in blood. 

However, Odis didn’t mind. He turned his head and carefully licked the blood off the little bear who was almost as big as him. He only calmed down after he finished licking the little bear clean. 

Animals’ emotions came and went quickly. Seeing that the little bear was safe and sound, Odis began to enjoy the spotted seal on the ground without any hesitation. 

Qiao Qixi also ate, but at the same time, he thought about the fact that Odis seemed to really be against him hunting. 

It even caused great emotional fluctuations, which was very bad for the body. 

Alright, then he would stop torturing Odis’ little heart in the future. 

In fact, a polar bear’s heart was not small. For a bear with a huge body like Odis, its heart would be at least the size of a human head. 

From that day on, Qiao Qixi was very obedient and no longer sneaked out to hunt without Odis. 

Therefore, during this period, Odis was in a very good mood. 

He wouldn’t let the little bear leave his sight to hunt alone, but he could accept the little bear hunting with him. He would contribute, and the little bear would watch. 

Little Bear Qiao Qixi: Bullshit, it’s clearly a three to seven split!

This division of labor was very suitable as it wouldn’t tire Odis too much and it wouldn’t make Qiao Qixi’s claws become useless. 

He felt that the progress of adapting to each other in this relationship had improved a little. It was just a matter of time before they became soulmates. 

During this summer’s southward migration, Qiao Qixi obtained the right to lead from Odis by acting spoiled. He was the one who would lead the way throughout the entire process. It was time to see if he, who had traversed this route so many times, had turned from a useless bear to a useful one.

Swimming was different from hunting. Odis didn’t seem to be worried because he was always by the little bear’s side. If something were to happen, he would be able to help in time. 

The drone was also able to capture the scene of the two polar bears migrating southward this year. Oh, it seemed that Alexander was actually the one leading this year. This was too shocking. 

#This Summer, Alexander Will Lead the Southward Migration#

: Clap clap clap. I hope Odis doesn’t get brought to the shark-infested waters. 

: (facepalm/) (facepalm/) (facepalm/) Really? Alexander has grown up, and he’s actually the leading bear this year?

: Odis sure dotes on him. He actually entrusted such a huge matter to Alexander. 

: I still remember the terrifying tale of Alexander bringing Odis into the wolf’s den last summer. 

: It’s alright, they’re always by each other’s side. If there’s a problem, Odis will correct it. 

: Support +1. Alexander should have known how to swim the route a long time ago. I think that Odis did the right thing. 

: Odis will probably quickly regret that he only allowed Alexander to lead the way when he’s almost five years old, which I don’t think is anything to brag about. 

On the surface of the ocean, Odis, who was having to carry the burden of many crimes, followed closely behind the little bear. When Odis’ judgment deviated from the route taken, the method he chose was not to correct it but to stop following it. 

The troublemaker Alexander knew that he had led the wrong direction. While feeling ashamed, he quickly swam back and chose a new direction. 

Qiao Qixi really couldn’t be blamed for not remembering the route. Even though he had traveled back and forth so many times, he still possessed a human’s way of thinking. 

This meant that he was destined to doubt whether his memory was correct and would experience hesitation and difficulty in decision-making. 

Real wild polar bears didn’t have this kind of problem. 

They were quite confident in their own judgment and rarely made mistakes. 

When Qiao Qixi returned to Odis’ side, Odis didn’t make fun of him. Instead, he rubbed against the little bear, who was not in a good mood, and encouraged him to set off again. 

Qiao Qixi also rubbed against Odis. In fact, the annoying drone was the reason he was depressed. He looked up, thinking that he really wanted to send this thing back to where it came from, but he couldn’t do it. 

The two-faced little bear could only whine and beg. Please delete the record of me swimming in the wrong direction, please.

Qiao Qixi’s humble begging didn’t receive any pity from the staff. His performance during this southward migration was repeatedly watched countless times. 

The most outrageous thing was that the multiple scenes of Alexander swimming in the wrong direction and being corrected by Odis was cold-bloodedly edited by the staff. 

A total of eight mistakes were made into a five-minute video. 

Not long after, this video became Alexander’s most viewed work. 

Qiao Qixi: There’s something wrong with you guys…

Odis, who loved the little bear, was still very calm, as if the little bear’s eight mistakes weren’t worth his attention. 

After climbing ashore, Qiao Qixi even felt that Odis, who was licking his fur, was looking at him with praise. 

“…” The little bear Qiao Qixi’s feelings were too complicated. 

Speaking of which, did Odis mean that there was no harm if there was no comparison?

If there was a slightly better child, then Odis would definitely know how bad his child was. 

However, the southward migration was over, and Qiao Qixi wouldn’t remember this terrible first experience. 

Anyway, there would be another chance. 

So the question was, would Odis still let him lead the way next time?

The little bear Qiao Qixi thought shyly: Although I swam wrong eight times, I still dare to think about the next time.

This was Alexander’s fourth summer in the Arctic. He seemed to be very familiar with the place. As a grown-up, he already knew what he was going to face next. 

The past three years have not been without good news. 

According to accurate human statistics, the climate in the Arctic hadn’t continued to deteriorate, and it had remained almost the same for more than three years. 

The annual sea ice didn’t decrease, but of course, it didn’t increase either. 

This was good news for all animals that relied on the sea ice to survive. 

It was fortunate that the climate didn’t suffer from continuous deterioration, but even so, the current living environment for polar bears was still terrible. 

Except for the first year when they had encountered a beached whale not long after they came ashore, the little bear and Odis had a hard time in the past two years. It was common for them to not have enough food to eat, but it wasn’t to the extent that they would starve their bodies. 

They had encountered a polar bear that had fallen on the road because of hunger, and it looked too pitiful. The image struck the heart directly, but they were helpless and could only silently pass by the polar bear. 

Luckily, their lives were not in danger. 

Odis had found a fixed place to spend the summer in the past two years, and it provided their basic needs. 

Alexander had always been thinking about the cabin, but they didn’t go there last year or the year before. As for the reason, it was very simple. The owner of the cabin had learned his lesson. 

After being burglarized by the polar bears once before, he didn’t dare to leave any extra food in the cabin. 

Of course, the owner of the cabin didn’t necessarily know that the burglars were two polar bears. It could’ve also been humans. 

After all, there wasn’t even a bottle of hard liquor left. 

This was too much like the work of a human being, a despicable drunkard with low morals who didn’t even spare the stinky dried fish. 

It was a pity that they couldn’t go to the cabin. 

Qiao Qixi even complained for a while about the shrewdness of humans. It was a pity that they couldn’t eat delicious canned fruit. 

As a polar bear who hadn’t tasted sweets for a long time, Alexander often dreamt of candy in his sleep and cried. He guessed that Odis also wanted to eat sweet things like himself. 

This problem was easy to solve. Bees liked to build their nests in familiar old places. 

Alexander, who was more than 500 kilograms, was ready to go search for honey when passing by the familiar areas. He had remembered four or five such familiar old places in the past five years. 

It was time to harvest again this summer. 

In fact, in nature, the human-thinking Qiao Qixi was not the only animal that would do this. The memory system of animals was very effective, and they would firmly remember events, feelings, and places. 

For example, they wouldn’t go to a place where they had been injured before. 

If there was a place with delicious food, they would explore it again and again. It was that simple and direct. 

Odis wasn’t a greedy polar bear. If he lived alone, Qiao Qixi was afraid that he wouldn’t go out into the forest to dig for beehives. 

Digging for beehives didn’t match the domineering Odis.

Of course, Qiao Qixi didn’t let him do it now anyway. The little bear would always bring back the spoils of war to share with him. 

The two polar bears enjoyed the sweet taste, and there was the inevitable scene of licking each other. 

Just next to the bush, the robbed bees were still circling around, but today was different from the past. Alexander was no longer afraid of being stung by bees. 

After he grew up, the bees couldn’t hurt him at all. 

The sticky honey inevitably got on his mouth, chest, and claws. However, Odis licked and cleaned the little bear’s fur until he got to Alexander’s lower abdomen. 

Alexander kicked the big polar bear’s face away for no reason. 

What was he doing?

Odis took a step back to avoid being kicked. This was because the little bear was no longer the same little bear as before. If he was kicked by the little bear’s foot…

If he was kicked, it would more or less hurt a little. 

Qiao Qixi also noticed this detail. He couldn’t help but sigh as he remembered that when he was three years old, Odis didn’t even care if he ran into him after a 100-meter sprint. 

Haha, are you scared now?

The occasionally naughty little bear stood up and pressed down on Odis. 

He wrapped his arms around Odis’ neck and opened his mouth to roar. In a standard polar bear duel, he initiated a male challenge. 

Odis: “…” 

Odis narrowed his eyes and licked the little bear’s face. He looked like he was very protective of this opponent. 

Alexander became bored of howling by himself, so after a few times, he got tired and got down from Odis to rest. 

After resting in the shade for a while, the two polar bears slowly continued their journey. 

Secret message T-T please read at

Not long after, Odis brought the little bear back to the stone house and taught the little bear his last lesson: fasting. 

This was a normal routine for adult polar bears. 

There was a period of time every summer when they would find a place to hide, and they didn’t eat, drink, or defecate. 

In the summers of previous years, all the researchers knew that Odis had never stopped hunting. 

That was because Alexander was still young and needed to eat a fixed amount of nutrients to survive the summer. 

Now that Alexander had grown up, of course his treatment wasn’t as good as when he was young. 


Qiao Qixi thought that their next step was to hunt for beluga whales.

“Wu wu wu wu wu.”

Qiao Qixi didn’t want to sleep, so he pushed Odis. Why did they have to skip the part of hunting for beluga whales?

He still wanted to showcase his valiant hunting skills to make up for his previous defeat by the beluga whales. 

Without the part of the journey where they hunted for beluga whales, how could he appear to the research station after losing face?

The big glutinous rice ball, who weighed more than 500 kilograms, stuck close to Odis and acted coquettishly. He wanted to go hunt beluga whales. 

Odis was pushed to the left and right, and his back was pressed tightly against a big rock. At this moment, the rock that was stuffed into the crack of the house was suddenly knocked down by their movement. 

Alexander immediately froze. Apparently, he had forgotten that with his current weight, fighting with Odis was not considered fighting but rather shaking the earth. 

Then, he could only be gentler. 

The little bear wasn’t shy at all. He continued to rub Odis’ neck and chest. 

Odis tried to hug him. Although he couldn’t hug him tightly, he still doted on him. 


The big bear pretended to roar and warned the little bear to sleep quietly. 

“Wu wu wu wu.” Alexander tried his best to express himself and let the other party know that he didn’t want to be forced to sleep in the stone house. 

He wanted to go out and have fun. 

Let’s catch beluga whales!

Odis was too lazy. Even when it came to eating kelp, he only liked to eat bundles of kelp that appeared by the roadside. 

He licked the little bear’s ears while he was at it.

He licked it twice and even took a bite. 

The big polar bear was in a good mood. 

After half an hour trying to communicate, the little bear realized that Odis was actually playing dumb. The other party was actually very smart and understood the little bear’s intentions. 

When he didn’t want to agree, he would just play dumb. 

This was what Qiao Qixi had concluded. He accepted the fact that Odis wouldn’t take him out to catch beluga whales. 

Then why were they still sleeping together?

Wasn’t it hot?

Alexander sensibly rolled to the other side to sleep. 

Because of the limited space in the stone house, even if he slept against the other wall, he was still very close to Odis. 

Odis carefully leaned over and found a comfortable position. Satisfied, he leaned against Qiao Qixi and began to sleep. 

Ever since he picked up a little bear to raise, Odis hadn’t slept well for a long time. 

This was similar to how a mother wouldn’t sleep well after giving birth to a child.

Now that the child had finally grown up, Odis wanted to sleep soundly.

How could he master the technique of falling into a deep sleep?

Qiao Qixi was obviously not very familiar with it. When he woke up, only a few hours had passed.

Odis was still sleeping, and it was a deep sleep too. 

Fortunately, he wasn’t snoring. 

Qiao Qixi scratched his feet out of boredom. He couldn’t go out to play nor catch beluga whales, so he could only continue to try to induce sleepiness.

Deep sleep, deep sleep, and deep sleep. 

He really admired polar bears that could sleep for a month if they wanted to.

Sigh. The little bear opened his eyes and couldn’t help but get up. He secretly went out to catch two fish. 

After he had a good meal, he went back to sleep.

He was very lucky because this time, he actually succeeded in falling asleep deeply.

In the stone house by the sea, two polar bears fell into a deep sleep and didn’t move around at all.

Therefore, their still positions attracted the attention of the research station. 

The researchers sent Little Stone to understand the situation.

Once again, Little Stone stepped into the territory of the two polar bears and sneakily wandered around the area. 

That was enough to understand the exact situation. 

It turned out that Odis and Alexander were sleeping.

#Alexander’s First Deep Sleep in the Summer#

: In the past, they didn’t sleep in the summer. What’s wrong with this summer? Is it because there isn’t enough food?

The headlines quickly aroused people’s concerns. 

: No, this is a common practice for polar bears. As long as they can afford to use up their fat, it is fine. 

: Laughing and crying. It’s probably because Odis is lazy and doesn’t want to run around in the summer to find food for Alexander. 

: After all, he’s grown up. The treatment will be different. Hahaha, poor Alexander. 

In fact, Qiao Qixi felt that it was good for him to sleep with Odis because they could afford to use up their fat. 

There was limited food on the shore, so he could let the other polar bears eat. He couldn’t eat it anyway. 

He didn’t know if anyone was now occupying the entrance of the tributary that was usually full of beluga whales. 

How was the big sister bear whom they had met two years ago? 

Many years of living in the Arctic had enriched Alexander’s dreams. 

Now, there were very few human figures in his dreams. Instead, Odis’ figure began to appear more often. 

As the saying goes, a day in heaven is a year on earth. A polar bear’s sleep was a month in the human world. 

While they were sleeping, time flew by quietly. 

Of course, it didn’t mean that there was never an instance in which they woke up during the deep sleep. 

Odis woke up twice, and licked the little bear’s head after seeing that the little bear was still sleeping and that there were no threats around. 

He continued to sleep. 

This was the same as a parent taking care of a child. It was different whether there was a cub or not, but even if the parent slept soundly, they would keep watch for the child. 

When the two bears first fell asleep, the weather was hot, so the two polar bears weren’t very close to each other. Later, when polar night arrived, the temperature dropped.

The two bears couldn’t help but hug each other. 

Odis hugged Alexander from behind. Even though the little bear was all grown up, Alexander still felt soft when Odis hugged him. 

Oh, maybe because there was also a lot of meat. 

The happy Alexander woke up and realized that the sky was dark. 

The stars hung in the sky, blinking at him. 

Alexander’s eyes were hazy as he remembered his previous ambition. He seemed to have said that he wanted to take on the responsibility of leading the way back. 

He looked outside. Aiya, there was so much fog on the water’s surface. This was too scary. 

Forget it. As long as he gave up fast enough, failure wouldn’t be able to catch up with him. 

However, a voice in his heart said, “You can do it, little bear.”

The little bear once again felt re-inspired and kicked Odis awake.


It’s going to snow soon. Weren’t they going to return back home?

Odis looked outside lazily and then hung his arm over his head to continue sleeping.

Qiao Qixi translated what his boyfriend’s actions meant: It’s not snowing yet, right?

Okay, okay, fine. Sleep for a while more. 

While his boyfriend was sleeping, Alexander went to the sea with the bucket in his mouth.

The little yellow bucket had been traveling with the two polar bears all these years. It was still in good condition, and the quality was still excellent. 

Alexander put the fish he caught into the bucket. After accumulating enough fish to fill the bucket, he happily brought it back to the stone house. 

As a surprise gift for his boyfriend, he hoped that the other party would like it. 

Odis smelled the fish, opened his eyes, and came out to stretch. 

When he received Qiao Qixi’s gift, which was a bucket full of fish, he stared at it for a long time as if asking: Is this for me? Really?

The big bear’s dumbfounded expression was too cute. 

Qiao Qixi: Yes, yes, yes, yes~

It’s for you. Eat one!

After more than a month of sleep, the big polar bear was very hungry now. It was impossible for Odis to not want to eat, but instead of first eating the bucket of fish that had been given to him, he pressed down Alexander and rolled around on the beach happily.

It was as if the most important thing after waking up was not to eat food but to be intimate with his little bear. 

Qiao Qixi clearly felt Odis’ enthusiasm. 

After being happy, it still wasn’t time to eat the fish. 

Odis calmed down and carefully licked the little bear that had just come back from the sea. 

The little bear’s fur was wet and needed to be cleaned. The vulnerable parts that had not been cleaned for more than a month also needed to be taken care of, such as the eyes and so on. 

Odis carefully tended to all the parts of the little bear that needed to be cleaned. 

After everything was done, there was nothing else to do. Odis seemed to be looking at the bucket of fish very happily, and he finally took one fish and began eating it gracefully. 

The big bear ate while Qiao Qixi watched while in a good mood.

“Ao~” The little bear, who was speaking softly, thought to himself: See, Odis? Actually, I am as strong as you.

So please don’t worry when your boyfriend goes hunting alone.